Chapter 46

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I need to find Fallen Leaves, Twilightpaw thought as she laid some soaked chervil leaves out in the sun for them to dry. I need to get back to the tunnels. I need to find out more about the Three.

She finished laying out the herb and padded to the dirt-place. The she-cat squeezed through the opening in the back and shook out her fur once she was out. 

I'll need to wash for a moon to get this stink out of my fur! She thought, wrinkling her nose.

Twilightpaw followed the path she had used coming back to camp from the forest, looking out for the small rabbit hole that led to the cave. 

Here! She spotted the entrance. The calico apprentice padded carefully inside, the stone walls of the tunnel brushing against her fur. She finally found the large cave with the underground river, and shivered as the damp cold of the cave swept over her. 

"Twilight Sky, is that you?" A familiar voice called. She turned. Fallen Leaves' orange-splotched pelt glowed in the darkness as he stepped out of the shadows. Twilightpaw shivered as she noticed how pale and airy he looked. 

I have walked these tunnels ever since I have died in them. His words echoed through her mind.

"What are you looking for?" He asked, green eyes shining with excitement at seeing another cat after being alone after so many seasons. 

"Rock." She answered carefully. The ancient tom's face fell. 

"Well, he guards these tunnels," Fallen Leaves turned away. "He should be somewhere here. I will lead you to him."

Twilightpaw dipped her head and followed him up a rockfall. She sprang up the rocks and trotted after Fallen Leaves as he leapt gracefully past a large gap between the crumbled stone. The gap was at least two fox-lengths wide. Fallen Leaves looked back.

"Run and jump as close to the edge as possible," He called. "It's quite simple."

Twilightpaw took a deep breath and walked backwards three fox-lengths, then ran as fast as she could. She sprang into the air in a wide arch, her long legs stretch out as far as she could. Twilightpaw landed on the other side lightly, heart thumping. 

"Great job," Fallen Leaves praised. "If you follow the rock paths, you will find Rock there."

Twilightpaw dipped her head thankfully at the other cat. His cold pelt brushed against her side as he jumped over the edge and faded away. 

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