Bonus: the first time

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You were lounging on your friend Aera's bed, eyes lost in the pictures you were looking at on your phone. Images of rivals' art, though you didn't feel intimidated. You'd never be intimidated by another artist's tattoos. No, you were far too confident in your own art for that.

Aera was currently sitting on the floor, waiting for her nails to dry under the UV light she had bought a few years ago, when you had both wanted to try gel polish for the first time. You had never really taken to getting your nails done, but Aera always had a perfect manicure and she had convinced you to do your nails today too.

They were pretty. A matte shade of black, with a little golden gem at the base of them. The almond shape made your fingers a little longer than what you were used to, and it made texting on your phone a little harder. It was a good thing that the person that texted you the most was next to you right now.

Jungkook hadn't texted you yet, since last week. Had only texted you that night he had fucked your mouth, telling you he had gotten home and he'd let you know when he wanted to hang out again. You had wished him good night and had then proceeded to lay awake on the sleeping mat in your office, replaying the last few hours in your mind.

You weren't sure you had gotten any sleep that night; in all honesty you didn't think you had gotten a lot of it since then either.

"Almost done", Aera said from her spot on the floor.

You turned your head to catch her gaze as she was already looking at you. "Finally."

She playfully rolled her eyes, before glancing at your hands. "Still like the nails?"

"I literally told you so five minutes ago."

She arched an eyebrow, tilting her head to the side as she threw you a no-bullshit look.

"Yes, I still like the nails", you obediently replied, and she flashed you a grin, before focusing on her own fingers again.

"I hope Eunwoo likes this colour", she murmured, probably more to herself than to you. She had chosen a baby pink colour and had put a silver gem at the base of the nails, in a similar fashion as the gems on your own fingers.

You propped yourself up on your elbows, a shit-eating smirk moving on your lips. "You're so whipped."

She had the decency to blush before glaring at you.

"What, it's the truth."

Her glare deepened, as did the red on her cheeks. "You're annoying."

You laughed, looking away from her as your phone dinged in your hand. Your eyes widened, the laugh dying on your mouth, and you were pretty sure all colour had leached from your features.

Aera immediately noticed. "What's up?"

"Aish", was all you could reply.

It was well past ten pm. As a matter of fact, it was far closer to eleven pm than to ten. For some reason, it didn't surprise you that Jungkook had chosen that time to text you.

"What?" Aera insisted. "Is something wrong?"

You shut your phone, putting it down on the bed next to you before grabbing a pillow and hiding your face in it. Mostly to hide the grin that had taken over your lips, but also to make Aera wait for an explanation a little longer.

You couldn't help the brat in you.

"Y/n", Aera whined. "What's going on?"

You put the pillow down, wrapping your arms around it as you held it against your chest. "Jungkook texted me."

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