𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑡𝑤𝑜

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Surrounding Shadows

The harsh cold winds striked against Marissa's skin as she walked slowly into the crumbling cave. She had checked to make sure that Inej couldn't follow her through the dark and misty shadows.

    She stepped foot into the cave, then she moved her one hand to enclose the area with shadow. No sane person dared to try to find a woman who they believed was insane, or one who could cut their body in half with the wave of one hand.

    Marissa stood, staring into the abyss of the wall, praying she wouldn't have to have a vision of her brother. It hadn't happened in decades, and she'd like it to remain longer. But she knew what she wanted would be overrun with the truth.

    There was a Sun Summoner, she knew it was entirely possible the entire time. There were Shadow Summoners, why couldn't people believe a Sun Summoner was possible. With the new information and confirmation, Marissa knew she'd have to face her brother sooner or later.

    What didn't help was the unnerving desire to go with the Crows to find the Sun Summoner, or as they had even more recently learnt: Alina Starkov. It was a shame that her brother would try to use her for his own will and plans.

    It was useless to assume he hadn't already met her. If they were just hearing about one now, he would already be in her presence. That alone brought uncomforting feelings. He was manipulative, he'd find a way to manipulate Alina's heart, motives and morals.

    Marissa looked into each and every detail, piecing together variations of how it could all end. She could not go, but then she'd be questioned by Kaz, and while it was amusing watching others be interrogated by him, she did not feel like having to sit endlessly while being asked pointless questions. She could just help the Crows bring Alina back to Ketterdam, and get the reward, but then she'd have to stall her brother. There was of course the plan to just murder Alina, but then she'd be admitting her relations, and in the process, destroying the only hope in defeating her brother and taking down The Fold. And the more difficult slope: going with the Crows to find her, hiding her from the Crows, avoiding her brother, and bringing Alina to safety someplace far away.

    None of them were perfect or ideal, but she couldn't just let her brother hurt the girl.

    The pounding in her head was sharp and cold. When she looked up, she saw his back. It was masked with a long, black coat. His hair had been cut shorter, he couldn't see her.

    Marissa kept quiet, not wanting to have a conversation with a hallucination of her brother at the moment.

    Only a fool hopes. Marissa was not a fool. Just as he started turning around to face her, he disappeared.

    It was for the best. Both had their minds set on something, neither needed a distraction from their goals, from their plans, from their motives.

    Marissa reached into the old torn up, black bag, and took her blade out. Tucking it in on the inside of her long jacket, she let out a deep breath. This was what the world had destined for them all. A never ending war and rage.

    She found herself walking outside of the cave, covering up any hint of grey, putting out a few candles, then she looked back at it. This was what she called a home. Pitiful. One thing herself and her mother would agree on, it was a pitiful excuse of a home, but it was protection.

Marissa has killing her brother rights

Her >>>

Okay, bye!

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