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Steve was exhausted all he wanted to do was go back to his apartment and just a chilled night with Sharon his girlfriend of six months. But when he walked into the apartment he found it dark and empty. He sighed for the past two months when he had returned from missions he had found Sharon gone she had her job as a Shield agent so she was busy but he missed coming back to find someone waiting him. He thought of Hannah and a pain shot through his gut, Hannah had always been waiting for him with a big smile and a hug and something yummy to eat. He shook his head trying to forget that was in the past, Steve set down his keys on the counter and went to the fridge to see if there was any food only to find it practically empty with expired milk and Chinese take out boxes that he was sure that had been in there when he had left on the mission two weeks ago he slammed the door. Just looked around the dark apartment  it was cold and lonely it was missing something and it had been for the last six months since his fallout with Hannah.

He sat down on the couch and ran his hand though his hair thinking back about all his time with Hannah there had been warmth and laughter, her laughter was contagious you couldn't help but laugh with her. Compared Sharon whose laugh shrill made you winced and sent shivers down your back. And he missed how Hannah would gather everyone on the team for movie or game night and everyone had so much fun it was hard to leave, she was just the type of person that everyone wanted to be around and everyone was her friend never said a bad word about anyone. Sharon had thrown dinner parties but none of the other Avengers had attended there had been her colleagues and friends but he never felt the connections that he did with the other Avengers, Sharon didn't have many friends and she bad talked them when they had left. Steve grunted in frustration he had to stop comparing the two women but he was beginning to realize how much he missed Hannah and not having her in his life was leaving him empty. Steve stood up and walked into the bedroom he need to just relax and wait for Sharon to come home and just have a nice quiet night just the two of them.

Steve stepped into the shower and let the hot water run down his sore body even though he was a super solider this last mission had been hard. Nat and Clint hadn't exactly been the most cooperative on the mission both hardly spoke to him only when it was absolutely  necessary. Neither Clint or Nat liked Sharon matter of fact they called her the snake no one on the team liked her.  Steve mostly did missions alone and if he did have a partner it was only with Nat who called him idiot every time he mention Sharon. And Sam who just was there with red wing to give extra eyes and Clint who rarely came but when he did he was cold and never said a word.

The others on the team refused to work with him Tony gave him daggers at every meeting and Bruce would always get a little green around him so Steve had practically avoided him at all cost. Thor was off world but had offered to smash his face in with that hammer of his when he had found out what had happened. As for Bucky the two hadn't spoken in five months when they had gotten into a fight when Sharon had made a nasty remark about Hannah not deserving to be apart of the Avengers which had made Bucky almost lose it on her. As for Hannah he knew that she had been around but she was very good at avoiding him. He hated that he missed the way she smile at him her whole face would light up like he was the most important person in the world to her and her hugs had been so comforting and calming. Sharon just told him hi and gave a cold peck on the cheek. Steve got out of the shower and got dressed in some joggers and t shirt when he heard some laughter coming from the hallway.

His super solider hearing made him hear two people not one Sharon and another person, Steve quickly turn off the bedroom light and stayed quiet. The door open and the laughter got louder "God this place is pathetic you think big old Captain America would have a better apartment" snapped a male voice. Steve bunched up his fists and the comment, a shrill filled the room making Steve wince "Yeah I know but it reminds him of his old apartment back from the 40's he has a much nicer room in the tower but doesn't use it cause of the mouse" response Sharon in a snarky tone.  "Oh all that right all the other Avengers sided with that pathetic little sister of Banner's right?" said the voice in mocking tone. Sharon let a out another shrill "God, yes I don't know what they seen in her, she is so boring and did you hear she dating Barnes who is absolutely gorgeous why would someone like him want someone like her so plain" she laughs. Steve took a deep breath in and it felt like someone punched him in the heart  HANNAH AND BUCK... NO SHE but then he was pulled from his thoughts "When does the old fool return?" asked the male voice. "He wont be back four days thank god it's so tiring when he's around" response Sharon in annoyed tone. The man laughs "Why are with him then if you can't stand him" he asks. Sharon just shrills "It's all for show really, its good for my career and its nice when people been over backwards when the find out your Captain America's girlfriend" Sharon says mockingly. Steve grunts at her words and he just stunned but then the male voice just scoffs "Well now let's forget the old man and let's take this to the bedroom" he says. "God yes he so much an old man he hasn't tried to take me to bed yet" she snaps. Steve just shakes his head, he had tried but she was the one to turn him down and he had respected her wishes.

Soon there was the sound of kissing and moaning coming from the living room. Steve's stomach turned and he snapped out his trace and went storming into the living room to see Sharon on top of a man but not just any man her fellow Shield agent Brock Rumlow. Steve just cleared his throat which made Sharon look up and she screamed and jumped off Rumlow .  Steve just stared at them "Steve... this isn't what you think it is" stuttered Sharon, and Rumlow scrambled off the couch. Steve just scoffed "Oh really do explain Sharon because it looked to me you had you tongue down his throat and from what I heard earlier your just using me to advance your career" he snaps.

Sharon stutters "I...I" but Steve cuts her off "God I was so blind Bucky was right about you using me and so was Hannah you have slept your way through Shield" he says in eerily, calm tone. Sharon pulls a face "Of course you bring up that Banner mouse that's all heard about the last six months Hannah this and Hannah that none of the Avengers would talk to me because of that stupid Banner bitch I don't know what everyone see in her hell even Fury goes on and on about her. But what about me I am Peggy Carter's niece and great agent!" Sharon screams at Steve. Steve rolls his eyes "You are an excellent agent but you lack the warmth and the kindness that she has. Your just a cold hearted bitch who uses people to get ahead unlike Hannah who works hard in all that she does you will never compare to Hannah" responses Steve firmly. Sharon screams in frustration "I am done we are over" she snaps at him.

Steve shrugs "Good I am glad now I can go back to the people who really cared about me" he says calmly. Sharon sneers at him. "Oh your going back to the Banner mouse did finally realize that your in love with her, well good luck she's moved on with Barnes" she laughs and grabs Rumlow hand and walks out the door slamming it behind her. Steve wince at the sound but then Sharon's words hit him.

All the memories and the feelings overwhelming hit him at once he was in love with Hannah and why had been so miserable for the past six months was because his heart wasn't whole and his life had felt so empty it's was because she wasn't in his life.  An overwhelming sense of dread filled his heart it was full of regret for not seeing what had in his life. Hannah Banner had been a friend and loved him with her whole heart and never expected anything return. Regret for not seeing it sooner how much he need her in his life.  Regret was breaking her heart and throwing her love in back in her face. And the biggest regret was not realizing sooner how much she meant to him.  Regretting that his had lost her forever to Bucky who had seen truly amazing she was all along where had he been blind.

Steve sat in silence but then stood up No I can't lose her, she loved me for six years love like that just doesn't go away. There has to be a chance to win her back Steve thinks to himself. Then he stands up and walks out the door to get back the women he loves. Hoping that he wasn't too late.

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