Chapter 2: Unrequited Love

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After a while, someone knocked on the door and the butler of Hilton manor opened it. Stefan and his chauffeur Mr. Brown stood there waiting to get inside. They are here because Stefan was asked to tutor Christa for biology.

Christa's mom: Towards Stefan and his chauffeur. Welcome you two...Come inside!

They both got inside to talk in the living room and Mr. Brown spoke.

Mr. Brown: It's my pleasure to bring Stefan here, Madam. If you would excuse me, I must leave now.

Christa's little brother Ricky was in the distance in the hallway and he noticed their presence in the house.

Ricky: On the inside. What is Stefan doing here?

Stefan and Christa were going to sit in Christa's study room. Stefan seemed happy to tutor her, but Christa kind of wanted to move things faster because she wanted to get this tutoring situation over with and because she didn't feel very comfortable with Stefan either.

Stefan: So where should we start working on, Christa?

Christa: She tried to smile. I just need help with biology... I think we should start now since I don't want to waste your time, Stefan.

Stefan: You're not wasting my time, Christa. I like helping you...

They spent a few hours together until it was time for Stefan to leave.

Christa: Thanks for your help...I should bring my grade back to an A in bio.

Christa: But I wanna know...what do you think of me, Stefan? You act very differently around me.

Stefan: I'll be straightforward...I like you, Christa. Do you like me too?

Christa: She didn't know what to say back to him because deep down she harbored no feelings for him so she kept an uneasy expression on the outside.

Stefan: Saw that she looked uneasy and said. I don't want to pressure you if you don't know what to say...

Stefan: I'll wait for your answer as long as you need time... He got up and walked away.

When Stefan left, Christa was sitting alone in her study room contemplating on whether she should get together with Stefan just for the sake of pleasing her parents or reject him.

Christa: On the inside. I don't know what to do...should I date him to please my parents?

Christa's mom: She entered the room. Are you alright, darling? I heard Stefan confessed to you...

Christa's mom: Why didn't you say you liked him back?

Christa: I don't know, mom. Isn't it too early for him to confess? I don't know what he sees in me...

Christa's mom: He sees a beautiful angel who's suitable for him compared to other girls.

Christa's mom: If there's anyone who deserves him, it's you Christa.

Christa: She tried to change the topic. I should go out and buy groceries for us, mom...

Christa's mom: Oh, I forgot. It's our maid's job, but you can do it if you want.

When Christa was at the grocery's store, she already had a few items in her cart. She still needed to buy cheese and bread until she almost fell down on the ground and slipped herself. Out of nowhere, Hugo was there and he caught her from falling down.

Hugo: You should be careful...The floor is quite slippery...

Christa: I'm sorry I'm clumsy...But wait, are you the new guy in my biology class?

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