As I laid on the cold floor, my hands tied together but not my feet, that was their first mistake. I had a cut above my right eyebrow, I was bleeding but only alittle noting a bandage can't handle. Now their second mistake was leaving. I knew there was camreas so I was going to put up alittle act. I rolled over on my back and flipped up, breaking the rope off my hands as I did. There's their third mistake.
"Amateurs." I say and walk over to where my heels were. Just as I picked them up three of the guard ran into the room. No weapons. Fourth mistake.
"Freeze." One of them and I said I slowly raised my hand above my head like I was giving up. But I wasn't.
"Alright you caught me." I say pulling two knifes out of my sleeves and throwing it right at the heart of two of the guards. Killing them on the spot, they dropped down to the ground leaving the last one running out of the room scared. I laughed to myself before walking over to the two men getting my weapons wiping the blood on the men's shirts and putting it back to were they go.
I walked out of the building to see Nick Fury leaning on a his black SUV waiting for me. His arms crossed acrossed his chest. He had on what he normally wore, black turtle neck, black pants, and his famous black trinch coat. I smiled and walked up to him, taking a flash drive out of my bra and handing it to him. I know he really didn't care.
"Took you long enough." He told me taking it out of my hand and placing it in his pocket then moving out of my way and opening the door for me. I smiled a thank you and got in with him closing the door behind me and then walking in front of the SUV and getting in. He put the key in, it didn't a face scan.
"Welcome Director Fury." The metallic vocie said. I smiled to myself because he made it sound like my vocie.
"Elisabeth." He said to start things off. He never calls me by my real name, it must be very big. He then let out a sigh as he stopped at a stop light. The sun was starting to come up, and the people were starting to come out. "Um.." He said trying to find his words, he never stumbled on his words.
"Nick, what's wrong?" I asked turned sideways in the seat so I was facing him.
"You're going back." He told me not taking his eyes off the road and began to drive again. I knew exactly where he was talking about. I turned back in the seat and slid down.
"Can I just do one last mission before going back?" I begged Nick as he sat at his desk doing paperwork.
"The only one I have left is Tony Stark." He told me looking up.
"I'll take it!" I say I don't want to go back yet. I can't go back yet. But I don't think I'll get what I want. He slammed his pen down and looked at me.
"No you will not!" He said raising his voice, he never raised his vocie at me.
"Please I'll be smart. I'll be safe." I told him and he sighed.
"Elly, this is Tony Stark we are talking about. I need someone like Natasha for this." He told me and was about to continue but I cut him off.
"Alright. I'll go back." I say giving in, I know he won and there was no need to continue the argument.
"Thank you." He told me and I swear he had alittle smile. He then stood up and walked over to me and walked me out of his office and walked with me. "You carry-on is ready and Hill has it and is waiting for you. Your father as been told you are the way home." He informed me as we walked to the bridge.
"And my mother?" I asked.
"I will call her personal." He told me and I nodded my head. "We have a private jet waiting for you, Hill will be with you till you land." He told me as we got to the bridge and Maria walked up to us with my favorite bag in her hands.
"You know these step parents of mine don't make up for my family here." I told him and he nodded his head.
"Yes I know, but let them have the little girl they never got to have. And your real brother has been informed and is planning to get a job there to keep and eye on you." He told he as me and Maria boarded the plane.
"Yay." I say with sarcasm.
"I'll see you when you get back Agent McCall." He told me and the door closed. I then turned back and looked at Maria.
"Beacon Hills here I come." I say and sit down as the plane took off.

Jr. Spy (A Marvel/Teen Wolf Cross Over)
FanfictionTeen Wolf fanfiction Book One: Jr. Spy