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New York December 1891
Elizabeth Stark was standing next to her brother standing there quietly as people passed giving their condolences. Dressed in black to show the sign mourning the fine lace was itching and really uncomfortable. She was scratch the neck trying to unjust the collar but no matter how she tried it bothered her. "Miss Elizabeth Stark stand still and act more lady like" hissed her governess Miss Jones a sour faced woman who always looked like she smelled something awful under her nose.

Elizabeth turned around and snapped "Well I would if this bloody collar didn't inch like hell" she yelled. There were several gasps in the room. Elizabeth felt a grip on her arm and she looked up to see her older brother Anthony glaring down at her "Elizabeth watch yourself" he whispered in annoyed tone. "Miss Jones please escort my sister to the nursery till she can behave herself" he snapped. Miss Jones stepped forward gave a small curtsy "Of course Sir" she answered and gripped Elizabeth and guided her out of room.

"You will remain here till can behave and act like a lady and hold up the Stark name your parents have built instead of acting like a common rift raft from the street" snapped Miss. Jones as she slammed the nursery door. Elizabeth winced and tears forming her eyes at the mentioning of her parents. Howard and Maria Stark who had been lost in a carriage accident 10 days ago. It had left her orphaned and in the care of her 21 year brother who now had to step take of  their family business of iron mines, railroad and shiping company. He was her guardian but he hardly interacted with her they had little in common being ten years apart. He love the party scene and Mrs. Hogan their housekeeper called him a rake and gambler whatever that meant. "He's going to ruin the work that their father work so hard for wasted on drink and women" whispered Mrs. Hogan to Mrs. Barnes her mother's ladies maid who came to collect her things and was having tea with Mrs. Hogan. Elizabeth just shook her head and wiped her tears. At the remembering Mrs. Barnes she remembered that her son James or Bucky would be downstairs in the kitchen at this time along with Steve they were a little older than her and worked for her family but they were her best friends so much better than the prissy young ladies she were supposed to be friends with. She hated those girls with their noses stuck the air and always having to sit still and act lady like drinking tea and doing needle point. Elizabeth just shook her head she rather just play like  the boys and run around in the fresh air climbing trees. The only time Elizabeth was quiet was reading and she went through books so fast and her father was always giving new books. Tears formed at her eyes as  she remembered her father's last gift was a set of Northanger Abbey and Persuasion, Elizabeth stood up walked over to the table and picked up one of the volumes  and ran her hand along the brown leather binding and it's golden lettering her father had told that these had belonged to her grandmother and she had actually known the author Jane Austen before she had died. Books and Bucky and Steve were her only comfort now that her parents were gone.

Elizabeth snuck downstairs to the kitchens to find it mostly empty but she found exactly who wanted Bucky and Steve both who were under footmen for the family. Bucky was 14  and Steve was 13 compared to her 11 but they still didn't mind her around. She would read to them while they did their chores and at times she would help also well. Bucky was tall and strong with dark hair and deep blue eyes that were full of mischief and Steve was small and blue with beautiful blue eyes like the ocean on a sunny day. Elizabeth blushed at the thought of Steve he was so different from most boys she was as tall him but he was so kind to her and would let her in on there games.
"Bucky! Steve!" Elizabeth called out. Both boys looked up from and saw Elizabeth in the doorway of the staff kitchen.

"Lizzie you should be upstairs with all the other guests" said Bucky getting up from the table. Elizabeth just shook her head "My dress was itchy and I was fixing it Miss. Jones was scolding me so I swore at her and my brother sent me away" said Elizabeth. Bucky shook his head "I never should have taught you to swear my little Lizzie doll that's something little ladies should never do" he laughed. Elizabeth just wrinkled up her nose "I don't understand why the hell not it's is so much more fun" snapped Elizabeth. Both boys shook their head but said nothing. Steve tilted his head "Is that another book Lizzie which one is it Persuasion ?" asked Steve quietly. Elizabeth just smiled and nodded "Do want me to read more to you"she asked  excitedly. " Yes please I want to her more of Captain Wentworth I so want to be a Captain of my own ship someday" answered Steve with huge grin. 
Elizabeth smiled "I will give you one of my father's ship and I can be your first mate and we can sail around the world together" said Elizabeth excitedly. Steve's eye widened " You couldn't be my first mate silly" said Steve shaking his head. Elizabeth narrowed her eyes "Why could I? My father took me on several of his ships and taught me everything how to run it" snapped Elizabeth.
"But you're a girl and ..... we couldn't be on a ship together without being..." mumbled  Steve his cheeks blazing red. Elizabeth tilted her head in confusion "Without being what?"asked Elizabeth. Bucky just laughed "You and Steve would have to be married" he answered laughing. Elizabeth just smiled and blushed "Oh well we will just get married then" she responded.

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