keep me

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Year 5800 (Riz)

Riz was looking down at the document, analyzing it and contemplating how he needs to learn so much and how he needs to keep up with his growing kingdom.

My brother couldn't achieve this prosperity on his own. It's all her.

She might be a despicable person but she has a knack of trade.

Why did my brother die? I don't want to be here.

This place does not suit me. She--

He felt chills in his body, when he thought about his wife, he'd been thinking about annulling their marriage. But he was not sure if it would be right for the kingdom because she's proven to be a responsible queen and possess decisiveness, tact, drive of a ruler, which he deems himself to be lacking.

His pondering got interrupted when he heard the knock on the door and a worried, fearful maid told him. "Your Majesty, her Majesty had an accident, she's bleeding so much."

The thought of his wife and what she was doing made him feel instant disdain because he knew what this is all about and he certainly doesn't want to be part of it; of her charade. He long had decided to let it play out as she pleases with her sham pregnancy and accidental miscarriage.

She certainly does not deserve my brother's love, maybe I should really divorce her when this farce is over.

Keeping his disdain within him, he said nonchalantly. "Tend to her and bring in the doctors, see that she's provided with immediate care."

The maid nodded but he didn't miss her expectant gaze signaling him, he should be with his wife at this critical moment.

Only if they all know the truth.

He mentally scoffed.

I certainly don't want to be part of her farce.

Few hours later he heard the devastating news of his wife's miscarriage, the whole palace was in mourning, however, he felt nothing. He had thought that he would have felt relieved when her fake pregnancy sham would be over, yet now when it actually happened, he felt nothing. All he had to do was to think and contemplate about how to end their marriage.

And for more than a month he thought about the implications, merits and demerits of their matrimony and for the time being he had avoided his wife like a plague.

He was busy with learning the ins and outs of the ruling which he was not really interested in and was more than happy to let his brother be the king, but now his brother who is no more. Riz had no choice but to learn, adapt, figure out the art of reigning and be deserving of the throne.

Three months ago, he was a free spirited, quiet, free of responsibilities guy and he had time to spare but everything changed that day his elder brother died. It's like he died too, he cannot be what he was; he's not allowed to be that guy anymore, now he is a king with a kingdom to look after, he has responsibility and his wife--. If he'd be truthful: personally for him it would be better if he ended it with her but logically he shouldn't. She is indeed a good queen and possesses the quality of benevolent and tactical ruler.

He was at an impasse, he does not know? He cannot take this decision. It was bothering him, he felt exhausted so he decided to take a stroll in the east wing garden which he used to frequently visit before the ordeal.

Surrounded by the greenery, the soothing wind and walking helped ease his nerves. He was feeling a bit better now.

The calm feeling was disrupted when he saw her heading towards him. His eyes widened, he felt the urge to get away from here, away from her.

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