Chapter 6: Former Love Interest

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When everyone found Stefan, he was still in the bathroom and he was complaining to a maid about Mr. Chilton. He still could barely open his eyes and the maid tried to help him dry himself. Stefan was really mad and spoke in an angry tone.

Stefan: This has never happened to me before! I'm so annoyed with Mr. Chilton!

Stefan: He ignored me no matter how many times I called him!

Lisa: I'm so sorry to hear that, young master. Continued to help him dry.

Stefan: I swear if I lose my vision, it would be his fault!

Stefan: Who does he think he is to ignore an aristocrat like me?!

Lisa: I need to call him over...I'll make him apologize to you, young master. She walked away.

The guys got inside the bathroom.

Kade: Hey, Stefan are you alright? We were wondering where you went...

Roger: Are you feeling better now?

Stefan: I can now open my eyes, but it still hurts...It's all that rascal's fault!

Stefan: I will punish him severely when he comes over!

Kade: Why don't you fire him? He shouldn't work here anymore...

Stefan: You have a good point...Kade. I should fire him!

Kade: He was probably the one pouring shampoo on your head as a way to make you suffer.

Roger: A few people heard...Including some of your cousins, Stefan.

Roger: But Christa was getting concerned about you...

Stefan: With a shocked expression. My life is destroyed now, is it? My cousins will tell everyone about my horrible disaster!

Stefan: I need to get dressed now...Christa is probably looking for me!

When Hugo and Ricky escaped from the party, they met up with Braxton and Timothy at Starbucks to talk about the party incident at Stefan's house.

Hugo: We have something funny to show you...

Braxton and Timothy both bursted into laughter when they saw the video of Stefan screaming with shampoo falling down his hair while showering.

Timothy: Ok, guys...That was hilarious hahaha!

Hugo: Even one of his friends Kade thought it was the worker and not us.

Braxton: Wait, is he Dorothy's awful boyfriend?

Hugo: Yeah...I feel bad for her.

Braxton: I wasn't kidding when I said Stefan doesn't give me a good impression.

Ricky: And I don't want to hear his "elegant" words anymore.

Ricky: He may be handsome in many foolish girls' eyes, but he has the heart of a monster.

During the evening, it was time for Hugo to secretly spend time with Christa once again. He crawled inside her room through the window and they kissed.

Hugo: I missed you so much, Christa...

Christa: I missed you too, Hector...

Hugo: Gotta admit Stefan's home is much more beautiful compared to mine...I want that to be the house of our dreams.

Christa: More importantly, you're the man of my dreams instead of him.

Christa: I'm tired of pretending, but my parents won't listen to me...

Hugo: They'll have to accept the truth one day...I can also buy you a better ring than him.

Christa: So sweet of you...I don't want that man to be my knight...

Next morning, Hugo was buying groceries in the supermarket until he spotted someone familiar. It was a girl with long black hair tied in ponytails and wearing red-rimmed glasses. She wore a plain outfit and she also noticed him. Her name was Belinda Swann. She was the girl he was formerly obsessed with and the reason why he was in jail before.

Belinda: On the inside. Was that Hugo or are my eyes blurry? Can't be...he must still be in jail...

Hugo: He thought to himself while looking at her. It's Belinda...I have to make up for what I did to her.

Belinda: She walked away and pretended she didn't see him.

Hugo: He walked after her and grabbed her gently by the arm. Please don't be afraid of me, Belinda...I've changed.

Hugo: Give me one chance to explain. I'm begging you.

Belinda: Why should I listen to you? You traumatized me a lot, Hugo.

Hugo: Please listen...If my explanation doesn't convince you, you can call the cops on me and I wouldn't resist going to prison.

Belinda: She looked at him skeptically, but decided to give him a chance to explain because it was better than not explaining the things he did to her.

That's exactly what Hugo did. He told her about what was going through his head and why he kidnapped and raped her months ago. He finally ended his explanation with an apology.

Hugo: This might mean nothing, but I am TRULY and EXTREMELY sorry for what I put you through, Belinda.

Belinda: You're in a secret affair with a girl...why?

Hugo: Because of her parents...They forced her to be with an aristocrat who's charming on the outside but evil on the inside.

Belinda: Maybe you have really changed...But it's really hard to forget what you've done to me.

Belinda: I should go...I don't wanna be seen by my boyfriend with you because he would go berserk.

In the distance, Kade was watching them speak.

When Belinda got out of the supermarket, her phone rang. Her boyfriend Derek Robinson was calling her. He was going to inform her about Hugo being out of jail.

Derek: Hey babe...I got out of the police station and I learned that Hugo got out of jail.

Belinda: I already knew that...I ran into him at the supermarket....

Derek: I'm still furious about what he did and I can't forgive him...

Belinda: I didn't entirely forgive him, but he seemed to have changed after being in jail.

Derek: I don't know if I'll ever be friends with him.

Derek: But I plan on going to his house to have a talk with him.

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