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November 17th 2013 / 4 days later  Sunday

Tzuyus POV

My bedroom

I woke up checking my phone. I saw so many articles about me and so many hate comments. The other day someone tried to kidnap me. Honestly, this world is going down to shit all because of that article.

He a cheating dick he shouldn't even be allowed to perform again

He should just go die

Pft imagine we get the news he's dead that would make the world better

We should protest for him to be kicked out. It's disgusting to have him still in the group of nice men when he's not nice himself

I stopped reading and look at my Instagram account and saw my inbox with multiple messages.

I know where you live I will come and kill you

Why don't you just kill yourself your a useless in the group anyway? I mean seriously what does she see in you? You are nothing but an ugly guy with a bunch of plastic surgery

It's been like this ever since the articles. I headed to the kitchen.


My phone vibrated and I saw it was a call from my dad.

Me: Dad...

Dad: Me and your mother want nothing to do with you anymore. We are disappointed in you. Never call us and don't visit us.

Me: Dad...

The line ended. I looked at the scissors I took them and went into the music room.

~ A few minutes later ~

Music Room

"Do what her fans want".

I put the chair in the middle of the room. I went through my drawers and found something suitable to tie and hold my weight. I had it all set up.

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