Chapter 3:Bets

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(Y/N's P.O.V)

You left Gray with a smirk on my face,you sat beside Natsu who's jaw dropped.

"H-how did you get him to talk?"he asked.

"I don't know,but he was just mad that he lost"you said.

"Oh,okay that makes sense"Natsu said.

Something brushed past your shoulder and when you turned to look Gray was there a smirk on his face.He inched closer to your ear and you felt your cheeks get warm.

"Don't forget Y/N"he said.

You nodded slowly and he left the guild place.

"What did he mean,'don't forget'?"Natsu asked.

"Nothing"you said a smile on your face.

You had no idea why but Gray,the dark blue haired boy that you won against seemed to make your day better.You stood up and as you were about to leave Natsu grabbed your arm.

"Where ya going?"he asked.

"Home,I've had two battles today and it drained all my magic"I said the pink haired dragonslayer stood up and you raised your eyebrow.

"Where you going?"he asked.

"Home,with you"he said with a grin on his face.

"What?"you asked confused.

"Well Lucy kinda banned me from sleeping at her place since I almost set it on fire so can I sleep at your place?"he asked.

"Fine"you said sighing,he fist pumped in the air and he called Happy,the blue exceed came and followed you and Natsu to your old home.

You visited it earlier before you fought the thieves and cleaned the place,your parents were long dead and you could have the place all to yourself.You got in and made something to eat,Natsu and Happy looked at what you were eating and you sighed and made something for them to eat.They wolfed it down in record time and you sighed again,you went to take a shower and change out of your hoodie and other clothes to some sweater,it was cold tonight.You jumped in bed and Natsu followed not bothering to change his clothes.Exhausted you quickly fell asleep and so did Natsu...

(Time Skip)

You woke up to a snoring Natsu and Happy,you stretched and had a smile on your face,you felt so much better.You made something to eat and changed back into your hoodie and left the sleeping Natsu and Happy.You walked into the guild and saw Gray with a smirk,you smiled and the two of you stood in the middle of the guild.Gray invhed closer to my ear and he smirked.

"Remember our bet Y/N L/N (L/N is last name)"he whispered.

You nodded and the two of you began fighting...

(Time Skip)

Gray pulled back your hair making you yelp,you were panting,beads of sweat deipping from your face.He placed a sword of ice at your neck,you winced at how cold it was.Gray inched to your ear and your cheeks felt warm.

"Told you I never lose to the same person twice"he said.

I smiled and turned looking at the ice make wizard.

"Okay Fullbuster,you win.Now can you let go of my hair now?"you asked.

(Gray's P.O.V)

"Okay Fullbuster,you win.Now can you ket go of my hair now?"Y/N asked.

I smirked and let go of my hair,I moved the sword and it hit her hair,cutting some off.She realized what I did and slapped my chest playfully,my smirk only grew wider.

"What the heck Fullbuster!?"she shouted.

I raised my eyebrow and smiled at her and she eventually smiled too before leaving.I tapped her shoulder and inched closer to her ear.

"Remember you lost,so you have to do what I say until tomorrow"he said.

"Fine Gray,whatever"she said,I let her go and suddenly a pink haired idiot bursted through the doors.

He ran to Y/N and she raised her eyebrow at him.

"Y/N y-your house is k-kinda"Natsu stuttered.

"What?"she asked.

"It's on fire"Natsu blurted out.

Y/N's eyes widened and she left,Natsu tapped her shoulder and she turned around.

"What is it Natsu?"she asked.

Natsu inched to her ear and I felt something inside me go off.

"Gotcha"he whispered.

Her eyes turned furious and she touched the floor with her hands sending Natsu flying out of the guild,she snorted and walked away and I smiled.That girl was feisty...

(Y/N's P.O.V)

After sending Natsu flying you felt significantly better,you sat down and asked Mira for a drink,you felt someone sit next to you you turned to look and you saw Juvia,the girl who goes insane for Gray.

"Y/N?Can I ask you something?"she asked.

You nodded and her eyes turned furiously as she stared into my soul,you whimpered at her furious eyes.

"Why does Gray-sama keep looking at you?And not at Juvia!?Y/N you are now Juvia's love rival!"she shouted at me.

"What are you talking about Juvia?"you asked.

She pointed at Gray and you looked,Gray was staring at you and when you looked at him he looked away immidiately.

"See!Maybe Gray-sama likes you!And not Juvia!"she shouted.

"He doesn't like me Juvia and anyway I don't like him so calm okay?"you asked.

"Okay Y/N,Juvia is calm"she said before leaving.

"Nice lie Y/N"a voice said.

Startled you looked and saw it was just Mirajane who was cleaning a cup.

"What do mean 'nice lie'?"you asked clearly confused.

"You do like Gray,you act different around him and you always seem to smile when he's around.Your not gonna admit it but deep down you know i'm right"Mira said a smile on her face.

You blushed furiously and Mira giggled,suddenly the doors to the guild bursted open...

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