Chapter 20-Day 2

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(Time Skop,Y/N's P.O.V)

You groaned and ran to the bathroom before throwing up,you felt sick.

'I am definitely not gonna participate in today's event'you thought.

You went back to the bar and saw Cana passed out.

'That's a first'you thought.

You looked at Erza and she explained that Natsu and Gajeel would participate,you sighed and immidiately threw up again.

"This is what I get for getting into a drinking contest with Cana"you groaned.

"Hey!Y/N!There you are!"Gray shouted.

You turned and saw Gray with that jealous look on his face,something must've happened when you were passed out.

"What?"you said feeling sick again.

"That Sabertooth guy carried you while you were passed out"Gray said.

You turned pink.

'Why would Rogue do that? was 21 years ago it's impossible that he still likes me'you thought.

"Aye,I remember meeting him before I passed out"you said.

"Stay away from him Y/N,I don't trust him"

"Are you,Gray Fullbuster,jealous?"you said mockingly.

"N-no"he stuttered.

You smiled before heading to the stands to cheer Natsu and Gajeel on.

(Time Skip,A/N:I know I time skip alot but I really don't like spoiling what happens)

You hung your head,if Natsu and Gajeel woud've known the event we woudn't have chosen them.But alas they didn't,Natsu,Gajeel,and Sting lagged behind they were moving so slowly because of their motion sickness.Natsu was the first to cross,followed by Gajeel.

Sting let them cross because he apparently said that a few points don't matter cuz Sabertooth's gonna win.The fights went on and this time you fought sleep,for some reason you scanned the other guilds.You met Rogue's gaze and he smiled weakly at you,you smiled back and when you turned around Gray glared at you.

"W-What?"you stuttered,partially intimidated.

"Y/N,I told you"he said crossing his arms.

"Whatever Gray,it's not like we're gonna become lovers,you know very well I l-"you stopped partly pink from what you almost said.

"You know very well I,what?"he asked mockingly raising his eyebrow.

"I l-like you"you stuttered.

He smirked and the battles continued.

'Uhhhh!!!This isn't fun at all!Nothing interesting's happenning!'you mentally groaned out.

You wanted to leave so bad but you stayed,and watched those boring,boring,boring fights.

(Time Skip)

It was finally over!!!Fairy Tail got a few more points from today's events and you were proud.You were strolling around when something pinned you to the rock wall.

"W-what!?"you shouted.

It was Juvia.

"What do you want!?"you shouted at her.

"Y/N,I know you like Gray-sama and he likes you too but I have something to ask you"she said looking down.

You sighed and calmed your voice.

"What is it?"you asked.

"I respect you and Gray-sama's relationship,but I want to spend one more night with him,alone"


"Please Y/N just one more night"

You bit your lip,and nodded she cheered and let go of you.

"But do anything pervy and I will impale you with ice"you said harshly.

Juvia nodded and ran off,you stood there wandering what she would do.

(5 minutes later)

You hung your head sighing.

'Great,since Juvia is with Gray then I have nowhere to sleep,why do I never plan ahead?'you scolded.

You bumped into someone,again.It was Rogue,again.

"Where's you cocky friend and his exceed?"you said looking at Rogue.

"Oh,you mean Sting.He's at the guild,Lector and Frosche too"

"Look Rogue,I just don't bump into someone four times over and over again,what is it you want to say?"you said looking at the black haired dragonslayer.

"I-I,look remember 21 y-years ago?When we were kids?W-well I sorta kinda d-developed feelings f-for you,and I s-still have those feelings n-now"he stuttered.

You placed your hand on his cheek,he flinched and turned pink.

"Rogue,I,I"you stuttered

"It's fine if you don't feel the same,I know you have Gray,I just wanted to get it off my chest"he said.

You hugged the dragonslayer,he froze but soon hugged you back.

"Rogue,I only think of Gray as a very special friend,we aren't dating.Yet.I feel the same way for you,Gray,and Lyon your all my friends,it's just Gray is just a tad bit more special"you said.

Rogue broke the hug and walked with you,the sun setting.You and Rogue sat under a tree,you yawned and placed your head on Rogue's chest,he turned red and you smirked.

"Your so warm"you said sleepily.

You closed your eyes and fell asleep in the dragonslayer's chest...

(Rogue's P.O.V)

Y/N fell asleep on my chest,I picked her up and for some stupid reason my mind decided that it would be a good idea to bring her to Sabertooth.For another stupid reason I agreed with my mind and carried her to Sabertooth,I sneaked into where me and Sting would sleep and gently placed her on the bed,when I went to open the door Sting was waiting for me,his eyebrow raised.

"Brung a fairy to the tiger's den,ey,Rogue?"he asked.

I dragged him in and shut the door.

"Sting,please I need you to not tell anyone she's here"

"Rogue!?Are you insane!?You could get kicked if anyone finds out she's here!"Sting snapped.

"Sting,please.Just this once,I swear"

Sting sighed and looked away,his arms crossed.

"I must be an idiot to say yes"he muttered.

I grinned and smiled at Sting.

"Thanks Sting"

"You better not make me regret this Rogue"Sting said before walking out.

(Time Skip,Y/N's P.O.V)

I woke up in a bed.

'Wait what!?'you said you bolted up and found Rogue beside you,Sting on the bed next to you.

"You should be lucky fairy,not everyone gets to sleep with the Twin Dragons of Sabertooth"Sting said sitting up showing his shirtless body.

'I have Gray,I have Gray,I have Gray'you thought to yourself repeatedly.

You got out of Sabertooth quietly and made your way to where you and Gray stayed,you opened the door and found Juvia crying in a corner,Gray asleep on the bed.You rolled your eyes irritatedly,typical Juvia...

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