Chapter 11

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The waves of the ocean were a constant rhythm, along with the wind

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The waves of the ocean were a constant rhythm, along with the wind. A soft breeze, a warm one, that caressed your skin as you floated up and down, following the rhythm, the breathing of the sea under you. Seagulls cried in the sky, as you gazed up at the heavens with a smile on your face, basking in the rays of the sun.

The ocean was calm today. Happy, relieved of the tension. Or maybe that was just you. Because you had woken up in Jungkook's arms, and it had felt perfect.

It was a good birthday.

The cool water lapped at your thighs, where your legs disappeared in the sea, on the two sides of the surfboard you had rented for the day. The waves were small, too small to surf, yet you had tried going into the water, along with Aera, while the boys played volleyball on the beach. Aera was lying on her surfboard next to you, eyes shut as she just let it float on the water, and Minchae was sunbathing somewhere on the beach.

You made sure you didn't float away from the coast, but it felt like the ocean had no plan to pull you in, when the boy with galaxies in his eyes had already did. Indeed, it almost felt like you were always gravitating back to him, to the soft smile he had offered you all morning, as he had made you coffee. As he had made you sit in his lap, cuddling on a chair outside in front of all your friends.

Aera had taken one look at you, this morning, and had offered you the most crooked grin she could muster up.

She had then wished you happy birthday, and had offered you a small gift, with Cartier bands in it, for the two of you. Friendship rings, and it had had your eyes watering a little, though you had kept it in.

Aera truly was the best friend you could have ever hoped for.

"I can't believe how much our lives have changed", Aera said, voice floating above the sounds of the ocean to meet your ears.

You chuckled. "It's crazy."

Aera sat up, swaying a little on the water before her eyes found yours. "I'm glad you found Jungkook."

It had a lump form in your throat, and you remained silent.

"He's going to be good for you."

It made you glimpse at Jungkook, and he waved at you from his spot on the beach.

"He is", you admitted, eyes sliding back to Aera, who had the smallest and softest smile on her lips. "I'm lucky to have met him."

Aera nodded, and a silence moved between you, as you went back to enjoy the sun.

"Soobin would be happy for you, you know?" Aera said. It was said like a question, as if she needed the reassurance that you weren't going to push Jungkook away, like you had pushed most of everyone else after Soobin.

You blinked back an unexpected wave of tears. "I know. Sometimes..." you trailed off, searching for words. "Sometimes I think Soobin is the one that sent me Jungkook."

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