I woke up in to morning to my phone going off. I laid there for a minute before picking it up. I just loved the song so much that I just wanted to listen to it.
"Hello." I say when I picked up the phone, I didn't even look to see who it was.
"Aww, your morning vocie is so cute." It was Stiles. I sat up and was already blushing. I lightly laughed trying to cover up the blushing.
"So why did you wake me up so early?" I ask getting out of my bed.
"You said we were hanging out today, but you never said what time." He told me and I smiled, I had totally forgotten that we were hanging out.
"I never did say I time." I say and think for a moment. "I'll be ready in ten if you want to come over and we can decide what we want to do then." I say holding my phone with my shoulder as I began to change.
"Okay." He told me and I smiled. "I'll see you when I get there." He told me and the click, sounding that he had hung up. I then tossed my phone on my bed and changed into a pair of my medium blue skinny jeans, then threw on one of my Fall Out Boy tank top. I then brushed out my hair, it was still curly from last night, I then took makeup remover and took off the makeup then only putting on mascara. I then tied my outfit together with a pair of my combat boots.
Right now me and Stiles where just out riding around in his jeep. I was singing along with the radio. Looking out the window. Secretly looking at him when he was looking. Laughing. Smiling. Blushing. It's been a fun day so far, and it just keeps getting better. I had my hand resting on the thing on the middle, and he took one of his hands off the wheel and took my hand into his. He locked our fingers and held onto my hand, and I was holding his hand back. It just felt so right. So perfect. Like my hand was made to fit in his.
"Did Scott say anything to you last night after I went inside?" I asked to get another conversation started agian.
"Nothing really, he asked what took so long and I told him that you forgot your bag. So we had to go back." He told me and I nodded my head.
"Okay." I say and try to think of something to talk about. "Have I missed anything big?" I asked and it took him a minute or two to answer.
"No not really, same old same old." He told me, but I think he was lieing to me. Would he lie to me? No, he wouldn't. Right?
"Any drama?" I asked trying to push those thoughts out of my mind.
"Alittle." He told me and I laughed alittle.
"Scott and Issac?" I asked, because I know that Issac likes Allison. I think we all know.
"Yeah." He said laughing along with me.
As the day went on, Stiles took me to the hospital so I could see my mom. We went out to eat, and when I tried to pay for my food, he took my wallet out of my hands and paid for me. So I did the same thing to him, and when I did I gave him a big cheesie smile.
By the time he started to take me home, it was dark out. I was singing along to Somebody by Natalie La Rose. When Stiles slammed on the breaks, putting his arm out in front of me stopping me from going out the window. But I did hit my head off the dashboard, putting a deep cut on the top right side of my forehead. When he got the jeep to stop, we ended up in the ditch. My head was spinning, I couldn't see anything straight.
"Elly." I heard Stiles say my name, so I slowly opened my eyes and undid my seat belt.
"W-what happened?" I asked holding my hand up to my head to pull back to see the blood all over my hand.
"A deer ran out in front of us." He told me kicking open his door. That's when I realized that we had also crashed into a tree. "Come on." He said calmly holding out his hand for me to take it.
I did but when he tried to help me out my leg stopped me from moving. I was stuck. It turned out the dashboard had caved in on my legs. I tried to pull my legs back, but I was suck.
"Stiles I can't!" I say starting to get scared. I am never scared. I was never scared. But when I saw the smoke coming out from under the hood. "I'm stuck!" I cried out.

Jr. Spy (A Marvel/Teen Wolf Cross Over)
FanfictionTeen Wolf fanfiction Book One: Jr. Spy