(Dynamite Battle/QD) Vampire Shu Kurenai x Hunter Reader

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Requested: me

This story could be longer than I thought. I suddenly got an idea and want to make this story. Shu in this story is antagonist vampire, don't hate me. This going to be angst ending.

Type of this story:
(💔 + 🙃)

(M/N) = Mother's Name
(F/N) = Father's Name

Now on to the story!!


(Author POV)

In 18th Century
Flashbacked on year 1880
At the small village

"Mom, dad!! You can't leave me alone!" A little girl age 6 years old sobbed to see your parents were dying after the blood suckers killed them.

In the small villaged, many villagers including them were on attacked by vampires who's going to rule the world and kill or keeps humans as their own personal blood bags.

Your mother saw her daughter sobbed loudly while hugging her. Your father died after vampire killed him and stabbed into his heart.

They were in their small house. Many villagers died feom attacking.(M/N) stroke your (h/c) hair softly and shakily.

"(Y-Y/N)..d-don't c-cry....y-you m-must l-live.." She said until she coughed bleeding out from her mouth. You look at her with a tears down.

"M-Mom, what are you saying?!" You asked, look at her with a sad expression. Your mother smiled a little, wipe your tears off.

"(Y/N), I-I c-can't l-live anymore. S-Since I-I'm dying, don't g-give up on your life, s-sweetheart and don't fall for that vampire. T-That's m-my promise."

She said, eyes were almost closing. You nodded at your mother.

"Y-Yes, I-I promised mom." Your mother smiled as she kissed your forehead at last before she die.

"T-That's a g-good d-daughter." After she said the last words, her eyes were closed and heartbeat stopped as she died.

"M-Mom?" A 6-years-old child look up and saw your mother was now dead as you sobbed hardly, giving your mother the last hug.

"I-I w-will k-keep m-my promise, m-mom." You said, wiped the tears off.

Out of nowhere, an unknown voiced was nearby to this location where your parents got killed by the blood-sucker.

"Hello, is someone here?" You looked up at the direction and saw a man with a weapon that can kill vampire. You got scared as the man walk inside of the house.

He then saw a girl aged 6 was trembling in fear, his eyes were on two lifeless body. His eyes widened as he went closer to you. You back off.

"Hey, it's ok. I'm not gonna hurt you." He said in gentle tones as he kneeled down to get closer to you. You weren't scare of him anymore.

"You won't?" He nodded, stroking your (h/c) haired. You weren't sure if you can trust him or not.

"You can trust me. I'm here to help and I heard this village were attacked." Your eyes start watery again. He comforted you.

"M-My p-parents d-died. I-I d-don't k-know w-where c-can I l-live n-now." You mumbled in his chest while he embraced you.

"I'm sorry about your loss. Listen, from now on you'll live with me. Wanna be a hunter?" You stared at him with an eyes wide at his offer. You nodded.

💖 Shu Kurenai x Reader One-Shot 💖 (Book 2) Where stories live. Discover now