Only You-JR

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This is for entertainment only and no reflection on the actual people. I do not know them.
Marie walked briskly to the front door trying to leave quickly as possible without anyone noticing. Tears flowing freely down her face and her heart in shambles. She was almost to the door when she felt a hand on her shoulder "Marie are you alright?" asked a deep voice. Marie turned to see Chris Evans looking down at with concern. Marie nodded "I am fine Evans I just feel a migraine coming on and so I am going to go home" responded Marie quickly. Chris just shook his head "Marie come on I know you better than that what wrong did JR say something to upset you?" asked Chris with a frown. Marie started to sob and Chris pulled her into his arms and quickly guided her to an empty room so no one could hear them.

Marie just cried as Chris held her for a few minutes finally she was able to calm down and pulled away. Marie looked up at Chris "Sorry about that Evans and no Ren didn't say anything to upset me but Pratt and his big mouth ratted me out to Ren about my feelings for him." said Marie as she wiped her tears off her face.
Chris just groaned "Oh Marie I am so sorry, Pratt has always been an idiot what did Renner say?" asked Chris . Marie just shook her head and closed her eyes "Nothing but the look he gave me said it all" answered Marie. Chris pulled her close to him again the took his finger under her chin making her look up at him. "JR is an idiot as well to have a chance with a woman like you and not take it" said Chris softly. Marie just shook her head " You're only saying that to be nice Evans woman like me can't compete with women like gorgeous Sonni" said Marie.

Chris shook his head "Now I don't know Sonni but I do know you and you would be any man's dream woman come you're intelligent, funny, have such a big heart. You love the Red Sox the only thing I can think of that's wrong is you're a 49's fan" Chris smiled which made Marie laugh. "Brady and the Patriots are totally overrated" said Marie with a smile. Chris just shook his head in disgust but then smiled. "See you have your own mind and you're so beautiful that sometimes you take my breath away I mean if I found you had feelings for me I would jump at the chance and never let go" said Chris softly. Marie took a step back "Chris I...." but Chris just sighed "I know Marie right now it's only Renner who has your heart" responded Chris with a sad smile. Marie just looked at Chris with his sea blue eyes "I am sorry Evans it's just that..." she started to say but Chris cut her off " It's fine Marie but let me take you home okay" he asked. Marie just nodded and they headed out together.

Jeremy had stood there in utter shock "Marie is in love with best friend...the women he thought he could never have was in love with HIM" Jeremy thought to himself. I have to find her I need to talk to her he thought. He practically ran through the garden looking everywhere but not finding Marie anywhere. He spotted Scarlett standing with Anna Faris and Chris Pratt who was slightly swaying and very noticeable drunk. Scarlett looked annoyed and Anna was just trying to keep it together. Jeremy ran up them "Hey Scarlett have you seen Marie anywhere I need to talk to her" he said in a panic tone. Scarlett frown "No JR I haven't for a while I am sorry what happened" replied Scarlett.

Pratt started to laugh "Oh did the pathetic little mouse confess her feelings" he laughed. Anna gasped and Scarlett scowled at Pratt's words. Jeremy bunch his fists up but Scarlett place her hand on his arm. Jeremy just shook his head, Pratt took another drink of his beer then stumbled towards Jeremy "Oh Marie isn't here she left with Evans 15 minutes ago ran right into his arms always knew she was a slut" Pratt said laughing. This time Jeremy didn't hold back just punched Pratt in his smug face sending him flying back. Anna ran to him "Oh Christopher you drunken idiot" she cried shaking her head. Jeremy stepped forward " You will never speak about her that way again you asshole" yelled Jeremy and he walked away.

Jeremy was walking to his car when he heard giggling and on top of his car was Sonni kissing one of the stunt doubles from the Avengers movie. "What the hell is going on here?" he yelled. The couple jumped apart and Sonni pushed the other guy away. "Ren this isn't what this looks like!" screamed Sonny. Jeremy stared to laugh "Really what it looks like is you have your tongue half way down Stu's throat" snapped Jeremy. "Ren please" cried Sonni reaching out to him but he pulled away. " DON'T" he yelled. Sonni jump forward "Ren please I love you" said Sonni pleading. Jeremy started to laugh " You don't love me and don't call me Ren only Marie can call me that" snapped Jeremy. Sonni just rolled her eyes "Oh my gosh you always go on and on about her when she is nothing but a pathetic little mouse it's almost like you're in love with her" snapped Sonni.

Jeremy just smirked "Your right I do love her and the only reason I was with you was to try to forget my feelings for her which didn't work we are done you can enjoy your new boy toy" he said as he walked back to his car.  He stopped and turned to Stu "She's all your buddy and good luck you're going to need it" said Jeremy and he walked back the house. As he got back in he ran into Scarlett "Hey JR are you okay I just saw what happened with Sonni I am so sorry" said Scarlett. Jeremy just shook his head "I don't care about her I need to get to Marie before anything happens with Evans we all know how he can be" snapped Jeremy as he grabbed his jacket. Scarlett just shook her head "So you finally admit you're in love with her?" asked Scarlett with a sly smile. He nodded "I never said anything cause I never thought she would feel the same I always thought she had eyes I on someone else" Jeremy replied. Scarlet shook her head "Believe me Marie only has eye for you. Jeremy just smiled and walked out the door.

Twenty minutes later he arrived at Marie's house to see Evans car parked in the driveway. He frowned but shook his head and parked his car next to Evans. He was walking up to the door when it opened and Evans walked out. Evans looked up him and just shook his head "So you're here for the girl aren't you" he asked frowning. Jeremy nodded "Yeah if she'll have me" Jeremy responded. Evans frown "Oh she'll have you believe me she only wants you" said Evans with a small smile. Jeremy just nodded went to the door "JR just don't break her heart cause if you do I break you and nothing will stop me from trying to win her heart" said Evans seriously his eyes staring straight into Jeremy's
with a slight nod he turned and went to the door.

Jeremy knocked a few times before the door opened with Marie standing there with surprised look on her face while swollen with tears she still took his breath away. "Ren what are you doing here?" she asked. Jeremy run the back of his neck with his hand "Can we talk?" asked Jeremy. Marie sighed "Ren I don't...." she started to say but Jeremy stepped forward "Please Rie" pleaded Jeremy. Marie closed her eyes and stepped back to let him in which Jeremy quick came in.

Marie hugged herself trying to calm down her heart was rapidly beating. Here he was knowing what she  had feelings for him and not knowing what he was feeling was just killing her inside. Marie walked towards the family room and sat down on the couch. Jeremy was right behind and sat down right next to her but she moved to give them some space. "Jeremy what did you want to talk about?" asked Marie her voice shaking. Jeremy pulled a face Marie only called by his first name when she was annoyed or mad at him. "Rie you know what I want to talk about" he answered. Marie pressed her lips together than she sighed "Jeremy I never meant for you to found out that way" said Marie. "Were you ever going to tell me?" he asked softly. Marie nodded "I was going to tonight but you showed up with Sonni" answered Marie. Jeremy groaned "Rie...." he started to say but Marie cut him off.

"Jeremy I get it you don't feel the same I mean I can understand Sonni is stunningly beautiful and seems nice and you only see me as a friend" said Marie. Jeremy just shook his head " Oh Rie you got it all wrong the only reason I was with her is to get over you" said Jeremy. Marie's eyes snapped to his blue eyes "What...why she everything I am not she sh..." said Marie but Jeremy's lips were on her with kiss that sent sparks throughout her body. Jeremy pulled her close his hands roaming her body. Jeremy groaned as Marie's hands moved to the back of his neck and she ran her fingers through his hair. He shifted her to where she was straddling him. His lips moved off her to neck with light kisses she moan lightly when found a sweet spot on her neck. Jeremy pulled back and grinned then  " You like that Rie?" he whispered in her ear giving it a small nip. "Oh Ren" was all Marie could respond to him. Jeremy smirked then moved her chin to face him. "Rie my darling you are everything I have ever wanted and so much more I love you" he said firmly.

Marie's eyes widened "Ren I love you too" she said smiling then leaned down and gave him a soft kiss which he deepened. After a few moments later they pulled back and he pressed his forehead to hers. "Rie I want to see where this can go I want to be with you I have for a long time" he said. Marie looked at him "What about Sonni you're with her and why didn't say anything before?" Marie asked frowning. Jeremy shook his head " I ended it with her it turns out she was seeing Stu behind my back but I was going to end it anyway because I found out your feelings for me and I knew couldn't be with her anymore there's no way she could compare to you my beautiful, hilarious, intelligent stubborn best friend who I love completely it only you Rie " he said before kissing her again.

Marie just smiled "You too Ren it's only you for me as well" she responded then sealed everything with a kiss.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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