Chapter 10-Forgiveness and Memories

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You were a few feet from Gray,he was sitting at a tree stump,his back facing towards you.His hands were intertwined and the look on his face made your heart sink.A single tear fell down from his face and dropped into the ground.You took a shaky step and he turned around,his eyes widened,he rushed towards you and hugged you,his grip crushing whatever wasn't crushed already.

"G-Gray I c-can't breathe"you stuttered.

He let go and placed his forehead against yours and he sighed with relief,he looked at me with his dark blue eyes.

"When did you wake up?"he asked.

"Just after you left"

"How did you know I left?"

'I'm gonna have to tell the truth won't I?'you thought.

"I woke up when you,Lyon and Natsu were talking"he said.

You saw Gray's jaw move at the mention of Lyon's name.

'Just like if someone say's Juvia's name'I thought.

"What was the first thing you heard?"he asked.

"Natsu said 'That giant is going to pay',speaking of Natsu when did Juvia and Natsu get here?And what happened to the giant?"

"Good.We handled the giant and missed our train home,the people in Fairy Tail got worried and master sent Natsu,Juvia wanted to come"Gray said breathing a sigh of relief.

"What didn't you want me to hear?"you asked curious.

"N-nothing important"Gray stuttered.

I brushed the curiousity off and hugged Gray.

"I'm just glad your safe Gray"

"I'm sorry Y/N"Gray said looking at you with sadness in his eyes.

"For what?"

"That I coudn't protect you,if that idiot hadn't come we would be at the guild house drinking booze or something"

"Gray,it wasn't Lyon's fault.I know you and Lyon like me"

Gray looked at you his eyes widening.

"H-how d-did you k-know?"he stuttered.

"I'm not stupid Gray,I used to like someone when I was younger.But he left and I never saw him again"

"Who did you like?"he asked his eyes curious.

"Ryos Cheney"...


"Get fire wood!"

"B-but it's cold outside"

"Are you deaf!?I said get fire wood!"


You ran to the woods crying,it was winter and you had to get fire wood for the fire.You walked deep into the woods and tripped on a branch,you almost fell but a kid caught me.He had black hair that partly covered his eyes,and he had red eyes.

"You should be careful next time"he said in a caring voice.

"Thanks,uhhh"you said realizing you didn't know his name.

"It's Ryos,Ryos Cheney"

"Y/N,Y/N L/N"

Suddenly there was a massive creature that made you whimper in fear.

"Ryos,who is this?"it asked looking at you in distaste.

You whimpered and took a step back,you didn't believe it.You heard tales of dragons but you never knew they actually existed.

"This is Y/N she's a person I just met"he said smiling at you.

"I see,tell me Y/N why are you out here in the middle of winter?"the dragon asked.

"I was supposed to get some fire wood"you said looking down.

"Hey Skiadrum!We have some wood we didn't use yet so Y/N could have it right?"Ryos asked looking up at the dragon who chuckled.

"Very well Ryos,give her the wood"the dragon said.

Ryos gave me the wood and you hugged him,you didn't care how he reacted.You were doing what a regular 3 year old would do.He turned red and Skiadrum chuckled again.

"I suppose you'll be on your way then Y/N?"

"Yeah,I have to go"

When you turned Ryos stopped you.

"Y/N you'll come back again right?"Ryos asked.

"Of course"

Ever since then you would secretly leave the house and visit Ryos and Skiadrum,but all good things didn't last long.After a month of seeing Ryos you went to see him but you didn't see him in the usual spot you met.You waited thinking he was late but he never came,you searched the entire place but no sign of Ryos or Skiadrum.They had disappeared without a trace...

(End of Flashback)

You hung your head,you didn't like talking about Ryos that much.

"When was the last time you saw Ryos?"Gray asked.

"14 years ago"...

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