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Warning: Verbal Abuse-
Zoe was thanking all of the people around her who were offering congratulations. She searched the crowds for her parents but they were no where in sight. She began to frown but quickly changed it to a smile when she saw the Evans family coming towards her. Scott reached her first "Zoe my god you were amazing" said he pulling her in for a hug. Lisa and Shanna were right behind him smiling. "Zoe my dear Scott is right you were amazing, I bet your parents are so proud of regardless of what your sister did" said Lisa giving her a quick hug. Zoe smiled " I hope so have you seen them?" asked Zoe. Scott and the other shook their heads " No I haven't seen them but I am sure they are here somewhere" said Scott. Shanna looked  at Zoe " I love your dress it's so pretty you look kind of like Meg from Hercules" said Shanna. Everyone agreed "Way better then Nicole's cupcakes monstrosity she looked like a melting cupcake wailing up there" snapped Scott. "Scott Evans be nice" said Lisa in a whisper. Shanna "What Ma he speaks the truth everyone was covering their ears during her number" replied Shanna agree with Scott. Then Scott  saw someone "CHRIS over here" he shouted. Zoe looked over to see Chris walking over to them his hair was buzzed and he was so tall in dark jeans and a blue polo shirt. Zoe bite her lip she had always thought that he was cute but he had never really noticed her with her being the same age as Shanna  and she was in his mother's dance classes,He was nice and would always say hi but that was about it.
Chris finally made it over to them "Hey Ma how's it going?" he asked. Lisa just smiled "We were just congratulating Zoe her on the big win tonight" replied Lisa. Chris looked at Zoe and smiled "Oh yeah you were outstanding! You're Zoe Williams right councilman Thomas Williams daughter right?" he asked. Zoe nodded "Yes actually have you seen him or my mom I can't find them" replied Zoe. Chris frowned "Umm I just them leaving with cupcake Barbie crying" replied Chris who looked confused seeing that Zoe was still here and her family had left. Zoe started to walk towards the door and outside tears started to prick from them corner of her eyes.

Zoe made it outside to where her family car had been parked and the space was empty. Her family had left her just completely left her behind. Home was a good thirty min drive how and the hell was she supposed to get home. She started to cry and sat down on the curb it had been such a good night till now. Zoe felt a hand on her shoulder "Zoe are you okay?" asked a male voice. Zoe looked up to see Scott looking down at her with concern. Zoe shook her head "My family left me" said Zoe in a tearful voice. Scott looked around "Are you sure Zoe?" he asked clearly getting annoyed. Zoe just nodded and pointed towards the parking stall " That's where we parked earlier and now it's gone how in the hell I am supposed to get home? I don't have a phone and not enough money for a cab..." she replied starting to panic. Scott quickly pulled her in for a hug. Chris came up behind them and looked around "Did her family really leave her?" asked Chris in a angry tone.

Scott nodded as he held Zoe, Chris just shook his head and step forward "Hey Zoe we can give a ride home so don't worry about that" said Chris softly. Zoe pulled back from Scott looking at Chris "Really that would be amazing and thank you so much!" said Zoe. Chris only nodded before Scott guided over to the car. "Ma knows we are taking Zoe home and she will have few words for the Williams" said Chris with a small smile. Scott just grimaced but as soon they were at the Chris's car. Lisa looked at Zoe with a sad smile. "Zoe, dear are you going to be okay?" asked Lisa softly. "Yes, Mrs. Evans I will be fine, thank you so much for the ride home I truly appreciate that" said Zoe. Lisa just nodded "Of course Zoe and please call me Lisa" she replied.

Chris opened the door for his mom who got in the front seat. Scott open the door for Shanna who sat in the middle and Scott followed behind her. Chris opened the door for Zoe and got in the driver's seat. On the way to her house Zoe got the courage to speak up "Hey Chris I wanted to congratulate you on getting the Johnny Storm role I think you will be really great at that" said Zoe. Chris smiled and looked back at her in the rear view mirror. "Thanks Zoe I really hope I can pull it off"said Chris. Shanna looked Zoe "Hey don't you know a lot about comics Zoe you were always reading them after dance class!" asked Shanna. Zoe blushed "I know a bit Fantastic 4 is a good comic but I am more of a Ironman and Captain America type of fan" replied Zoe. Chris just laughed "Could imagine them making those into movies?" he asked. Zoe got a huge grin " Oh I would just die if they did" said Zoe practically jumping in her seat. The Evans laughed at Zoe's excitement. "Who knows maybe the will and you can play Ironman" said Scott. Zoe pulled a face "No way Chris would totally wrong for Ironman" replied Zoe. All the Evans turned and looked at her surprised. " Sorry Chris not that you would be good at just Tony has to have that bad boy charisma and you have more of a boy next door charm like Steve Rogers you could definitely be Cap" said Zoe. Chris just raised an eyebrow "Thank you Zoe that means a lot from such a Captain America fan.

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