Too Lovey Dovey

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Bonnie who was sleeping beside Toy Bonnie like always woke up and looked at Toy Bonnie who was snuggled up in the soft, warm blanket, Bonnie stroked her ear and smiled "Your so beautiful" he said as he continued to stroke her ear gently, Toy Bonnie smiled as she slept and slowly began to open her eyes "Did I wake you up emerald eyes?" Bonnie asked Toy Bonnie shook her head and snuggled up with Bonnie "No, I was just cold" Toy Bonnie said and she put her head on Bonnie's chest for warmth, Bonnie kissed Toy Bonnie's soft cheek and kept stroking her ear as she slept "I love you" he whispered, Toy Bonnie smiled in her sleep another time and woke up again "I love you too" she said "How much?" Bonnie asked "This much" Toy Bonnie said giving him a kiss "Aww I think I need more love than that" Bonnie said bumping his eyebrow(that he draws with a permanent marker) "Hmmm I think that can be arranged" Toy Bonnie said removing her red bra, Bonnie giggled and moved on top of Toy Bonnie and they both started to make out.

°In the kitchen°

The kitchen was filled with the delicious smells of homemade breakfast bacon and sausages sizzled in the pan, toast was toasting, eggs were frying or egging or whatever eggs do, gritts were cooking, fresh pancakes were being flipped, juicy oranges were being squeezed to make sweet orange juice, and flakey buttery biscuits and crescents were baking in the oven. Chica who was behind all the cooking with the help of Toy Chica and Mangle set the table for breakfast as Foxy and Freddy looked at Good Morning America on the little tv "Sweetie why don't you and Mangle go get the two bunnies down here for breakfast" Chica said taking out the piping hot biscuits and crescents "Yes mum, come on Mangle let's go" Toy Chica said and her and Mangle left, Chica smiled warmly about being called "Mom" and hoped to be a real mother one day she looked at Foxy and blushed then went back to cooking.

°At Toy Bonnie's door°

Toy Chica and Mangle was at Toy Bonnie's door and was about to knock on it until "Ohhhh....B-Bonnie" was heard from inside the room "This is like so totally sick" Toy Chica stated backing away from the door "Mangle open it" Toy Chica demanded "Why me?" Mangle asked "Because umm it's because I-I got a new manicure and don't want to ruin my nail polish" Toy Chica said looking at her nails like she did get her nails done "Since when do chickens get manicures?" Mangle asked "Since I started living, now open that door" Toy Chica demanded again, Mangle grumbled and opened the door slowly, a tiny squeak was heard but Mangle didn't care and she opened the door all the way revealing Toy Bonnie and Bonnie.. *ahem* making love, Mangle backed out the entrance of the room looking away and backing up to the wall "Mangle what's wrong? Go tell them to come out for breakfast" Toy Chica demanded again Mangle did nothing but pointed to the door as she shivered "Take a look" she murdered still looking away Toy Chica did so and looked into the room. When Toy Chica looked into the room her beak twisted in disgust "Ewww their fucking!" Toy Chica said as she looked at Bonnie humping Toy Bonnie "Oh Bonnie tell me I'm the only one" Toy Bonnie moaned "Your the only one babe" Bonnie moaned as he licked her neck real fast making Toy Bonnie squirm violently Bonnie then started to pound Toy Bonnie real hard making her moan louder "BONNIE HARDER GO HARDER HARDER HARDER HARDER" she shouted Bonnie increased his speed and went a lot harder Toy Chica who's face was turning green with her legs shaking covered her eyes "God kill me already" she said, Toy Chica peeked through her fingers and wished she haven't because she saw Bonnie's tip go in Toy Bonnie's vagina and Toy Bonnie started to have an orgasm, Toy Chica's eyes went wide and she started to have a system breakdown "OH GOD THIS IS WORSE THAN PORN!!!!! MAKE IT STOP!!!! MAKE IT STOP PLEASE!!!!" Toy Chica shouted, she started to malfunction and go crazy the bunnies stopped what they were doing and looked at Toy Chica, Toy Bonnie grabbed a nearby towl and wrapped it around herself and walked over to the chicken "Toy Chica? What are you doing here?" Toy Bonnie asked "C-C-C-Chica t-told me to c-come get you two" Toy Chica studdered Toy Bonnie glared at the chicken for awhile then helped her up "Me and Bonnie will be out in a sec" Toy Bonnie said, Toy Chica nodded and wobbled out the door to Mangle. "So what happened?" Mangle asked "Mang please don't... Please don't ask" Toy Chica said making her way back to the kitchen Mangle shrugged and followed her, back in Toy Bonnie's room Toy Bonnie was putting on her little red strapless dress and her bowtie "Bon Bon are you just going to let her get away with this?" Bonnie asked straightening his bowtie "No, I have a plan that will teach her a lesson about barging in on us while we get it on" Toy Bonnie said evily smirking as she walked over to Bonnie and sat on his lap and started to move her finger up and down on Bonnie's chest "Oh Bon Bon your evilness turns me on" Bonnie moaned Toy Bonnie evilly laughed as her eyes turned black.

°In the kitchen at the table°

Everyone sat around the table eating away the homemade breakfast, Foxy ate half of all the bacon and sausages along with Mangle, Freddy ate like a fancy person well bear, the chickens ate like you know birds, and the bunnies settled down with the biscuits and crescents. "Freddy aren't ye a bear?" Foxy asked eating the crispy bacon "Yeah, why?" Freddy responded "Aren't cha supposed to eat like a you know bear" Foxy stated, Freddy froze for a while and he frowned "Well I don't want to be a slob like some people around here" Freddy said eyeing Foxy, Mangle then started laughing "What ye laughing for?" Foxy growled "Cuz you got Freddy fucked up" Mangle said as she laughed Freddy just shook his head and continued to eat. Meanwhile Toy Bonnie and Bonnie were sitting next to each other they both looked at one another and nodded, Toy Bonnie then glared evilly and Toy Chica to get her attention Toy Chica looked at Toy Bonnie and got a little nervous, Toy Bonnie then smirked evilly and pretend to move her right hand down to Bonnie's manhood and rubbed it fast Toy Chica let out a scared cluck and looked at Bonnie who was pretending to enjoy the rubbing by tilting his head back in pleasure, Toy Bonnie then got up out her chair and bent over to get the butter Bonnie looked at her blue ass pretended to smack it and Toy Bonnie reacted to it and giggled. Toy Chica felt her stomach turn like a washing machine, she held her stomach as she looked at the bunnies who were glaring at her "This is going to be a long morning" Toy Chica said to herself and looked down.

°After Breakfast°

Everyone help clear the table and wash the dishes except for Toy Chica who was still kinda nausea Toy Bonnie walked over to her and layed a gentle hand on Toy Chica's shoulder "You alright?" Toy Bonnie asked "Well I just saw you rub Bonnie's manhood so no I'm not alright" Toy Chica said "Well let this be a lesson to you about barging in people's room without knocking, and if you do it again me and Bonnie can do a lot worse....To the extreme even" Toy Bonnie warned glaring at Toy Chica "Babe come on let's go the instruments are getting dusty" Bonnie said wearing black sunglasses "Coming bae" Toy Bonnie said back "Think about it Toy Chica" Toy Bonnie said to the chicken as she put on her black sunglasses and headed over to Bonnie , Toy Bonnie wrapped her arm around Bonnie's arm and they both left. Toy Bonnie looked back at Toy Chica lifted her sunglasses and evilly smirked then put her sunglasses back on leaving Toy Chica speechless "Those two are too lovey dovey" Toy Chica said to her self as she watched the bunnies leave.

Okay guys for this idea my homie Freddy_Swagbear_3 helped me this so all the credit goes to her :) See ya at the next chapter and also Toy Bonnie's First Love has a sequel ;) just to inform you

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