"Please stop!" I cried out in pain.
I tried to use my power, but the pain was stopping it somehow."The others are on their way liked you wanted." Sky said and Stiles nodded his head. I gasped in pain, closing my eyes, gritting my teeth.
"Let her go." Stiles said and I fell to the ground. "Go watch for them."
Brett and Sky walked off then walked closer to me kneeling in front of me, still holding the heart. He looked at it then at me.
"I know you want revenge on Theo, I do to." I slowly tried to sit up and looked at him.
The bleeding stopping as I increased my body temperature. My head still hurt from the blood loss. Why'd Nick send me here? I could have handled anything but this! I fell in love and now he's breaking my heart.
"Stiles, why don't you kill me. I know they'll kill me." I cried trying to hold back the tears, but my vocie was broken.
My heart was broken.
"I can't do that, you know I can't." I weakly smiled, he was back. My Stiles was back. You have to act Elizabeth, nothing you haven't done a million times.
"I have a plan." He mouthed and I nodded my head. "Go with it." He mouthed and I sighed.
"Stiles, please." I begged.
"Stiles is gone." He stood up as Sky and Brett ran in.
"They're here." Sky said and Stiles nodded his head.
"Good." Stiles smirked. "Now hide."
I laid on the ground trying to get my strength back, and so far it was working. Issac ran up to me as the other came running behind him.
"Are you okay?" I lighly shoved him off me.
"I'm fine, I'm fine." I know I didn't sound fine, but I didn't know what else to do.
"Let me help you up." He tried to help me up but I shoved him again.
"I can do it myself." I said and Scott came up and helped me up, after I failed to do it myself.
"Elizabeth, just ask for help. I can smell the blood." Scott said to be and I looked down at my arms.
"Where is he?" Adien asked and I looked up at him.
"You can't hurt him. Please, Stiles is still in there." I looked at Scott. "You have to save him."
"We have to do what we need to do." I looked at him hurt. "I'm sorry Elizabeth." I shook my head at him.
"No you're not, that's your best friend. He's like a brother to." He stepped closer to me, cutting me off.
"You're putting your feelings first, I thought you were an agent."
"If this was Allison you'd do the same thing!" He stared at me.
"Scott, she's right." Allison stepped forward. "We have to try and save him."
"But what can we do?" Scott looked at me, I sighed knowing they were listening.
"I don't know." I looked up. "They're all good people, they've just been lied to."
Off In The Darkness:
"Stiles." Brett quietly whispered, going over to him. Stiles looked over at him as he pulled out his phone. "Theo had sent me to watch Elizabeth and I had took these photos." Brett then pulled up the pictures of Issac kissing Elizabeth. Anger filled his eyes as he quickly stormed out of the dark and to the group. He went straight to Issac, picking him up and slamming him into the wall. He might be back, but he still had power.
"Stiles!" Elizabeth screamed as he did.
Elisabeth's Point Of View:
I saw Stiles running up and everyone froze and looked at them. He ran straight to Isaac and slammed him into the wall.
"Stiles!" I looked at him in shock. "Stiles? What are you doing?" I asked in shock, everyone stood back. Issac was fighting to get free.
"You kissed Issac!" He looked at me with angry, sadness filled my eyes. Issac looked at me and frowned.
"I kissed her!" Stiles snapped his head back and looked at Issac. "She had been hitting her head off her truck window, I don't think she was thinking straight." Stiles dropped him to the ground and stepped back. He held my guns out and gave them to me and I placed them in the holders. Adien and Ethan came out if the shadows with Brett and Sky.
"Theo don't!" Sky yelled and we all turned around as Theo jumped on me holding claws to my neck.
"Stay back!" He growled as Stiles tried to tackle him. "I came for Void Stiles." He glared at Stiles. "And I came to find a boy who choose love over power." While Theo was distracted, I tried to get my gun. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Sky looking at me, I looked at him and I couldn't tell what he was thinking.
"Please, don't." He mouthed and I let my hand drop. Why? Why'd I let my hand drop?
"Theo, let's just talk. Jsut get off her first." Scott slightly stepped forward. Theo slowly got up but stood back away from the others.
"Let Skylar go." He said as Stiles helped me up, I looked over at Ethan who was holding him.
"Let him go." I nodded my head and he let Sky go. Skylar looked at me before walking over to Theo. Theo's arm instantly wrapped around Sky.

Jr. Spy (A Marvel/Teen Wolf Cross Over)
FanfictionTeen Wolf fanfiction Book One: Jr. Spy