The dance was almost over, with about two or three songs left. Allison was dancing with Scott. Lyida and Adien went off somewhere to do who-knows-what, but I could but in a few guesses. Ethan and Danny were dancing, and it was so cute. Issac was off dancing with my friend Martha, I think they would be a cute couple. And I've been with Stiles all night. But the one of the best parts of the night was when the whole group was together dancing to Feel This Moment by Pitbull. It was so must fun.
"So tomorrow's Saturday." Stiles said as we sat down at the table since we've been dancing all night. "You want to hang out?" He asked all shy like and it made me smile.
"Sounds like the plan." I tell him and he smiled.
As the dance ended, we all regrouped. We were the last ones out of the gym and to leave the school grounds.
"Don't worry Scott you get Allison home safe I'll take Elly." I heard Stiles talking to Scott not far ahead from me, Lyida, and Allison. We where all walking together.
"Alright." I heard Scott finally give in and I smiled. Everyone when to there cars, and bike in Scott's and the twins case.
First the twins pulled off. Then Allison with Scott and Issac behind her. That left me and Stiles. We walked over to his jeep and he opened the passenger door for me and I smiled and got in. He then walked acrossed the back and got in. He then started up the jeep and took off.
"Can I turn on the radio?" I asked and he nodded his head.
"Yeah, just play something good." He told me and I turned in the radio and looked for a good song playing. I then found Talking Body by Tove Lo. I was halfway through by I started singing along anyway.
Now if we're talking body
You got a perfect one
So put it on me
Swear it won't take you long
If you love me right
We fuck for life
On and on and onHe then turned the radio down alittle so he could hear me sing. I smiled alittle and continued singing.
Now if we're talking body
You got a perfect one
So put it on me
Swear it won't take you long
If you love me right
We fuck for life
On and on and onWhen the song ended and then next one that came on wasn't as good so I didn't sing. I just tapped my foot to the beat.
"Do you not like this song?" Stiles asked me I turned and looked at him.
"Its not on a list if songs I like." I tell him and he laughed alittle.
"You have a list?" He asked and I smiled and laughed alittle too.
"Yes, it's called a playlist, and it's on my phone." I tell him and then I went to grapped my phone out of my bag that I took to dance. Only to see I forgot it. There's my first mistake. "I forgot my bag at the school." I told him and he did a quick U-turn and headed back to the school.
"Well go get it then." He told me and I nervously laughed.
"You could have said that before the illegal U-turn." I told him and he laughed. I wasn't even mad. At first I was, becuase I half to stay low. But his laugh was so cute I couldn't stay mad. We made it to the school and I was about to get out, but he grapped my hand to stop me.
"Don't worry I'll go get it." He told me and I smiled at him and he got up and run up to the school. It only took him a few minutes to come back with my bag. When he got in he handed it to me, and I lightly took it from his hands.
"Thanks." I blushed, I don't know what it is about this boy. But I act so different. And mabey I'm not in agent mode, I don't know.
"Now let's get you home." He said and took off agian.
The ride home was filled with small talk. Catching up on thing. Laughing. Smiling. Blushing. My heart melting. When we got to my house we walked me up to the front door. I saw Scott's bike in the driveway, so I know he was home.
"I had fun tonight." I say turning to look at him.
"I did to." He says smiling.
I then looked in his eyes and got lost in them. But then I saw him leaning towards me, I then leaned in to closing my eyes. I then felt his lips on mine. He was kissing me and I was kissing him back. His arms lightly wrapped around my waist pulling me closer to him. My arms resting on his chest. We then slowly pulled away for air.
"I've been waiting to do that all night." He told me and I smiled and started to blush. But the moment was spoiled by the front door opening behind me. I turned around to see Scott leaning on the door frame.
"I'll see you tomorrow Stiles." I look back and smile at him before walking past Scott and up to my room.

Jr. Spy (A Marvel/Teen Wolf Cross Over)
FanfictionTeen Wolf fanfiction Book One: Jr. Spy