"Elly, it's okay." Sky said stepping forward, I got my gun ready to fire and he stopped.
"I swear to God that I will shoot, and these aren't just regular bullets! They will kill you in seconds!" I ran into a few people once, and right now I should have believed them then maybe all this wouldn't be happening.
"Elly Baby, just put the gun down." Stiles said sounding like him, and not the Stiles that had just bruised my side.
"That's not Stiles, Elizabeth, don't trust him." A vocie whispered in my head.
"Shut up!" I yelled.
"Please, just hand me the gun." He slowly stepped forward.
"That's not him!" The vocie was louder, but somehow still soothing.
"I said shut up!" I screamed this time. "Now move and let me leave."
I ran into my room Clint following me. I held my gun on my thigh once again. I pulled a bag out from under my bed, everything the old Agents wish they had then.
"Clint I said take Nat back to Base! Don't argue with me!" I looked him dead in the eye.
"I'm not losing you too!" I pulled my taser out on him.
"You won't loss me as long as you listen to me." He pulled me into a hug then kissed the top of my head.
"I love you little sis, mom and dad would be proud." I sadly smiled at him.
"I love you too."
I quickly pack a bag of clothes and hurried down the stairs and put them in my truck. I have to find a way to bring Stiles back, I know the real him is in their somewhere.
He came in a few minutes later jumping on the other side of the bed I leaned on him, using his chest as a pillow. He wrapped his arm around my waist, and I then looked up at him.
"So what is it that you want to give me?" I asked and he held his hand up, seeing what he was holding. It was a key. If looked like it had a heart on the top if it and painted so it looked like a locket. Then it had smaller keys painted on it on the rest of it. "A key?" I asked looking at him.
"Yeah, so whenever you want to come over you can." He told me and I smiled at him. "Or when even you need help getting your mind off things." He said and I lightly laughed.
"So an open pass for your late night booty call." I asked lightly laughing and he kissed the top of my head.
"Late night. Late morning. Late afternoon." He said kissing the top of my head each time. "When ever you need me." He said and I smiled sitting the key on the bed side table and turning to kiss him.
The key! I need to find that key! And I need the heart, I need to get my heart back. I know how to get my Stiles, but the other three I don't know how to stop yet. Sky, all I know he was going my first target. He's lied to me, he's going to pay for it. But in my small amount of time I spent at home, I found out what I was. A Demeter, sounds pretty cool to me. But the meaning is what scared me, mother of Earth. I closed my car door, I laid my head on the window closing my eyes. I know Stiles have had to hide the heart by now. He's smart, and whatever he is now is probably smarter. Tears fell down my face, I just don't don't know what to do. I hit my head off the glass a few times till I heard a small crack.
"Elly, you're going to give yourself a concussion." I turned around to see Issac standing behind me.
"Why do you care?" I asked, my tone showed I really didn't care.
"Just because all you see in your eyes is Stiles, doesn't mean he's the only one that cares." He's vocie was serious.
"Issac, I don't have time for this. I have to do something." I turned to open my truck door, but Issac placed his hand by my head and stopped me. "Isaac." I turned to look at him.
"Elizabeth, you just hit your head off your truck window multiple times. You need to stop a think before you do anything." He held his hand in the same place.
"I don't have time to think!" I slightly raised my voice, he lowed his arm to his side. My head was spinning, every thought I could have. It was hitting me all at once. I covered my ears falling to my knees.
"Elly!" Isaac kneeled in front of me, I looked up at him in pain. "What's wrong?" His tone was full of worry. My breathing increased as I tried to hid my face. "You gotta stand up." He said before picking me up, his hands resting on my hips to hold me up.
"Isaac, I need to go." I managed to get out, it was somewhat hard to understand me.
"No, not like this, you'll end up killing yourself." He shook his head and I looked at him.
"Why do you care?" I asked, my head still pounding, my breathing still off, and my heart beating like a million miles an hour.
"I do, I care more than you even know. Stiles isn't the only one that really cares about you." I looked at him in shock.
"W-What?" I couldn't take my eyes off him.
"Elizabeth, Stiles isn't the only one that loves you. I love you too, but I know that you could never feel the same for me. I understand how you feel, but right now you need to stop and think." I looked at him, I never knew he felt that way.
Maybe I had that small feeling for him. Lately his the one that's been there for me. Scott's been at work and I woke up screaming from a nightmare, Isaac was there. Stiles would leave me in the hallway, Issac was there to help. I slowly started to calm down, I looked down his hands still held onto my waist. I slowly looked up, my heart was still beating loud and fast.
"I-I need to go." He shook his head.
"No, not like this you could die and if you die I will go out of my mind. Knowing I was the last person to see you, knowing I could have stopped you." I looked at him, a few tears fell down my cheeks.
I can believe he felt this way, this just added to the fast growing list of things going on. He held me close to him, I just wanted to run. But I couldn't move, every around Isaac was blurry. I could barely breath, how could I try to run? My hands held onto his lower arms so I would stay standing. I closed my eyes trying to clear my mind. This wasn't as bad as my last panic attack, but my head hurts more. I then felt lips on mine, something came over me and I kissed him back. I know I shouldn't, but after all this I felt safe again. My hands run up his arms till wrapped them around his neck. His arms wrapped around my lower back. I leaned back into my truck as it started to get a little more heated.
If Stiles is going to try to kill me, at least I know one person still loves me in a way no one else dose.

Jr. Spy (A Marvel/Teen Wolf Cross Over)
FanfictionTeen Wolf fanfiction Book One: Jr. Spy