Persuade-part 1

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Anne Stark stood quietly in the corner at the pianoforte waiting for the dancing to begin. There wasn't enough gentleman for every lady so Anne was volunteered to play the music "Oh let Anne play the music she won't mind not dancing" said Elizabeth Stark her older sister who was twirling her dark hair around her finger. Anne sighed because once again she was stuck at the pianoforte as her fingers began to glide across the keys she wished that she was among the dancers. She watched their movements and the enjoyment on everyone's faces. The Scottish Reel was a favorite of everyone in Shieldton so it was requested quite often. They were half way through when the door opened startling Anne and making her fumble on the keys. The dancing stopped to see the Vicar Mr. Samuel Wilson and another gentleman who was dressed in a Navy lieutenant's uniform. Anne's older brother Sir Anthony (Tony) Stark walked over to greet them "Mr Wilson welcome to our party and who is friend that you have brought with you?" asked Tony. Mr. Wilson bowed to Tony "Sir Tony it is a pleasure to be here tonight please forgive me for my late arrival. My dear friend Lieutenant Clinton Barton arrived earlier than expected so I thought it would nice if he join us this evening as well. I hope that is not too much trouble" said Mr. Wilson. Tony only smiled and nodded "Of course we are delighted to have any friend of yours Mr. Wilson" replied Tony.

Mr. Wilson got a huge grin on his face "My I introduce Lieutenant Clinton Barton" said Mr. Wilson. Tony and Elizabeth bow as did Lieutenant Barton. Mr Wilson looked around the room and smiled "Oh were we dancing?" asked Mr. Wilson. Sir Tony smiled "Yes but unfortunately there is not enough gentleman for every lady to enjoy the dancing so two of my sisters have to sit out" responded Sir Tony. Mr. Wilson nodded "Well it appears that the Lieutenant and I have arrived just in time then" said Mr. Wilson happily. He stepped forward "Miss. Stark may I have this dance?" asked Mr. Wilson. Elizabeth nodded "Yes of course but who will play the pianoforte if Anne is dancing?" asked Elizabeth with a frown. Just then Miss Carol Danvers stepped forward looking slightly flushed "Miss Stark I could play for awhile it will give me some rest and give dear Miss Anne a chance to dance as well" said Miss Carol Danvers happily.

Sir Tony stepped forward "Thank you Miss Carol and Lieutenant Barton may I have the pleasure of introducing you to my middle sister Miss. Anne Stark." said Sir Tony. The Lieutenant nodded as Sir Tony guided him to a young woman in a light lavender dress and with light brown hair with red highlights and was piled on the top her head with two ringlets on the sides. They walked over to the pianoforte where Anne was sitting, both men bowed to Anne. "Sister may I have pleasure of introducing you to Lieutenant Barton"  said Tony firmly. Anne looked up at both men with a surprise look on her face. She stood up quickly but as took a step out she stumbled over a leg of the bench and fell forward. Lieutenant instinctively reached out and caught her, he had his arms around her and he looked down at her it was like the world stood still as he looked into her deep brown eyes. It seemed like everyone else disappeared and he feel her heart which seem to beat with his.

Anne could feel herself falling forward but then it stopped and she looked up to see Lieutenant Barton's sky blue eyes staring down into her's. Her heart began to race and she forgot everything else around her it was like he was seeing into her soul. But all too soon she was awoken to reality when she heard "Oh Miss Anne are you well?" asked a voice. Anne turned to Miss Danvers staring at her with concern her face. Anne nodded and quickly stepped back from Lieutenant Barton's arms which left her feeling empty. "Yes, Miss. Danvers I am well just a little fumble is all no harm done" Anne responded giving Miss Danvers a reassuring smile. She turned to the Lieutenant " Thank Lieutenant Barton for catching me" said Anne with a soft smile. Lieutenant Barton bowed "Of course Miss Anne I am glad to be of aid but I must ask are okay nothing is a miss" he asked with concern tone. Anne nodded "I am well I promise" she replied with a smile.

Miss Danvers then clapped her hands "Oh then you two must dance Miss Anne is such a delightful dancer but always gets stuck at the pianoforte" said Miss Danvers excitedly. Anne blushed deeply at Miss Danvers words but Lieutenant Barton just smiled "Well now shall we see how well you dance?" asked Lieutenant hold out his hand to her with a  slight bow. Anne's eyes brighten and as she took his hand even though they were gloved she felt a spark go up her arm. Anne jumped slightly at the sensation but Lieutenant Barton held firm to her hand.

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