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Whitney Stark just left Fury's office in disbelief he had offered her Chief Agent of the London offices of Shield. She had join Shield shortly after her brother Tony had declared to the world that he was Ironman. She rose quickly through the ranks thanks to the training with Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton. She had grown close to them both Nat had become like a sister to her and had personally help with some her training. Clint well that was a different story from he had been so different from every other man she had known it was like he wanted to know her the person and not her family name or money. They had spent hours together training in hand to hand combat and he trained her how to use a bow and arrow even giving her first bow when she officially become a agent. Whitney simply just fell in love with him but didn't dare to tell him scared that it would change everything. She was happy just have him in her life and his friendship. But with this opportunity at shield she knew she would hardly see him if she took it and would always wonder what if.

Whitney walked in the tower lost in her own thoughts hardly notice anyone even when Steve called out to her. Whitney just sat down on the couch just thinking of the job offer and how great it would be. She loved London it was rich in culture and history just a beautiful city all together and to live there would be a dream come true. But she would be away from the people she knew and had grown to love especially Clint. She smiled at the time she and him had teamed against Nat and Steve or Bruce and Tony on Trivia Pursuit or Mario Cart they had kicked butt most of the time. Or just sitting quietly just working on their bows and making sure everything was in order. So lost in her thought that everyone in the common room turn to look her in surprise because normally Whitney would be very social person and loved being around everyone but tonight seeing her so quiet was really out of character for her.

Steve snapped her back into reality when he threw a pillow at her "Hey Whit what is going on that mind of yours, its like your a million miles away?" asked Steve with a raised eyebrow. Whitney turn to look him and saw every single one of the Avengers was looking her. Whitney just shook her head "Nothing really just it was a long day is all" replied Whitney. Nat smirked "Oh would that have anything to do with meeting with Director Fury this afternoon?" asked Nat. All of the group was still staring at her waiting for an response, Whitney just looked at everyone in the room who were just staring at her with mild curiosity. Whitney sat up "Ummm Fury offered me the Chief Agent position in the London offices of Shield" responded Whitney. Cheers went throughout the room "That amazing Whit you so deserve this!" cheered Nat. Everyone nodded in agreement Whitney just nodded but didn't smile. Tony frown and looked at his little sister "Hey why aren't you more excited about this Whitney do you not want this?"asked Tony in surprise tone.

Whitney looked at Tony with soft smile "I am but it's a scary to move on to something so big...it's a new place... new people... it's away from my home and people I care about and I don't if can do it" responses Whitney as she looks around at everyone and her eyes resting on Clint who meet her eyes making Whitney blush and look away quickly. Nat stood up "Come Whit you will be amazing I know Fury wouldn't have chosen you if he didn't have faith in you" said Nat with a smile. Everyone nodded in agreement "Just give it a day a think about whatever you chose you have our support " said Bruce quietly. Whitney nodded "I think I am going to go to the training room and shoot a few arrows that always makes me think clearly" said Whitney in response and got up and left the room.
Tony shook his head "I don't know what's holding her back this would be so amazing for her" he said in disbelief the others just shrugged in agreement the only one didn't was Clint and he remind silent.

An hour later Whitney was in a AR simulation and she was shooting but not hinting her marks like she usually does cause all she could think about was leaving and leaving him behind and wondering if she should say's something would he want to stay or would he let her go... just then an agent shot her down ending the simulation. Whitney laid on her back angry at herself for being so distracted and the one true way to clear her head would be to tell him. She stood up and put her gear away and went to get ready.

A little while later she walked out to the common to hear w whistle from Nat. "Dang girl you are looking mighty hot tonight where are off too?" asked Nat with a huge grin. Whitney smiled she was in a deep amethyst dress that curved around her body perfectly and with her dark hair and eyes really made her pop. Whitney just shook her head "No where really but have you seen Clint there's something I wanted to talked to him about?" asked Whitney nervously. Nat frowned at little "I think he's in the gear room working on some new arrows" replied Nat. Whitney gave her a small smile and walk out the room towards the gear room. Nat sighed and shook her head and headed out to the store.

Whitney walked into the gear room and found Clint at his work station putting together an arrow. He looked up and his eyes widen at her. "Wow, Whit you look amazing going somewhere special got some hot date?" he asked. Whitney frowned a little but shook her head " No actually I wanted to talk about something." She said nervously. Clint looked about her surprised but then looked back down at the arrow. "Okay Stark what is it that you want to talk about" he said still focused on his work. Whitney moved closer "I am wondering what you think about Fury offer?" asked Whitney. Clint narrowed his eyes "I think it great opportunity" he responded quickly. Whitney just nodded "I just don't know if I ready I feel like I still have so much to learn and I don't know if want to leave here everything I care about and love here" said Whitney. Clint looked back and closed his eyes.

Clint put his arrow down "Whit I think you should go I mean you can learn so much there and besides you already have surpassed what Nat and I can teach you, and this would give you opportunity to get out I mean your bit of a homebody this would make you go out and meet new people and make friends and maybe date a little that would be good for you" he replied frowning. Whitney sighed "I guess but meeting new people would be fun but dating I don't know especially since I..." she started to say when Clint stood up "Look Stark I really think you take it and those it will help you grow and have opportunities that you won't have here" said Clint quickly not looking her in the eye. "Clint I want..." Whit started to say. Clint sighed "Look Whitney I am busy and I told you what I think so I really want to get back to working now" he snapped. Whitney fought back tears and nodded "Sorry to bother you I go" she said quietly. Clint sat back down and went to work. Whitney turn around the tears silently flowing down her face as she left the room. She got out her phone and pressed the call button.

On the elevator on the way into her room she ran into Nat who just held out a small piece of Blueberry Cheesecake and a fork but didn't say anything. "I am taking it Nat I leave next week" said Whitney. Nat nodded " That's great Whit I know you will love it" responds Nat. "Yeah...love it thank for the Cheesecake " said Whitney then the doors opened on her floor and she got off not really saying much else. Nat just shook her head and pressed the button to the training floor. She walked into the gear room to where Clint was still working "Hey Barton what up?" asked Nat. Clint just looked up and nodded towards the arrows Nat just raised an eyebrow "Is that all cause I just ran into Whitney and all though she looked outstanding she seem upset would you know why?" asked Nat. Clint just shrugged "We only talked about her talking over the London office I told she take it is all" he said. Nat rolled her eyes "Barton we both know why she really came here did she even get say I think if just you explained everything she would understand " asked Nat. Clint just shook his head "No Nat you know why I can't and besides this will give her an opportunity to move on and sometimes somethings are better left unsaid" replies Clint in a cool tone.

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