Journey to the Past

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Mar 2004 another prequel for Broken Realities

It was two months till graduation and Zoe's life was crazy with School and work and practicing for the singing competition Zoe had little time to think about her sister who had been wailing "practicing" for the passed two months for the competition. Zoe wore headphones to cover up the sounds that were coming from her sister. Zoe couldn't wait till the competition was over so there would be some sort of silence and peace in the house again
Her and Miss Tuttle and gone over several songs a had nothing till on day Zoehad gone home and was watching Anastasia and Nicole just laughed "Your just like Anya found in the streets orphaned and doesn't know the loser who you are" laughed Nicole and she walked out the room just then the song Journey to the Past began and Zoe knew then she had found her song.

Weeks of practice with her teacher had finally paid off "Oh Zoe you're going to kill it!" said Miss Tuttle clapping her hands. Zoe just nodded but said nothing then Miss Tuttle just looks at her "What are you wearing to the competition Zoe cause you have to dress up for it" asked Miss Tuttle. "I have a purple dress that I bought last week when my mom bought Nicole's dress" replied Zoe. Miss Tuttle frowned at the statement and shook her head " Your sister is so spoiled I don't understand how they treat you two so differently" snapped Miss Tuttle. Zoe's eyes widened in surprise at her teacher's statement. Zoe looked down "Well I am adopted and Nicole is their real daughter.." said Zoe. Miss Tuttle just rolled her eyes "That's ridiculous you are both their daughters and should be treated the same regardless how you become a family" said Miss Tuttle. Zoe just shrugged "It's okay Miss Tuttle soon I will be at college and the maybe move back to Utah and be close to my grandparents that is one of only places I have ever felt at home" said Zoe. Miss Tuttle nodded " Who know maybe some day you will find your birth family and get to learn who you really are" said Miss Tuttle smiling. Zoe sighed "Maybe but I doubt it... well I will see you tomorrow at the competition Miss. Tuttle" said Zoe. Miss Tuttle nod and smiled "Do you need a ride to Concord?" asked Miss Tuttle. Zoe shook her head "No I have a ride with my family" answered Zoe. "Okay just me know if anything changes okay Zoe" said Miss. Tuttle with concern. "I will do,bye" said Zoe as she walked out the door not watching where she was and bumped into someone. Dropping her choirs sheets and book "I am so sorry I wasn't watching where I was going" said Zoe. "Oh no it's totally fine I wasn't either" said a male voice. She looked up to see a familiar face but someone she hadn't seen in awhile "Scott, Scott Evans is that you?" asked Zoe surprised. Scott snapped his head and got huge grin on his face "Zoe Williams oh my god I haven't seen you forever how are you doing?" he asked. Zoe had picked up her papers "I am good just waiting to finish up high school then it's off to Harvard" said Zoe happily. Scott just grinned "You were always so smart I remember being at dance class and you would help me with my math homework even though you weren't even in high yet Congratulations " said Scott. "Thank you I am excited so how are you and the rest of the family?" asked Zoe. "We're all good Shanna is also graduating and Carly is in dating a new guy we all really like him and Ma is just busy at the dance school and guess what Chris has a movie coming soon it a super hero one!" said Scott happily. Zoe eyes widen and she got excited "Ohh which one ?" asked Zoe excitedly. Scott just laughed "He is playing Johnny Storm in the new Fantastic Four movie that comes out next year" answered Scott. Even though she hadn't really ever talked to Chris "Oh I am sure he will pull it off brilliantly he was charming slightly full of himself just like Johnny Storm" said Zoe. Scott just laughed out loud. "Oh I am so telling him you said that" said Scott. "Well I have to drop something off to Miss. Tuttle, Ma wanted to make sure she got the song list for the competition tomorrow" said Scott waving some papers. "Oh that's nice maybe I will see you guys there I am one of the competitors and so is my sister" said Zoe.
Scott pulled a face " I can see you being but Nicole really... a wailing seagulls sound better than her" said Scott with a shutter. Zoe just laughed "Oh Scott be nice she not..that bad" said Zoe unconvincingly. Scott rolled his eyes "Shanna would come and tell stories about choir classes Nicole and none were ever good and my mom hated teaching her dance" said Scott shaking his head. Zoe just giggled "Well I have to go it's a long walk home and I want to get there before it's to dark" said Zoe. Scott pulled a face " If you wait a few minutes while I drop this off I can give you a ride" said Scott. Zoe shook her head " No you don't have too" said Zoe. But Scott just smiled " My Ma raised and gentlemen and we give fair ladies rides" said Scott in a British accent. "Okay I can't argue with that and thank you" said Zoe.

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