No Ones Point Of View:
"YOU DID WHAT!" Scott yelled picking Stiles up and slamming him onto the wall.
"I'm sorry! I couldn't let her die!" Stiles yelled back shoving Scott off him and falling back to his feet.
"You should have let me handle it! I don't want her in this!" Scott yelled standing his ground.
"What were you going to do then? Huh Scott? What where you going to do!" Stiles yelled the last part.
"I don't know. I needed time to think." Scott said no longer yelling, he was stumped.
"We don't have time! She was dying!" Stiles yelled, no longer as upset as he was. He was too mad now.
"You could have just killed her!" Scott yelled just as Clint and Natasha came running up.
"Killed who?" Clint asked full of anger.
"Stiles could have just killed Elizabeth." Scott said standing next to Clint.
"WHAT?" Clint yelled as Natasha stepped in front of Clint and held him back.
"Who?" Natasha asked, sounding angry looking over her shoulder at Stiles.
"Derek Hale." Scott said not taking his eyes off Stiles.
But to break the silence the doctors and nurses walked out of the room and the group turned and looked at them.
"She asking for someone names Stiles." The nurse said stepping forward.
"I'm Stiles." He said looking at the nurse.
"Are you her brother?" She asked him looking at Elizabeth papers seeing only family can go see her.
"No, I'm her boyfriend." Stiles said looking at the nurse.
"I'm sorry but only family members can go see her." She told him and Stiles got angry on the inside.
"But she's asking for me." He said taking a step forward.
"I'm sorry but only family can see her, do you know where her brother is? I know her mother is working." The nurse said looking at the papers again.
"I'm her brother." Scott said stepping in front of Clint before he said anything.
"Well, you can go see her." The nurse said walking off.
"Clint, do you want to go see her first?" Scott asked turning and looking at Clint.
"Nat, you watch that boy and do not let him leave." Clint said coldly looking at Stiles.
"Alright." Nat said taking out a pair of handcuffs and handcuffing Stiles to a chair without giving him time to react.
Clint then walked into Elizabeth room and say her all banged up, his heart lightly broke. He slowly walked over to her bedside and pulled a chair up and sat next to her. Taking her hand into his, holding it close. But not moving her to much, trying not to cause her pain.
Elizabeth Point Of View:
I felt someone grab my, sending pain through my whole body. I didn't want to open my eyes, but I wanted to know if it was Stiles. I slowly started to open my eyes to see Clint looking down at his feet.
"C-Clint." I studdered, out my voice horses. His eyes shot up and looked at me, and lightly smiled.
"How you feelin' baby sis?" He asked me looking at me with worry in his eyes.
"Where's Stiles?" I asked, completely ignoring his question.
"He's out in the hallway, he's not aloud in here." He said and I tried to sit up some and he let go and helped me.
"I'm an Agent of S.H.E.I.LD. I want to see my boyfriend." I tell him looking at him dead in the eye.
"Only family is aloud in here." He told me and I gave him the really look.
"I know Scott let you in here, now I want you to let Stiles in here." I told him not breaking eye contact.
"But-" He began, but I cut him off.
"But nothing, I want to see Stiles. Now!" I said a little more forceful, he looked at me for a second before walking out.
Closing the door behind him, I heard mumbling before the door opened again and Stiles walked in. I smiled at him but, he didn't smile back. Closing the door, he walked over and stood at the edge of the bed. I looked at him for a minute, him once not looking at me in the eyes.
"Why won't you talk to me?" I asked him, small thing of anger showed in my voice.
"Because, I'm not supposed to." He said, still not looking at me and more anger taking over me.
Painfully throwing my legs over the bed and he took at step back and started to walk over to me. But I put my hand up hitting his chest stopping him. When I did that, I saw that I had bandages on both my arms from where I was grabbed. Grabbing my I-V stand, I stood up more pain going through my body.

Jr. Spy (A Marvel/Teen Wolf Cross Over)
FanfictionTeen Wolf fanfiction Book One: Jr. Spy