Chapter 8: Murderers Revealed

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When Hugo learned about the news, he wasn't happy at all either. He reacted the same way Ricky did.

Christa: I don't feel love towards the child, but I still need to raise it...

Hugo: Christa, you don't have to carry this weight. I don't want to raise the child of that creep.

Christa: But I can't just get rid of the child like that.

Hugo: Please Christa, I am begging you. Don't do this to yourself anymore.

Christa: I just wish the child I'm carrying is OUR child.

Hugo: I swear I will shoot that bastard to death and I don't care if I get back to jail!

Christa: I love you, Hugo but please respect whatever decision I make.

Christa: Maybe over time I will grow to love the child. It'll take years, but I don't care.

Hugo: Well, I'm always going to be here for you no matter what, sweetheart.

It was the last straw for Hugo and he finally decided he should confront Stefan about his actions. On the weekends, he decided to go to Stefan's house with his friends. They plan to act nice first, but then reveal their thoughts. While they were inside the house, Hugo put on a fake smile like always while Stefan was standing in the middle between Kade and Roger.

Hugo: Hey bro, what's up? Sorry about the shampoo disaster that happened to you last time.

Stefan: Well, my parents decided to fire Mr. Chilton for neglecting his simple responsibilities.

Hugo: I hope you and Christa are doing well too.

Stefan: Put on an innocent act. Something unexpected happened...I got her pregnant and I don't know how that happened.

Stefan: We made sure to use protection...

Hugo: He got really pissed. Stop faking that act! You ruined Christa's life and you will pay for the consequences.

Ricky: And why the hell do you think I wanna be a part of your bloody family?!

Ricky: You don't fool me with your supposed charmed demeanor and manners!

Stefan: Hugo. Ricky. What has gotten into both of you? Why do you think I'm at fault in this situation?

Kade: Yeah, stop making false accusations of Stefan!

Roger: How could you pretend to be nice to him all this time?

Hugo: I'm aware of your sinister, malicious secret, Stefan! I know that you murdered Jessica!

Braxton: Yeah, don't think you can get away with this!

Stefan: He laughed evilly and finally revealed his true nature. Then he clapped his hands out loud.

Stefan: Well done, Hugo and Ricky! I must say you both are very good detectives.

Stefan: Yes, I did murder that useless girl Jessica...She didn't want to leave with me.

Stefan: So, I had to kill her...I can do the same to Christa when I get bored of her too hahaha.

Hugo: You're so disgusting! It wasn't Mr. Chilton that did the shampoo prank on you!

Hugo: It was me and Ricky!

Hugo: Also me and your girl see each other very often behind your back!

Stefan: You made a grave mistake for falling in love with the same girl as me, Hugo!

Stefan: Now prepare to die! He took out a long, white sword and started to brandish it in front of Hugo.

Hugo: Took out his gun and said. Such an old fashioned way to fight...

Stefan: Turned to Ricky and said. And you, Ricky...Prepare to join Hugo in hell. I didn't like you either in the first place!

Ricky: Don't act so clever when you're the one who fucked up my sister!

Braxton: Not gonna stay quiet anymore! You're so creepy and cunning!

Hugo: Finally, Stefan! No more games of hide and seek! He shot him a bit in the abdomen.

Stefan fell to the ground and his friends immediately rushed to his aid. The shooting noise woke Stefan's parents up and they went downstairs to see what happened.

Stefan's mom: What in God's name is going on here?!

Stefan's dad: Who started this fight?!

Stefan: He spat out blood and said. Kade, Roger...Kill them now! I don't need them anymore!

Kade and Roger charged towards Stefan's parents and stabbed them to death. Blood spattered everywhere and they were dead within minutes.

Stefan laughed like a maniac as he continued to bleed. When he regained his consciousness, he got up and tried to fight Hugo with his sword again. At the same time, Hugo's friends fought with Kade and Roger while Stefan proceeded to point and yank his sword at Hugo.

Hugo: Such a dumb way of defending yourself. Not surprised you don't own a gun!

Stefan: Say what you want because this is how aristocrats fight!

Stefan: Once I slash you, it's over!

Hugo: He used his strength to headbutt Stefan. Guns work better than swords, idiot!

Stefan: My aristocratic head!

Stefan: You bastard! I'll show you! Ran towards Hugo, but barely slashed him on the arm.

Ricky: Slowly got behind Stefan and tried to stab his ass with a fork. TAKE THAT, YOU CREEP!

Stefan: OWW!!! My aristocratic ass!

Hugo quickly ran upstairs to hide from Stefan. He was safe for a few minutes until Stefan found out where he was hiding.

Stefan: Found you! Time to die, fake hero!

Hugo: With the last bit of his strength, he shot Stefan in the thighs and smacked him in the face.

Before everyone knew it, someone from outside was banging on the front door and sounds of siren could be heard. It was the police. Apparently, Dorothy secretly called the police while hiding in the bushes near the Collins' mansion and escaped right after she had done so.

Police: Stefan Collins! Come out and show yourself!

Police: Also searching for Kade Babcock and Roger Sutherland!

Police: Both guilty of second-degree murder and being accomplices of Stefan! 

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