Like You-JR

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Marie stood outside on the balcony watching the other party guests enjoying themselves. She took a slip of her fruity drink that she had gotten from the bar earlier. It was her third one of the night hoping that it help drown out the pain she was feeling in her heart. But it wasn't working her heart was shattered just like her hope. His raspy laugh filled her ears, her eyes automatically turned towards him to see his arms wrapped around a stunning brunette and was whispering in her ear with a huge grin on his face.

Marie groaned trying to keep the tears at bay there was no way she compete with the tall and skinny model. Marie had meet Jeremy on the set of the first Avengers movie and they had really hit off. Hanging out after  shoots and going to clubs. Jeremy had become one her best friends along with Scarlett and Evans. All four did everything together Scarlett and Evans were especially close being costars on several movies together before. So her and Jeremy gotten close as well even though there was a 15 year age gap between they had a lot in common their love of music, movies and the 49's. Marie and Jeremy went to all the home games together and just had a blast. Eventually after all that time Marie felt something deeper than friendship and had hope to tell him tonight at RDJ's birthday party.

But Jeremy had showed up with Sonni his new girlfriend who he had meet on the set of his latest movie. Marie sighed he had barely acknowledged her all night only said hello after introducing Sonni to her. Scarlett and her had been chatting when he came in with Sonni. "Hey JR you finally show your face" said Scarlett. Marie had quickly turned around excited to see Jeremy only to see him walking up with Sonni with his arm wrapped around her waist. Jeremy just smirked "Well I was a little held up so yeah..." replied Jeremy. Sonny just giggled " Oh there's nothing little about what we just did" she smirked. Marie gasped and Scarlett rolled her eyes "Eww TMI" said Scarlett with a face of disgust. Marie said nothing and just walked away not wanting Jeremy to see her tears. Sonni looked confused " What's her problem?" said Sonni. Scarlett just shook her head "Umm she just got bad news today is all" replied Scarlett. Jeremy looked concerned "Maybe I should go check on her" said Jeremy walking towards where Marie had headed. Scarlett just shook her head "No JR that probably wouldn't be the best idea it would be better if I go" she responded quickly following Marie.

Tears followed freely down her face and just quietly stood there in a corner of RDJ's backyard. She heard footsteps behind her so she quickly wiped her tears off her face. There was a small laugh  that made her turn around. She rolled her eyes to see Chris Pratt standing there smirking at her. Marie couldn't stand this man with his smug attitude ever since she had turned him down while working on the set of Everwood. "Well, Marie how are we doing tonight?" said Pratt in a smug tone. Marie just rolled her eyes "I am just fine Pratt" replied Maria with her head held high as she walked past him. Pratt just raised an eyebrow and grab her arm and lean over to her "He would never pick someone like you over someone like her" he laughed. Marie snapped her head looking at Pratt " I don't know what you're talking about Pratt" she snapped as she tried to pull away. Pratt held a firm grip on her arm "Oh sweet Marie it's obvious to everyone that you're desperately in love with Renner, but he will only see you like a friend I mean come on she's a model tall and stunning unlike you plain and pathetic" he said gripping her tighter.

Marie winced but pulled away "Pathetic huh? Well you didn't think so a few years ago" she snapped back. Pratt narrowed his eyes "Pratt go back to your wife and leave me the fuck alone" Marie said as she walked away. Renner will never love you Marie" he yelled after her. Marie closed her eyes not paying attention to where she was going and ran into someone. "Oh I am so sorry" she started to say as she opens her eyes to see Jeremy stand before her. Marie's eyes widen in surprise, Jeremy just is looking at her with a weird look on his face. Then steps back " Are you okay Marie? Was Pratt bugging you?" he asks quietly. Marie just bits her lip but nods " I am fine Ren, Pratt was just being his usual asshole self but nothing I can't handle" she responds with a fake smile. "Let's go back to the party" she says as she walks back to the party but Jeremy stops her. "Marie what did Pratt mean when he yelled that I would never love you? he asked in a serious tone.

Marie's heart stopped at his words and looked in to his baby blue eyes. Marie just shook her head "Pratt is drunk and an idiot and just speaking nonsense" she replied quietly. But Jeremy just shook his head "Marie are you in love with me?" he asked firmly. Marie closed her eyes and sighed "Yes Ren I am in love with you" she replied as a tear rolled down her face. Jeremy just looked her for a minute saying nothing. "Marie I..." he started to say but Marie cut him off. "I know Ren, you don't have to tell me, it's was just a crazy wish and I am a silly to think I could ever have someone like you, so let's just forget about and go back to the party" Marie said firmly and walked away.

Jeremy just watched her walk away not sure what to think. Never had it enter his mind that someone like her would be in love with someone like him.

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