Communicating With The Dead Kids

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Hey guys sorry about the delay yesterday so I sent my friend a text so she can post the chapter, I was just so stressed about my math and science project you know I was going crazy and I couldn't really focus so I read what my friend wrote and I'm still trying to put it in words... So enjoy this chapter

Toy Bonnie woke up that morning, she got out of bed to go get some more polish and since it was the early morning and everyone was still asleep she decided to walk around the pizzeria naked. Toy Bonnie walked down the cold dark halls, it was dead quite and the only sound that was heard was the footsteps that Toy Bonnie made when she took a step. When Toy Bonnie was passed the storage room someone took her by the arm and pulled her in, the room was dark till someone turned the light on and Toy Bonnie looked at the figure in front of her and her eyes turned black "TOY FREDDY WHAT THE HELL?" Toy Bonnie yelled, Toy Freddy said nothing but looked at Toy Bonnie with wide eyes "Why are you naked?" Toy Freddy asked, still looking at Toy Bonnie "Because I thought everyone was still sleep and I needed to get some polish to freshen up" Toy Bonnie said "Well still at least put on a robe or a towel or something" Toy Freddy said, looking away in disgust "You saw me naked before... When you raped me" Toy Bonnie stated crossing her arms "Alright alright let's stop talking about nakedness and discuss real matters" Toy Freddy said "And what matters is that?" Toy Bonnie asked "Finding out whoever is haunting the pizzeria" Toy Freddy said "How we're going to do that?" Toy Bonnie asked "With an ouija board of course" Freddy answered, Toy Bonnie back up in horror with her eyes still black "Your crazy!, you know people die from using those things" Toy Bonnie protest "Sweetheart we're not people we're robots that preform for a living to keep from being a aluminum can or something that doesn't even worth a penny" Toy Freddy said "Well either way I'm not playing ouija board with you" Toy Bonnie said "If you don't I will tell Mr. Faz that you were having sex with Bonnie without being married because it's a rule you can ask our boss yourself if you don't believe me" Toy Freddy said, Toy Bonnie didn't believe him one bit and turned around so her back could face Toy Freddy, with her arms crossed the flashbacks of what she did with Bonnie raced through her head and she didn't want her boss to find out because he probably might scrap her or Bonnie or scrap the both of them and Toy Bonnie didn't want to be an aluminum can or worse just thinking about it sended shivers down her spine but she had no choice she had to do what Toy Freddy said or else face punishment. Toy Bonnie turned around her eyes teared up as she looked at Toy Freddy "I'll do it" she shrieked "What? I didn't catch that" Toy Freddy said "I'll-I'll do it I will play the game with you I will do what you say... Just don't tell Mr. Faz" Toy Bonnie stammered as she burst out in tears, she cried in her hands she never felt so stupid, weak, and scared in her life, Toy Freddy walked over to her and hugged her tightly "Shhh it's okay I didn't mean to make you cry shhh it's okay stop crying" Toy Freddy whispered soothing her with his words, Toy Bonnie kept crying and slowly wrapped her paws around Toy Freddy and eventually she was hugging him, she layed on his furry soft shoulder as she cried but she didn't know why, Toy Freddy was her enemy after he raped her but she thought about the day they first met and how sweet he was to her and maybe if Bonnie wasn't her boyfriend would she end up with Toy Freddy instead? Toy Bonnie was confused about everything she didn't know what she was putting herself into and after what just happened she felt so lost. Toy Freddy kissed Toy Bonnie's cheek and then gave her a shirt to put on and the two began to play ouija board.

~5 minutes later now starting the game~

Toy Bonnie and Toy Freddy placed the ouija board on the table, Toy Freddy was the recorder and Toy Bonnie was the leader, Toy Bonnie put her paw on the planchette took a breath and got ready to play. Toy Bonnie looked at the board with serious eyes and spoke in a very serious tone "Any spirits here?" She asked, nothing happened everything was still motionless until Toy Bonnie felt a tug on her paw

Spirit: Y-E-S

Toy Bonnie's felt her heart beat a little faster but she kept her cool "What is your gender" She asked and the pull was felt again

Spirit: F-E-M-A-L-E

Toy Bonnie: How old are you?

Spirit: 5

Toy Bonnie: What is your name?

Spirit: D-I-A

Toy Bonnie: Okay Dia, how did you die?

Spirit: G-O-L-D-E-N

Toy Bonnie: Who is Golden?

Spirit: D-E-M-O-N F-R-E-D-D-Y

Toy Bonnie: Why did he kill you?

Spirit: (no response)

Toy Bonnie: Where did he kill you?

Spirit: C-O-S-T-U-M-E R-O-O-M

Toy Bonnie: How do we kill Golden?

Spirit: F-O-X-Y

Toy Bonnie: Why Foxy?

Spirit: icicicicicicicicicicic

Toy Bonnie: What?

Spirit: G-O-O-D B-Y-E

Toy Bonnie: Goodbye

Toy Bonnie ended the session and her and Toy Fredddy cleansed the board and said their prayers and put the board away. They got their clues together and they talked "Okay so the the spirit is a girl, she's 5, her name is Dia, she died here in the Costume room, and she was killed by Golden who is demon Freddy, but what does Foxy got to do with anything?" Toy Freddy asked "Probably he's a secret weapon or something" Toy Bonnie said "Maybe so, well let's get out of here this place is giving me the chills" Toy Freddy said shivering "Well we just talked to a ghost" Toy Bonnie stated, and with no further questions or words the two headed for the door until Toy Freddy wanted to say some words "Toy Bonnie?" Toy Freddy asked "What?" Toy Bonnie responded "I apologize for raping you and doing all that weird stuff it's just your a beautiful girl and I love you so much I don't know what came over me If you don't want to forgive me I understand" Toy Freddy said, kissing Toy Bonnie's forehead he began walking out the door, Toy Bonnie thought about what he said did he really change? Or is it too good to be true? Toy Bonnie thought about it and something in her heart told her to stop him "Toy Freddy?" Toy Bonnie said, Toy Freddy turned around facing Toy Bonnie "What?" he asked and just in that little moment Toy Bonnie gave Toy Freddy a hug, she wasn't in love with him or anything just something told her to hug him. After a good friendly hug the two animtronics headed out the door as the spirit they spoke to earlier sat on the table she smiled a little thinking that she will see the light of heaven than the light of the pizzeria and hope that Golden gets what he deserves.

Creepy chapter huh? Well what do you think did Toy Freddy really change or is he trying to play Toy Bonnie's life? ^_^ -_-

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