Chapter 23-Merciless

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Laxus was fighting Alexei from Raven Tail,you were paying attention to this particular fight because you never stopped believing Raven Tail was a dark guild.Suddenly Laxus punched Ivan and all his members.

'I knew it!They were cheating!'you thought.

"The winner is Laxus Dreyar from Fairy Tail B Team!"the announcer boomed.

'Ten more points for us'you thought happily.

(At the bar)

We were celebrating drinking,me and Gray were talking and laughing with our guildmates.You and Gray decided we were gonna go home and we walked together,his arm around my shoulder.When we got to the inn he pinned you down on the bed.

"Gray!"you shrieked.

He smiled and kissed you softly,you melted into the kiss and wrapped your now free arms around his neck,your fingers getting entangled in his hair.He smirked and moved to your jaw,you could feel his breath and it made you uncomfortable.He moved to your neck and began kissing it,and occasionally nibbling on it.When he reached a certain spot you stifled a moan and he saw this.He stopped and lied down beside you partly disappointing you.

"Damn you Gray"you mumbled.

"So you wanted me to continue?"he asked you innocently.

You turned red and he chuckled.

"That's what I thought"he said.

You grunted and he began playing with your hair,tugging on it occasionally.

"Hey Y/N?"he asked you,you turned and saw his eyes staring at yours.

"What is it Gray Fullbuster?"you asked smiling.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"...

"Your kidding me right?"

"Yes"this partly disappointed you.

"Aye"you mumbled.

"If it wasn't a joke what would've been your answer?"he asked curiously.

"Yes"you muttered.

"Okay sweet,sweet girlfriend"he cooed.

Your eyes widened and you looked at Gray who smirked.

"Well played Fullbuster"you mumbled making him chuckle.

He continued playing with your hair and eventually the two of you fell asleep...

(Time Skip)

It was Day Four,and it was a Naval Battle.Soon enough only Lucy and Minerva were left.

"Go Lucy!!!"you shouted.

Suddenly Minerva shot an orb that exploded,Lucy screamed and before she could attack Minerva started attacking her over and over again.When Lucy would leave the sphere she would teleport and hit her back to the center.Even when time was up Minerva continued attacking mercilesly.Lucy coudn't take much more of this.You gritted your teeth and you fought the urge to jump in and save Lucy,when Minerva stopped she dropped Lucy and we caught her.You glared at Sabertooth who were smirking,your hands turned into fists and you eyed them angrily.

You ran to Lucy and she was bruised everywhere,you glared Minerva and she smirked.

"What are you looking at Fairy?"she asked."I followed the rules"

"You mean torturing an opponent who already lost!?"Erza snapped.

Your eyes met Rogue and you glared at him.

"I let her be in 2nd place,you should be greatful"she said in her cocky tone.

"What was that!?"Natsu shouted angrily.

Natsu was about to attack but Erza stopped him.

"You may be number one but you've made enemies of the one guild you don't want to anger"Erza said before walking away.

You took one last look at Rogue before looking away leaving.

'Even if it's Rogue I will not tolerate anyone hurting my friends,be it my closest friends.Mess with Fairy Tail and your gonna pay!'you shouted in your mind.

(Time Skip)

It was the end of Day 4 and you were with Gray on the cliff where you made up.Suddenly there were footsteps and you found yourself looking at Rogue.Without thinking you attacked,and pinned him to a tree.

"What do you want!?"you snapped.

"Y/N,I swear i'm sorry!"he said.

"For what!?What do you have to be sorry about!?"Gray asked next to me.

"About Lucy"your eyes widened in fury and your grip hardened making Rogue grit his teeth.

"What do you want from me now!?You wanna beat up me next!?"you shouted at the dragonslayer.

"No,I didn't know Minerva was gonna do that"he said.

You let go of his grip and walked away with Gray.

"I don't want anything to do with you or your screwed guild Rogue.I guess this is goodbye"you muttered leaving Rogue there.

"Y/N..."he began.

You didn't let him finish as you made a pointed ice shard and threw it,it landed inches from his face and it snagged his cape,leaving him stuck to the tree.

"Come on Y/N"Gray said placing his hand on your shoulder.

You walked away emotionless,the anger that build up inside of you was gone,though you didn't want to take it out on Rogue but you had to.He belonged to Sabertooth,the guild that made enemies with Fairy Tail.It just gave you another reason to beat them,so you could avenge Lucy...

(At the inn)

"Sooo,i'm not gonna be in the new team?"you asked Gray.

"No,it's gonna be Natsu,Gajeel,Laxus,Erza and me"Gray said.

"No fair,you get all the fun"you complained.

"Don't worry,i'll have fun for you"he said,patting your head.

"What point are you trying to prove here?"you asked.

"Nothing"he said making you roll your eyes.

You were oddly not in the mood to screw around with Gray so you stood up and left,telling Gray you'd go on a walk.When you were outside you walked around thinking about stuff.

'Maybe I went too far with Rogue back there...'you thought.

"Oi!Fairy girl!"a voice shouted.

You turned around and saw Sabertooth's blonde running up to you,he stopped in front of you and you raised an eyebrow.

"What do you Saber idiots want now?"you growled.

"What's up with Rogue?"he asked.

At the mention of Rogue's name,you gritted your teeth.

"I don't care about him anymore"you said hearlessly.

"Look help me out here,he's acting really weird and he's not talking to anybody"he said,placing a hand on your shoulder.

"And I should care,how?"you asked.

"Because he was your friend right?When we talk he would find a way to bring you into the conversation...and now he's acting like he's really depressed"he said.

"Look,Rogue...just tell him i'm sorry"you said,about to walk off until the blonde grabbed your wrist.

"You say it,it'll mean more to him if you say it"he ordered.

You thought about it for a second before you nodded,let's go apologize to Rogue...

A/N:That took so long to make XD...anyway's I was having writer's block and absolo-utely nothing came into my mind when I would try to type so...i'm sorry!

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