Walking out into the cold night air, I began to look around. The figure had moved to over to the lacrosse field. I looked back at the gym one more time before I started to walk out to the field. I brushed my hand over my thigh where my gun should be. I wish I had it right now, but I don't always need to hide behind the barrel. As I began to make to the middle of the field the lights began to turn on.
"Hello?" I called out looking around me, the lights blinding me.
"It's nice to see you again. Agent McCall. It seems that you have a problem with getting yourself into bad areas." The voice said, why didn't I know the voice. Why?
"Are you the one that took me and my boyfriend?" I asked wanting to grab the gun I didn't have.
"Little old me? How could I do something like that? But, yes, that was me. And you weren't supposed to be let free. Or see him for all that matters." The voice said and I sat standing there. Waiting for something to happen.
"What were you going to do to me?" I asked, remembering I had my ear piece in. I then acted like I scratched my ear. Natasha, Fury, Maria, and Clint could all hear what was going on if they had their ear pieces in.
"Revenge, my dear girl." The voice said then all but one light went off. The light that was directly on me was the only one on.
"Revenge?" I asked, but this time there was no reply.
"Elizabeth!" I heard Stiles call my name. I then looked around before slowly started to walk away.
"Wait." The voice was back, but this time it was right behind me. He had grabbed my wrist stopping me.
"Let go of me!" I almost yelled turning to flip the man off me but he grabbed my other arm.
"I said wait." He said and I tried to turn and look at him but what felt like claws go into my wrists and I let out a gasp if pain.
I then could hear Stiles running. I felt the blood run down my wrists. If they were listening over the ear piece I really hope Nat is with my brother. I really hope Maria is with Fury. Then Stiles stopped running, he stood three feet away from me.
"Stiles." I said scared, I wasn't an agent tonight. I was a normal girl. With a very big problem.
"Please don't hurt her." Stiles said with fear in his tone. "Let her go, please." He said a little more calmly.
But who ever it was, Stiles didn't know who it was or he would have said a name and been more violent. He would do anything to save me. Then what was ever in my wrists was pushed in deeper. I let out a scream of pain, my knees giving out on me. The man still holding me up making it hurt more.
"Let her go!" Stiles yelled taking a step forward. "You're hurting her!" He said more forceful.
"But, that's my point dear boy. My loved one was taken from me, so I do the same in return." The man said still holding me close to him.
"Look, I'm sorry that happened. But this isn't the way to settle things." Stiles said holding his hand up lightly.
"It's Hydra's way." The man said.
"Hydra?" Stiles asked sounding and looking confused.
"Hydra died with the Red Skull!" I yelled trying to push past the pain, but you could hear it in my tone.
"You history lies to you young agent." The man said letting go of me and I feel to my knees.
Stiles them tried to run over to me but I then heated the familiar click of a gun. And Stile froze.
"Don't even get near her." The man said and Stile didn't more forward or back.
"Please, don't hurt her." Stiles begged holding his hands up.
"I'm sorry, but that's not how things work." The man said lower the gun and pointing it at me.
"No! Don't!" I begged looking at the man, my head hurting from so much blood loss.
"To late." The man said and a loud bang echoed with a bright flash.

Jr. Spy (A Marvel/Teen Wolf Cross Over)
FanfictionTeen Wolf fanfiction Book One: Jr. Spy