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Year 5789. (Waheed)

"Your highness! Your highness, please wake up." Waheed heard footsteps rushing towards him and someone shaking him. He was about to open his eyes, when he felt someone picking him up in their arms and heading outside of his chamber.

Who dared to hold me? How Insolent?

He was getting agitated and infuriated because someone dared to put their hands on him and wake him up. When he opened his eyes and saw the worried face of Nyx's maid, his anger washed over with uncertainty and fear.

Nyx? Where is Nyx?

"Your highness, we have been attacked. Her Majesty asked me to pick you up. We need to leave the palace!"

What? Nyx?

"Where is Nyx?" Waheed desperately asked.

Father died. We are not safe.

He remembered Nyx words, when his father died, she said, "I'll keep you safe and when you grow up, you will keep me safe."

Where is She?

When they made out of his chambers to the foyer, he heard the swords clashing and saw the red floor, people lying there, their wounds open.

Are they dead?


Waheed eyes widened and he started trembling, the thought of Nyx being hurt or in danger, crippled him with anxiety and worry. He felt the maid, carrying him in his arm, stroking his back as she rushed towards the pool of red. She was saying something but he couldn't hear the words as he saw the foyer swarmed with red liquid, people laying there still, not moving.

Is it blood? Blood?

Are they all dead?

He suddenly couldn't breathe, his chest hurt and he didn't know what was happening, all he wanted was to see was her.

"Witch! She is a witch." He heard a man, dressed in royal guards uniform, yell. "Empress is witch!"

The another guard yelled. "Kill her first and then we will take the prince later. Everyone attack at once! Don't give her room to breathe. Don't leave any openings! Even if she kill us, we can't stop, we have to kill her."

Before waheed could understand what was happening, more guards came out and they pointed thier swords towards the dark end of the foyer. When they were about to reach the end, they went flying towards the opposite wall. Another group of guards headed towards the end of the foyer and they were also went flying and slammed against the wall.

He heard her laughter echoes around the red stained foyer as she emerged out of the dark and stands in the light. Her lilac hair was cascading down her waist, her white night dress and the side of her face was covered in red splatter.

He gulped when he saw her eyes, her left gentle purple eye was blazing dark violet and her right eye was white as if there was no orb in her right eye socket. She scoffed and look down at her left hand, then fire started emitting out of her hand.

Waheed was familiar with Nyx sorcery but he'd never seen her like this, never. She was covered in blood and yet she was smiling, he almost thought she looked scary.

Looking at the lying guards and the guards who were heading towards her, she said. "You invaded our palace and attacked us, I have all the reasons to not spare you and burn you alive, I will not apologize but it will be painful."

"Witch! We will kill you." A guard yelled as he rushed towards her and aimed the sword in his hand to her midriff.

Waheed felt his heart would explode as it was palpitating too fast, he still mange to scream her name. "Nyx."

Her eyes fell on him and he felt he could breathe now.

"Waheed, close your eyes. Close your eyes." He heard her yell and then he closed his eyes and felt the maid was quivering and weekly stroking his back.

He heard screams of men and smell of something burning along with the metallic smell of blood in the air.

"Don't open your eyes." Nyx said and he felt her presence beside him. "We are going to leave this place, don't open your eyes until I say so."

Where are we going?

I am scared.

Waheed reminisced when Nyx told him, the best part of her being a variant was - she can go to wherever, whenever she wants.

What was it called? Tele... tele... telep--

"Waheed, open your eyes."

When he opened his eyes he saw Nyx crouching and looking him in the eyes, her right eye was covered with her lilac hair and her left purple eye was back to its gentle radiance.

"Are you hurt anywhere?" She asked and he shook his head.

"Great!" She outstretched her hand to touch his cheek but then shook her head and wiped her hand with a clean part of her dress.

"I'm sorry you had to see that." She said and cupped the side of his face with her hand.

Waheed nodded and wanted to ask if she was hurt anywhere but words would not come out of his mouth, as if there was a knot inside his throat.

"He is in shock." He heard the familiar voice and looked in the voice's direction.


His mother was standing donned in her knight armor, her face seems tired to Waheed as he ran towards his mother and when his mother embraced him, the tears started to fall from his eyes and he started crying.

His mother picked him up in her arms and gently stroked his back, assuring him everything is alright and a few minutes later he heard his mother say. "Nyxle, you do not need to go back there. I will take care of this. You children stay here."

"I have to go back, please take care of him."

"You are also a child. I will--"

"Child or not! Witch or not. I'm still an empress, I have to fix it. Waheed needs you, please take care of him. I will be back."

He saw Nyx vanish away in thin air and felt his mother patting his back and sighing.

"She is plenty strong! Still son, when you grow up you have to be strong, strong enough to protect her." His mother said.

She didn't have to say that to him. He was already determined to be the strongest.

I will be stronger than Nyx and I will keep her safe.

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