how foolish

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Ethan grabs your hand but you quickly swing the brick at him but he dodges it by leaning back "now it wasn't until I saw that photograph of what you'd actually done to him that I knew!" Yelled Bailey you look for somewhere to run but Quinn was blocking the side from where you were standing

"That I knew you had to fucking die you had to be punished along with anyone else who stands in our way" said Bailey pointing at you guys Quinn goes up to Sam waving the knife in her hand looking at her dad "there she is there's the fucking killer" said Quinn moving the knife to sam's neck

"Real great parenting job by the way" you said out of breath "shut your whore fucking mouth!" Yelled Quinn pushing you forward making you lose your balance and fall on the floor Tara and Sam were quick to get to you "are you okay?" Asked Tara helping you up on your feet again

"Have I been a perfect dad? No have I maybe overindulged Richie's love of these little movies? Yeah maybe for me there just a little dark but Richie really loved them... He loved them he even made a few of his own did you know... Did you know" said Bailey standing in front of you guys then turning around to face the screen that was playing a film of Richie

"𝑆𝑜 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑘 𝐼 𝑑𝑖𝑑𝑛'𝑡 𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑎 ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑖𝑑𝑎𝑦 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑤𝑒𝑙𝑙 𝐼 𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑜 𝑜𝑘𝑎𝑦? 𝐼 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑦 𝑑𝑖𝑑 𝑡𝑟𝑦" said a younger version of Richie you all were looking at the screen honestly when you first saw Richie you thought that he was gay until Sam told you that he was actually her boyfriend which came as a surprise to you

"There's a very special bond between a father and his first son" said Bailey walking closer to the screen you looked back at Ethan who was looking at you and pointing the knife at you, you don't know what expression he had on his face it was hard to read you turned back at Bailey feeling tears fall from your face

"Which is why I helped him build this collection" said Bailey turning to face you guys "this was all his?" Asked Sam looking side to side "yes he's a very passionate collector and he inspired others we had to kill those two wannabe film students because well we had to kill you first Sam" said Bailey looking right at Sam

"I put the theater in their name then good old detective Bailey would have just stumbled on it but I didn't have to because by golly that gale weathers is one hell of a journalist I built a tribute to my son which is why this is where you have to die sam surrounded by all the things he loved the most" said Bailey looking at the stuff

"What happens next? After you're done with us you just disappear?" Said Sam making Bailey chuckle "no we got to hurry and go to the hospital and make sure Mindy and gale don't pull though because everybody dies sam! Everyone who had anything to do with the death of my son suffers and dies" said Bailey pointing the gun at sam

"Yeah!" Yelled Ethan "fuck yeah they do!" Yelled Quinn you felt your lip wobble a bit as you reach for sam's shirt as you hold it from behind you weren't scared of them you knew that the three of you guys will get out alive but you just felt so hurt and you knew what was going to happen to Ethan

You choke up a sob "oh y/n now is not the time for tears" said Ethan with a smile "now put on the mask" said Bailey looking at Sam "he was... so pathetic" Whispered Sam looking down "that's not true" said Bailey in a offended tone "yeah your son" said Sam as you and Tara looked at each other

"He was a man baby who made his girlfriend do all the killing" said Sam looking up "he was a strong virile young man!" Said Bailey "he was a limp dick little fuck who cried before I slit his throat" said Sam as you let out a chuckle "shut the fuck up!" Yelled Quinn going at you guys but Tara was quick to swing the brick at her face

Bailey was about to do something but you guys heard gun shots you turned around and saw Kirby who was shooting at Bailey "Sam! Y/n! Come on!" Yelled Tara as you turned around to face Ethan taking a few steps back tripping on Quinn's body but you got up and grabbed Ethan's hand

"Ethan please... Please don't do this" you said standing in front of him Kirby was about to do something but you signal on her to wait "you don't understand I have to do this you guys... No Sam killed my brother that is something I can't forget or forgive" said Ethan looking away from you

You let out a sob as you hold on to him tighter you didn't want to let him go "now move" said Ethan pushing you aside and jump on Kirby "recognize this?" Said Ethan stabbing Kirby with a smile "fuck you" said Kirby as Sam quickly slams a brick on Ethan's head and runs over to you

Sam gave you a frown as she held your hand while tears fell from your face you knew that she knows what you are going through in this moment "I know it hurts right now but I need you to go with Tara I'll take care of the rest" said Sam giving you a gentle nudge pushing you forward

"Sorry but I'm going to need this" you heard Sam say she grabs the knife from Kirby "fuck him up" said Kirby as Ethan gets up "what are you going to do about it bitch?" Said Ethan holding his head as Sam runs at him stabbing him multiple times as he screams you hurry up and went to Tara

"Y/n!" Said Tara climbing up the ladder "Sam come on!" You yelled climbing up the ladder once you guys were on top you guys are walking making sure not to lose your balance Sam was in front and you were behind her and Tara was behind you "be careful" tara said as Sam goes over something

"Come on" said Sam you were about to go over it but a bullet was shot causing you to lose your balance and fall but Tara quickly grabs your hand and Bailey starts laughing "go and get her" you heard him say Sam moves her hand towards you to grab but her hand was all bloody and slippery no matter how many times you tried to grab it you just couldn't

"I can't grab you" you said with a sob "it's okay" said Sam "I can't!... I can't grab on!" You said still trying to grab her hand Ethan jumps trying to stab your feet but you quickly put your feet up "no!" Yelled Tara and Sam as Ethan tries again "I always wanted to stick something in you y/n!" Yelled Ethan pointing his knife at you

"Fuck you!" You Yelled with a sob "fuck you!" Yelled Ethan back you hold on to sam's hand when she looks to her side only to see Quinn there "you guys are so fucked now!" Yelled Ethan with a laugh "Tara! Sam! You guys... Let me go" you said "no!" Yelled Tara holding you tighter

"Yeah let her go you guys come on I promise to be gentle with her!" Yelled Ethan as he jumps Trying to stab you again "fuck!" He yelled "trust me" you whispered Tara let's out a small sob looking at you as she loosens her grip on you a little "you guys have to let me go" you said as Quinn starts getting closer Sam let's out a small sob as well

Sam let's go of your hand and reaches towards her pocket pulling out the knife and giving it to you, you nod as the two of them let you go and you let out a gasp while falling once you were on the floor Ethan goes towards you with a smirk on his face "I'm sorry it has to end this way y/n" he said although he didn't sound or look sorry

"No I'm sorry" you said moving closer to him as you grab his face and get closer to his lips you then start to kiss Ethan while he returns the favor but soon you let out a gasp when you felt a sharp pain in your back making you pull away from the kiss "got you" said Ethan as you shove the knife in his mouth making him gasp

"Shh... I know... I know" you whispered looking at him as Ethan looks at you with those sad puppy eyes making you look away with tears "I loved you Ethan" you whispered in his ear as you felt his hand hold your back pulling you closer to him you pulled out the knife out of his mouth

"But some things aren't just meant to be" you whispered standing up and looking up at Sam and Tara Sam had a gun pointed at Quinn as Quinn was looking at you with wide eyes like she couldn't believe you did that "looks like your down another brother" said Sam with a smile Quinn runs at her but Sam shoots her in the head

Ethan landry x fem reader 𝙄 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙖 𝙗𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙨 COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now