Chapter 19-Day 1

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The announcers called Team Fairy Tail A,it was you,Gray,Natsu,Lucy,and Erza.You had changed your appearance a bit.You got a grey fur scarf that wrapped itself around your neck.You wore a purple coat that ended at your waist it's sleeves ended at your elbows,it's collar hid most of your scarf but it was still visible.

Beneath your coat was a blue shirt,you wore black shorts that ended just below your thighs and then black boots that reached your knees.Lyon smirked at Gray who was next to me and you raised your eyebrows.Lyon walked up to Gray and elbowed him gently.

"Remember our deal Gray,if I win the Grand Magic Games Y/N is gonna join Lamia Scale"

"I never accepted that deal you idiot!"Gray shouted.

You sighed,they never change,even though Lyon was already 26 he still didn't change.The announcer kept repeating names,and you weren't listening.

"yadda yadda yadda,Fairy Tail Team B,yadda yadda yadda"

I turned and saw Juvia,Mirajane,Gajeel,Laxus,and Mystogan.

'Wait a second,Mystogan?'you thought.

You turned to where Fairy Tail was cheering for us,Storm sat on the stands cheering for me.The scarf I bought for him a few weeks ago flying with the wind.I waved at Storm and he waved back.

"All right for the 1st day choose a member to participate in the first event:Hidden!"the announcer said.

"I'll do it"Gray said.

You turned to him and smiled.

"You sure Fullbuster?It could be dangerous"you said mockingly.

"Life with you is more dangerous than a swarm of dragons,cuz your so dang unpredictable"Gray said.

You slapped him and looked away,and my glance met Rogue's who immidiately turned away.

(Time Skip)

Gray came back and he was really,really mad.

"G-Gray?"you asked worriedly.

"I'm alright Y/N"he said walking away.

You turned to Juvia and looked at her.

"What happened?"you asked,you weren't paying attention (as usual) so you didn't know what happened.

"Gray-sama kept getting beaten up by this Raven Tail guy,Baldmodding if i'm not mistaken"Juvia said.

"Nalpudding"you mumbled.

You decided to leave him alone to get over it,you knew he was gonna get back to his insane self in a few minutes,you waited to see who was gonna battle who.

"First up,Lucy Heartfilia from Fairy Tail vs. Flare Corona from Raven Tail!"the announcer shouted.

You turned to Lucy who looked shocked.

"Good luck Lucy!"you said happily.

You turned to look at your opponent,she looked creepy especially her gaze.You shivered,it was like she stared into your soul,you placed her hand on Lucy's shoulder.

"I hope you don't die of fright before you even begin the battle"you said sarcastically.

She looked at Flare and she shivered too.

"Told ya"you said mockingly.

(Time Skip)

Gray was beside you as you watched the fight,he cooled down but didn't talk.

'Maybe he needs a bit more time to get over it,anyways while Gray's cooling off I have to support Lucy'you thought.

Lucy fell to the ground defeated,Flare grinned and you shivered again.

"Lucy is down!The winner is Flare Corona from Raven Tail!"the announcer shouted.

Natsu picked Lucy up and said something to her,you rolled your eyes.

'When are those two lovebirds gonna finally get togther?'you thought.

Natsu eventually walked up to where we were and we all turned.

"Where's Lucy?"Erza asked before you could.

"Taking a shower"Natsu said.

(Time Skip)

You awoke to someone shaking you.

"Y/N,oi!Y/N!"Erza said shaking you.

"H-huh?"you said rubbing your eyes before stretching.

"You fell asleep,anyways Day 1 is over come on let's head back"Gray said.

I nodded and stood up.


We were at a bar drinking and laughing,when you got sleepy you got up and left,as you made your way back to where you were staying you were confronted by Rogue.

(Rogue's P.O.V)

I met Y/N and she looked like she was drunk.

"Y/N?"I said raising my eyebrow.

"Oi!Yeah you Rogue!What'cha doin here?"she said.

'She must be really drunk'I thought.

"Look,Y/N abou-...where the heck are you going!?"I shouted she left before I finished.

She bumped into a tree and passed out,I sighed and picked her up and carried her to the inn.When I got there I placed her on the bed gently and watched her as she peacefully slept.

"What do you think your doing!?"Gray shouted as he bursted through the door.

"Gray!"I shouted startled.

"What are you doing with Y/N!?"he growled.

"She passed out and I carried her here nothing more"I said.

"Alright,I'll let this slip this time but next time I won't be as considerate"Gray said harshly.

I nodded and left the inn..

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