viii. summer depression

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chapter eight

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chapter eight.

( summer depression )

( summer depression )

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tw: abuse, drugs, slut shaming, minor sexual content, umbridge

The 15-year-old looked at the woman, supposedly his mother, walking towards him with a deadly glare. His insides tingled with fear and anticipation of what his fragile heart and body would face that afternoon. He gripped the wall beside him tightly, tears already spilling down his eyes. He looked around and his eyes fell on a sobbing Regulus who was forced to watch his elder brother tortured to death. But not enough for death. He felt furious at the woman for being so cruel to a 14-year-old.

"Sirius." his mother said sharply, causing him to flinch ever so slightly. Regulus let out a strangled sob, damaging Sirius more deeply than his mother's cruciatus cruse ever had. "What are your thoughts about little Regulus watching his brother being tortured? Seems like a good way to spend a Sunday afternoon," she said sweetly, before flinging an unknown curse in his direction that the boy efficiently dodged.

"Oh, you really think you can dodge me, don't you?" she said with a high-pitched sarcastic giggle while Sirius let out a humourless laugh.

"No, but you are just a fucking coward who'll torture me when I don't even have a wand on me." he hissed viciously, stepping towards her. Regulus gripped the glass in hand tightly and closed his eyes knowing very well what was going to happen now.

Without another word the woman held forward her wand a bright red light erupted, hitting Sirius with all its might. The boy stumbled down to the floor, hissing in pain. Walburga continued with her torture, using more and more unknown and dark cruses.

"Tell me, boy, does this make you happy? Will you still be a disobedient little shit? Even when it means having your brother watch you get tortured?" she spat viciously as Sirius struggled to breathe, his breaths giving out.

Regulus begged for his mother to stop but she didn't cast a single glance at him.

"You know eventually, he will experience the same fate, being tortured because this torture clearly isn't enough for you. Probably watching your brother get tortured would be enough of it." she continued with a gleam in her eyes while Regulus' face went pale as he let out another strangled cry.

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