Hugo's Past

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Hugo was seen lying on his bed during one afternoon. He thought about all the crazy and unforgivable things he did to Belinda months ago and felt so much remorse.

Hugo: He thought to himself. I'm so sorry, Belinda...

6 months ago, I remember the time when I met her... Belinda Swann.

I became very interested the first time I laid my eyes on her.

I knew she was special and the part I was missing in my life. I fell more and more in love whenever I got a chance to look at her.

One time when class was over, Hugo stopped Belinda from walking to another class. He decided to play it cool in order to know more about her.

Hugo: With a cool expression. Hey what's up? I saw your drawing in our art class and it was very nice.

Belinda: Oh thanks for that. Who are you again?

Hugo: My name is Hugo...You're Belinda aren't you?

Hugo: Hope we can work together sometime.

Belinda: Umm sure why not? I don't have a problem with that.

Over a period of time, we started to get close.

We worked on a lot of art projects together and talked about our personal lives.

Then the day came when I finally brought myself to confess to her.

Hugo: When they were in class, he thought to himself. I will tell Belinda I like her. She can't reject me.

He walked out of class and interrupted Belinda who's waiting for her friend Cindy and the guys Derek and Steve.

Hugo: Hey Belinda, what's up? It's so good to see you again.

Belinda: Yeah, it's so good to see you too, Hugo.

Hugo: He held out a red rose in front of her. Please accept my rose, Belinda. I really like you...

Belinda: Hugo, I'm sorry but I can't accept it...I like someone else.

Hector: His expression changed immediately and said, Oh I didn't know this....

Belinda: Yeah, sorry. But I hope we can continue being good friends. She walked away.

My entire world was crushed when I heard the first few words of rejection coming out of her mouth.

I couldn't accept it and I was still unhealthily obsessed with her. I'd do anything to make her fall in love with me.

Hugo: He had a menacing grin on his face and thought to himself . I'll make you change your mind. You'll regret your decision later on...

During lunch, Belinda was sitting down with Derek, Cindy, and Steve at the cafeteria. She seemed disturbed by the way Hugo confessed to her and couldn't stop thinking about it.

Cindy: What's wrong Belinda? You seemed really stressed.

Belinda: Someone else confessed to me. I rejected him.

Derek: Who is it?

Belinda: His name is Hugo. You may or may not know him, Derek.

Derek: I don't. It's the first time I heard this name.

Derek: But for his own good he should find someone else, or it won't end well for him.

When students were being dismissed from school, Belinda was trying to catch up with her friends, but there were people everywhere and she couldn't find them easily. When no one was around, Hugo appeared behind her and covered Belinda's mouth with his hands and made her faint. He did this when no one was aware no teachers weren't around either. Belinda's best friend Cindy Vosenik was looking for her with Steve Lauder, but she was nowhere to be found.

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