Chapter 2

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If there was one thing you had understood, as a young tattoo artist, it was that Friday nights were a profitable night, with all the drunk people seeking for a permanent imprint of their revelry on their skin

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If there was one thing you had understood, as a young tattoo artist, it was that Friday nights were a profitable night, with all the drunk people seeking for a permanent imprint of their revelry on their skin. You had put your ink on more drunken bodies than you could remember, though you had always made sure these tattoos were top of your art.

God knew you didn't need any bad reviews for your shop. So far, the reviews had mostly been positive, with people coming back sober to thank you about your art. It had led to you having quite a reputation, and an impressive following on your Instagram, where you posted every tattoo with the consent of its owner.

One thing led to another, and famous people started going to you for their own tattoos – drunk or not – and you barely even were surprised when you saw them walk into your shop. Usually, that is.

Because when Jeon Jungkook walked into your shop, on a late Friday evening in the middle of June, surrounded by a small crowd of his friends, your mouth fell open, and you blinked a couple of times, willing the image to change.

Or just for it to start making sense, because your brain was struggling to understand. He had not even contacted you in advance. Had you known, you wouldn't have scheduled someone already.

And as you sat there, looking at Jungkook over the young girl you were tattooing, gazes meeting like an intimate embrace, you were struck dumb. You couldn't find anything to say but stare.

Now, you had never been a big fan of his. But it was hard not to know who he was, when you had lived in Seoul your whole life. BTS was a big thing, whether you liked their music or not.

"Good evening", he said, bowing his head.

It took you a moment to register the slur in his words – Jeon Jungkook was drunk in your tattoo shop. So were his friends, as they giggled behind him. Jungkook was clearly attempting to look sober, with a serious look on his face, but the blush on his cheeks was selling him.

"Hello", you replied, bowing back.

You glanced at the girl you were working on, tattoo pen hovering over the skin of her arm, and the half-finished fine line fish you were drawing there. The girl was looking at Jungkook, mouth hanging open, eyes so wide you thought they were going to bulge out of her head.

You hoped you didn't look like that because, even with the kindness she had addressed to you all night, she truly looked ridiculous.

"Are you closing soon?" Jungkook asked, scanning your shop once before meeting your gaze again.

You blinked once more, almost expecting the scene to change, but when your eyes opened again, Jungkook was still there.

"Miss Seo is my last client of the evening", was your reply. You straightened, trying to appear more professional. "Do you wish to get tattooed tonight?"

A tall man behind Jungkook snorted, and another one of them elbowed him in the ribs. You were pretty sure the first one was Cha Eunwoo, but you didn't recognize the other one. Nor did you recognize any of the other men.

Jungkook clearly tried to keep his cool, though the corner of his lips were shaking with a suppressed laugh. "If you can, yes. We'll pay double."

You let out a small laugh, tilting your head to the side. "There's no need to pay more." You glanced at the girl, and at her still wide eyes. "I'll be done in about thirty minutes, if you want to come back then."

The grin that moved on Jungkook's mouth had your brain going into a frenzy, and you looked down at the tattoo. Trying to ignore the curious gaze that he still had on you, as if he wasn't quite ready to look away, and join into the victorious cheers his drunk friends were exchanging.

"Oh God", Seo Bomi, your client, let out, as your pen pricked her skin again.

You threw her a concerned look. "Are you okay?"

She nodded, cheeks so red she seemed to be about to implode. Quite like you felt, in all honesty. Because Jungkook had taken a few steps closer, while his friends were lingering by the door.

"Can I watch?" he asked, and you looked up to him as he stopped next to Bomi.

It was quite the sight to see, Jeon Jungkook looking down at you like that. It had your blood turning hot in your veins, as you gulped.

"If Miss Seo is comfortable, yeah", you replied.

Your hands had never shaken when you had tattooed someone before, and you knew that they wouldn't start today. No matter if you had an audience – you were confident in your talents, and maybe that, most of all, was behind your success.

Bomi's face turned alarmed, her eyes growing a little wider. Jungkook got the clue and he stepped back, a friendly smile moving on his lips.

"You know what, I think we'll grab another beer before", he said. "We'll be back in thirty minutes."

You nodded, smiling at him. "Don't be late."

His smile melted into a smirk and he winked, "I'd never be late for you."

He was gone before your brain had registered his words. Before you could even meet the flirtatiousness that had inhabited his sentence. It left you stunned for a moment.

"I knew you tattooed celebrities all the time, but I wasn't expecting to see the '97 liners here tonight." Bomi's pretty voice was still a little strained from the embarrassment, and she let out a tiny giggle.

You focused back on reality, eyeing her. Had she heard Jungkook flirting at all, or was that just you?

"I wasn't expecting them tonight either", you replied, and you only then noticed your heart was beating out of your chest.

The night promised to be exciting, yes, and quite profitable for your tattoo shop.

If you didn't make a fool out of yourself, that is.

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