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Year 5801. (Qiza)

What's the point of this?

Am I really a hypocrite or do I only have double standards?

I do. I do have double standards.

Does it even make a difference?

"Hey! Where are you?" said Rehan, frowning a little.

If only he could read my thoughts. Would he be able to understand my dichotomy?

"Right in front of you. can't you see." Said Qiza, she was sure he would caught her bluff and rant at her to not go to her la la land, thoughts.

"I can see very well to understand you were not listening."

Qiza liked him, knew how capable he is and that's why she trusted him to do this job.

"He's inside." Said Rehan with a smug look on his face. Qiza smiled as she thought Rehan must have done a great job. She still asked to make sure. "He should be my type, if not---

"Lady, he is definitely your type: tall, good looking, young and full of potential, he is a great deal." said Rehan beaming.

Qiza looked at him and nodded. She knew he was a great young man with an ambition for power and money which she lacks by the way, he should have found a great young slave still she felt an uncanny sense of doom.

Don't think! You dumb bitch. It's all for the plan.

You need to see how far you can go.

Bidding farewell to Rehan, she headed towards the room where the slave was kept, she used to ridicule at slave - master notion and always scoff at people who owns salve. Now she's owning a slave herself, she's indeed a hypocrite as her sister told her many times.

Qiz, there's no definite right or definite wrong. It is all subjective, there's no good or bad only circumstances. Circumstances makes---

Shut up. And get it over with Qiz.

Taking a deep breath, she opened the door and what she saw made her eyes widened and jaw hanging, her heart started racing, she was definitely furious and kind of sad.

Oh my effing god! What is this?

The room was vacant expect for the huge cage in the middle of it and in that cage lied a boy naked, his hands and legs were tied with a ropes, he was curled up, hugging his knees to his chest, head down, his face hiding behind his hands and his long red hair was hiding the faint and fresh whip marks on his back. Kiza could not believe what she saw and stood at the threshold wide-eyed.

Is this for real? Where did Rehan buy him from? Some underworld illegal slave industry? Does this kind of things really exist?

It does, Qiz. This world is dark and dirty place; beautiful on the surface and rotten inside.

What's with this big show of cage? And sending him naked? What kind of message are they trying to send?

I guess what they say is right.

Humanity only exists in the literature?

She felt overwhelmed and empty? She looked at the window and observed how sunlight was illuminating the room and the cage.

People have way worse life than me and here I am, so ungrateful. He is breathing, living and still surviving. I mean what choice do we have, we can be miserable or try to survive. But what is the point in all this? Why are we even alive? I wonder....

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