The Fight Begins Part 2 (The Truth Is Out)

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~Back from the chapter~

Everyone turned their heads slowly and saw the golden bear that been torturing them for the last few days "Golden Freddy" Toy Bonnie whispered "Hello everyone" Golden Freddy said giving the friends an evil grin.

~Back to the story~

Golden Freddy stared at everyone with an evil glare but then put it's attention to Freddy "Awe is Freddy Weddy crying for his Goldie Woldie" Golden Freddy cooed, Freddy stared at the bear in front of him Freddy noticed he didn't have a bowtie but his hat was navy blue like the bowtie he had earlier he wondered if he knew Goldie so he let out a sigh and cleared his throat "How do you know Goldie?" Freddy asked "Aww Freddy come on you must recognize...... Me" Golden Freddy said "But Goldie was a g-" Freddy said being cutoff as Golden Freddy morphed into a female bear with curves and all, Freddy then began to cry and sniff "Goldie? Is that you?" Freddy asked "Freddy who's this Goldie?" Chica asked demanding an explanation "Goldie was my lover" Freddy said looking down, everyone gasped and looked at the golden bear "Freddy.... You... You and that demon was in a relationship!?" Bonnie asked, Freddy nodded and stood up "But she wasn't a demon when we were together.... Before any of you guys came to Freddy Fazbear's it was just me and her preforming together until an unknown fire came..." Freddy said softly "And you abandoned me" Golden Freddy said "I didn't know what else to do... The flames were too big and you know we were still young(memory chip was still developing) and how was I supposed to get to you?" Freddy asked "I don't know how but me and you promised we would stay together till death breaks us apart... And you didn't keep that promise you... You broke it" Golden Freddy said as it cried but instead of black oily tears it cried fresh dark red blood "Freddy I loved you why couldn't you see that, After that fire I survived I was so angry at you I did a lot of bad things because of you,you turned me into this... This demon this monster I'M NEVER GOING TO FORGIVE YOU FOR THIS" Golden Freddy roared. Freddy said nothing but crept his way over to the golden bear and layed a gentle, firm paw on it's shoulder "I'm sorry..." Freddy whispered in it's ear "Sorry! SORRY!? IS THAT ALL YOU'VE GOT? SORRT YOU SURE ARE ONE SORRY DOG!" Golden Freddy shouted as it's eyes turned red "All this horrible stuff I did like kill the 5 children and trap their souls here until I perish and make Foxy bite that little girl by loosening his jaw with a screwdriver which took these stupid humans years to figure out and all you have to say is sorry Freddy" Golden Freddy said crossing it's arms looking away, Freddy looked down in shame and tear slowly slid from his eye, the Golden bear turned it's head and looked at Freddy with angered eyes "Freddy I don't know why I left you alone to live when I SHOULD HAVE KILLED YOU WHEN I SAW YOUR FACE!" Golden Freddy shouted and ripped Freddy's head off with the endo-skeleton head also leaving the wires ripped and sparking with electricity. Freddy's body fell back to the floor and began to leak a huge amount of oil the golden bear smirked and looked at the remaining animtromics "Anyone else?" it asked, everyone's eyes went wide but they weren't scared just stunned except for Foxy and Bonnie who were in a fighting position "Come at me bitchs" Golden Freddy beckoned and with no hesitation both Bonnie and Foxy ran towards the bear and swung at it but the bear swung at them and they both went flying to the entrance of the pizzeria hitting the glass door "BONNIE" Toy Bonnie shouted and ran and did a jumpscare attack on Golden Freddy sending it to the floor "No one messes with my man" Toy Bonnie said as she started punching it "Come on guys help me!" Toy Bonnie demanded, the toys looked at one another and was still silent until Toy Freddy gave the word "CHARGE" he yelled and they started running towards Golden Freddy, Toy Chica took off her beak, Mangle jumped and got on the ceiling to jump down, Toy Freddy just ran and sat on the bear(big self -_-), and Toy Bonnie kept punching the bear in the face. Meanwhile Bonnie and Foxy were struggling to get up "Come... On lad.. We have to go f-" Foxy studered collapsing on the floor, Bonnie slowly struggled to get up and took a breath and went over to help Foxy, Foxy's legs wobbled a little as he got up but he gained his strength and was ready to fight again "Ready?" Bonnie asked Foxy nodded and they both ran and started fighting the demonic creature. Everyone punched, bit, socked, slapped, and scratched Golden Freddy till the bear couldn't take it no more and used it's energy to blast everyone out it's way, everybody went flying except for Toy Bonnie who slid back on her feet,beside her feet was Toy Freddy who laid on the floor, he looked up Toy Bonnie's dress and his eyes went into big red hearts and his tongue was hanging out "Someone got them hot pink Victoria Secret panties with the lace ooh la la" Toy Freddy purred, Toy Bonnie looked at the bear and frowned "Your such a pervert" Toy Bonnie said "No I just looked up and saw blue cake" Toy Freddy snapped Toy Bonnie rolled her eyes and paid her to Golden Freddy who was glaring at her "Time to die bunny" Golden Freddy said, Toy Bonnie's eyes went black and she charged at the bear, she jumped but Golden Freddy grabbed her by her neck and started to choke her like in the dream her and Bonnie had, Golden Freddy then twisted her neck making it loose and threw her body to the wall of the stage "NOOOOOOOOO" Bonnie shouted and ran to Toy Bonnie but he hit Golden Freddy in the back of the head before he went to the stage.

~Bonnie's POV~

I ran to my love and fell to my knees right beside her I held her in my arms and cried I cried for Bon Bon and how much I loved her, her sweet spirit, her bravery, kindness, loyalty, and the other beautiful things she is. Oil dripped from her mouth and I couldn't do nothing to save her, I pressed my lips against her blue forehead as more tears came down my face. "I love you" I kept whispering in Bon Bon's ear as I rocked her in my arms gently... My sweet Bon Bon... My love... My only one I will never live without...

~No one's POV~

Bonnie sat on stage crying for Toy Bonnie as the rest were too scared to fight except for Foxy, Golden Freddy waited for Foxy to attack but didn't pay any attention to Chica who was coming up behide it "TASTE MY PIZZA PAN BITCH" Chica shouted and wacked Golden Freddy on the back off the head, Golden Freddy turned around to Chica who was in fighting position they both started swinging at each other but not for long Golden Freddy grabbed Chica's jaw and broke it, Chica stood for a few seconds and fell back and she was dead "CHICA" Foxy shouted, Golden Freddy laughed and enjoyed the victory that was happening "Hahaha only one brave animtronic left I see well I have enough energy to defeat one more " Golden Freddy said evilly laughing, Foxy stood there doing nothing because something in his mind told him to wait but Foxy couldn't he was so angry, his eyes were black and half of all his good friends were gone what can be any worse?. Foxy looked at Freddy as his body dripped oil, his wires still sparked with electricity, and a miracle/ not such of a miracle happened sparks of electricity hit the oil and a fire was born it spreaded fast then Foxy remembered what the 5 kids told him in the dream about killing Golden Freddy in a fire. Foxy got ready and the 5 souls of the children sprung up out of nowhere "It's time" one of them said and they all possessed Foxy, his eyes turned from black to all red, his anger boiled and with no hesitation Foxy started attacking Golden, Foxy swung in all directions and jabbed his hook into the bear's head "AWWWWWWWWW" Golden Freddy screamed as Foxy's hook went deap into it's head, Foxy punched with all his might and to finish off the fight Foxy picked up the bear and threw it in the fire, the fire turned a shiny gold and it was all over.

Mr. Faz and Mike brung out fire extinguishers to take out the fire and all was left of Golden Freddy was the dust the spirits jumped out of Foxy "Thank you... Thank you all for saving us from our enteral suffering too bad we can't repay you guys you know since we can't do much being ghosts and all" one of the spirits said, Foxy smiled weakly and watched the spirits disappear into heaven. Foxy was happy that the spirits were free but it didn't fix his broken heart his friend Freddy was killed, his beloved Chica was killed, and poor Bonnie was heart broken and was crying out to God for Toy Bonnie....To Be Continued....

Hey guys sorry for the very late chapter my graduation was today and you know how special that day is and btw thanks to all my readers for helping me get to 1k readers I was waiting for this moment to happen I could cry

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