Made Up

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Hannah stood in front of the mirror looking herself she was in a deep red dress in was styled in 1940's type dress it was tight round her waist and flared out. Nat had done her hair and make up also in a 40's style her lips practically matched her dress. She twirled around the dress swirled around her, Hannah smiled because it was first time in a long while that she felt beautiful. Nat walked back in the room and smiled at her "Oh Barnes isn't going to know what to do when he see you" said Nat. Hannah turned around and rolled her eyes "Hopefully he will take me dancing like planned" replied Hannah. "Oh I think he definitely will and maybe something more because he won't be able to keep his hands off of you" said Nat with a smirk.

Hannah blushed thinking the suggestion, the past six months had been a blur Bucky had been so patient and understanding as she got over her heartache. They had started off slowly and just spending time together and getting to really know each other. They had officially started dating three months ago and it had been amazing he was so caring and made her feel like she was the most important person in the world. Tonight he was going to take her to a club that had 40's style dancing she was excited. Nat came up behind her "Have fun girl you deserve it" said Nat. Hannah nodded "Thanks Nat for everything you have done" replied Hannah. Nat moved to the door and grabbed her bag she stopped to reached into it and took out something and toss a box at Hannah which she caught. "Stay safe" said Nat with a smirk. Confused Hannah looked down at the box in her hands and blushed even deeper at the Condoms. "Nat..." gasped Hannah. "Believe me girl you're going to need them with the way you look tonight" laughed Nat she walked out the door shutting it behind her.

Hannah just set the box on the dresser rolled her eyes, she grabbed her bottle of Gucci:Guilty and spritzed two puff of the perfume on her wrist and then her neck. She moved her hair a little, there was knock on the door Hannah looked at the clock it was 5:30 Bucky said he would pick her up at 6. He was early she check the mirror one more time before moved to the door opening it. "Your early..." started Hannah but she stopped not seeing Bucky but Steve. "Wow Hannah you look so Beautiful " said Steve with a huge grin which made Hannah's heart drop. Hannah just took a deep breathe "What do you want Rogers I have plans tonight" asked Hannah firmly. Steve raised an eyebrow at her tone "I want to talk to you about something can I come in and we talk?" asked Steve the look he gave her with his blue eyes took her breath away but she quickly shook it off.

"Rogers you said all you needed to six months ago so why don't you go back to your beautiful girlfriend and leave plain old me alone" snapped Hannah nearly in tears. Steve winced at the words but shook his head "Hannah please I was a fool and blind you were right about Sharon we broke up "replied Steve. Hannah shook her head "So you broke up with the Shield's whore what did think that you would come running back to me, Hannah your backup girlfriend and what did you think that I would gladly open my arms to you Rogers... cause that isn't happening cause I moving on and I with Bucky now it's too late" replied Hannah glaring at Steve. Steve moved closer shaking his head "Hannah I want to apologize for everything I was blind to what was in front of me and not seeing what an amazing and how much you mean to me" said Steve meekly. Hannah just huffed into her room and said nothing Steve followed her "Hannah the last six months I have been missing you so much and I realize why a few days ago and I have to tell you that I love you" said Steve quietly.

Tears started following down Hannah's face "No... this can't be happening now...I am moving on Steve you had six years and you did nothing and just let me keep falling deeper and deeper in love with you don't love me you just loved the attention I gave you" yelled Hannah. Steve just stared at her with a frown then walked over to her "Hannah please believe me when I say that I love you and I believe that you still love me" said Steve softly walking up to her taking her into his arms and kissing her. Hannah had pictured this moment a thousand times in her head over the years cause she had wanted to happen. But now it was happening and she felt nothing no spark just his lips trying to get her to move it's was nothing like when Bucky kissed her the warmth and the love she felt when kissing Bucky.

At the thought of Bucky Hannah pushed Steve away "No, stop" she said firmly. Steve looked at with pain in his eyes "Hannah please give me a chance and I will prove that I love you and that you still love me" he pleaded. Hannah just shook her head "I don't love you the past six months and being with Bucky made me realize that I never really did, I was in love a version of you that my mind made up I was the one putting everything into our relationship or friendship, you hardly put in anything and my heart was the one that did the rest, so getting over the real you was easy the part, hard part has been getting over what my heart and mind made up" she replied. Steve looked hurt and went to say something but Hannah stopped him and walked over to the door "Please leave Steve, Bucky will be here soon" said Hannah. Steve closed his eyes and sighed his heart was full of regret but he had to know one thing "Do you love Bucky?" he asked in a pain tone. Hannah nodded "I am finally realizing what real love can be like" she responded. Steve just walked slowly to the door but stopped at the door "Hannah I wish you and Bucky all the happiness in the world, he is a lucky and wise man to see what truly amazing women you are I only wish I hadn't been so blind" said Steve softly. Hannah just smiled "You'll find love someday Steve" she responded and pressed a kiss on his cheek. "Friends again?" asked Steve giving her a questioning look. Hannah sighed "Friends" was all Hannah said and Steve walked out the door.

Hannah fixed her makeup and 15 mins later there another knock on her door. Hannah opened the door to see Bucky standing there all deck out in a 40's style suit and his hair slicked back. Bucky looked at her and got a huge grin on his face "Oh doll you're look so beautiful and I am so lucky to have you as my gal" Bucky said. Hannah smiled but it wasn't a full smile Bucky was use too. He reached out and caressed her face with his left hand "What's the matter doll?" Bucky asked in a serious tone. Hannah hesitated " Umm Steve was here few minutes ago" she responded quietly. Bucky narrowed his eyes "What did the idiot want?" He asked with his nostril flaring. Hannah sighed "He wanted to talk apparently he and Sharon broke up" she replied. Bucky just nodded "Okay so he dumped the whore what's does that have to do with you?" Bucky asked his fists gripped at his sides.

Hannah looked down "Apparently one of the reason is because he realized that was he misses and he realized that he is in love with me and he kissed me..." Hannah paused and look up at Bucky who looked like he was ready to punch something and just shaking his head. "What?" asked Bucky was seething with anger. Hannah reached for him "Bucky..l" started Hannah when Bucky just grabbed her and cling to her and started to sobbing "I can't lose you...don't go back to him...I love you Hannah please" plead Bucky. Hannah looked into his ocean blue eyes and just shook her head and leaned in and kissed him with passion. Bucky seem surprised at first but soon was returning her passion, she could feel the kiss through out her whole body the tingling and spark made her feel more alive then ever before.

A few moments later she pulled away and Bucky groaned in protest. "Bucky I am not going anywhere, I pushed him away and told him that I am with you and falling in love with you" Hannah said with a small smile. Bucky's eyes widen and grin that made his whole face light up "You're falling in love with me doll you know you can always change your mind?" Bucky asked leaning in for a kiss which Hannah eagerly went with then pulled away. "No, Bucky my mind and my heart are completely totally made up that I am in love you" she replied with a smile. "Good, because I am completely in love you too and nothing and no one will ever change that" he said giving her another kiss. "Now since we are all deck out I can wait to show the world your my doll" said Bucky grabbing her hand which Hannah squeezed in agreement. And they did dance the night away and also made use of Nat's gift much to the dismay of the whole tower!

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