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Whitney walked in to the common of the the Tower to see Morgan sobbing on the couch holding her Nintendo Switch. Whitney raced over to her niece "Morgan my sweetheart what's wrong?" asked Whitney concern for her young niece. Morgan looked up with tearful brown eyes " Oh Auntie Whit, Tommy said I am lame and doesn't want to be my friend any more" replied Morgan tearfully. Whitney frowned at that comment "Now why would he say that you are the most amazing and wonderful friend ever!" said Whitney. Morgan just sniffed and the tears still following down her face "Aunt Whit he says I am lame because I don't have any shiny Pokémon and he can't be my friend anymore" she said sadly.

Whitney just shook her head "I am so sorry sweetheart but maybe I can help you out!" said Whitney. Morgan pulled a face wrinkling her nose in disbelief. Whitney just smiled at the little girl who looked so much like her father. "How can you help me Auntie Whitney?" asked Morgan putting one hand on her hip. Whitney smiled "Well I have a couple of shiny pokemon myself that I can give you if you want" said Whitney with a smirk. Morgan's eyes widened and then she starts to jump up and down " You play Pokémon Auntie Whit?" she asked surprise. "Honey I have been playing for over 20 years I have Pokémon older then Peter" answered Whitney.  Morgan's mouth makes an O shape "Whoa that's old so that makes you super old" said Morgan. Whitney just shakes her head "Your dad is super old I am just aging with style" said Whitney. Morgan just nods "So how many shiny Pokémon do you have?" asked Morgan.
"I have quite a few think about 100" said Whitney simply.  "Whoa..." said Morgan happily.

Whitney went and got her switch and opened up her game of Pokémon:Violet. "Now Miss Morgan do you have a very favorite Pokémon?" asked Whitney. Morgan nodded "Yes I love Charizard, Do you have a favorite one too Aunt Whitney?" asked Morgan. Whitney nodded and then flipped out of her boxes too her team "This one is my favorite it's called Salamence and I have had this one this one since I was in High School her name is Megan" said Whitney happily. "That's so cool Aunt Whitney do you have a shiny one?" asked Morgan. "Yep, how many shiny Pokémon does Tommy have?" asked Whitney. "He has 3" response Morgan. "Well I will trade you 5 okay so you will have more then him" smirked Whitney. "Thank you so much Aunt Whitney you're so cool" said Morgan hugging Whitney.

They traded Pokémon and Morgan was admiring her new Pokemon when Steve and Sharon came through the elevator. Morgan ran to Steve "Hey Uncle Steve look what Aunt Whitney traded me some shiny Pokémon" said Morgan excitedly. Steve just smiled and looked down at the screen "That's so cool Morgan" responded Steve. Sharon pulled a face "Oh my gosh Whitney isn't that for kids aren't you a little old to play little kids games" she said wrinkled up her noses. Whitney just rolled her eyes "I like to think of myself as having a childlike heart it keeps me youthful, unlike you who's only a bitch at heart and you can tell" snapped Whitney. Steve covered his mouth hiding his laugh. Morgan just walked up to Sharon "Yeah you're a bitch" snapped Morgan. Steve winced Morgan watch your language we don't say that word" said Steve. Sharon looked down at Morgan "Yeah you better watch your mouth little girl or you will end up like your aunt all alone and pining over man will never love her" snapped Sharon popping Morgan on the mouth. Whitney saw red and marched over to Sharon punching Sharon right in the face. " Don't you ever lay a hand her again you stupid witch" yelled Whitney. Sharon laid on the floor clutching her eye glaring at Whitney. "Jarvis please called Happy up to escort Miss Carter out and make sure she band from the tower from now on" said Whitney looking down at Sharon. "Of course Miss. Stark right away" replied Jarvis.  Steve helped Sharon "She can't do that Steve I am a Shield agent" yelled Sharon. Whitney was checking out Morgan looked over at Sharon "Yes I can I own have this building and I outrank you Agent Carter which reminds me you will be on desk duty for the foreseeable future for your actions here today" said Whitney firmly.

Happy came and guided Sharon out, Whitney turn to "Sorry for punching your girlfriend" said Whitney. Steve shook his head "She is definitely not my girlfriend and never will be she is nothing like her Aunt besides I like someone else" said Steve with a wink and he walked out the room. Whitney watched him leave confused when she felt a tug on her pant she look down at Morgan "Well Aunt Whitney would you battle me with my new shiny Pokémon?" asked Morgan with pleading eyes. Whitney nodded "Of course my dear shiny love bug" responded Whitney with a smile.

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