Chapter 81

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"I've waited for a half-moon for you to come back!" Shade exclaimed. He and Twilightpaw had walked into the Twolegplace, on their way to find Purdy. "Every day, every sunrise, until the sun starts to set."

"You didn't get hungry?" Twilightpaw asked. 

"I catch a mouse or two before I come. I saved it until I got hungry and then I ate it." Shade's stomach grumbled on cue. "I could eat crow-food right now!"

"We're close to the forest. We can hunt." Twilightpaw parted her jaws to taste the air. She smelled a thrush nearby. Shade slinked into the trees, his dark tail swishing after him. Twilightpaw bounded after him, her whiskers twitching as she smelled the thrush scent growing stronger. She dropped to a crouch as she spotted the small, plump bird. 

Shade noticed the thrush as well, and he padded away silently, leaving her with her prey. 

Twilightpaw slid closer to the thrush, watching it grab a beetle from the ground. She was almost a tail-length away from it now. Twilightpaw tensed, and prepared to pounce. 

"It's been so long since we saw you, Purdy!" A loud purr made the thrush let out a shrill cry and fly off into the air. Desperate, Twilightpaw leaped up and slammed her paws down on the thrush. She felt soft feathers tickle her nose, and the thrush fluttered back up to safety.

Whoever that was is going to regret scaring away the thrush! She thought crossly. 

Shade pushed his way towards her, his jaws empty.

"I was tracking a huge rabbit, but that yowl scared it away!" He growled. "It must've scared away every bird in the forest!" Shade marched towards where the voice had sounded, his tail lashing irritably. 

Twilightpaw followed his lead, slightly worried about the other cat. She stopped as she saw Purdy surrounded by cats with a familiar scent. Her eyes caught four young cats that were her age. Three toms, one she-cat. She almost let out a cry of relief. 

The clan cats are here!

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