Chapter 21 ~ Seeing His Face Again

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Chapter 21 ~ Seeing His Face Again

Jada’s POV

“Babe wake up,” I heard someone whisper, shaking my shoulder lightly.

“Leave me alone,” I mumbled, pressing my pillow closer into my face.

“Jada you have to get up,” the voice sang again, shaking me rougher this time.

“Just let me sleep one more minute,” I grumbled, swatting my hand at whoever was wrecking my slumber.

“If I let you sleep a minute longer, we’ll be late for the court case today,” the voice sounded again.

I shot my head up quickly and look around me, spotting Shane by my bed side. “I knew that would get you up,” he smirked.

“What time is it?”

“Seven in the morning! Now get up before we’re late.” He announced, throwing my blanket off my body.

“But we have an hour and a half till the case,: I whined.

“Yea but knowing you, we’ll be late!”

“Fine,” I huffed, rolling my body to the edge of my bed and sitting up. I lifted my one thigh up and placed it in a comfortable position and did the same to the other since they couldn’t do it on their own. I reached for my wheelchair, but Shane grabbed my hand stopping me.

“Let me get you ready?” he asked, bringing my clothes over onto the bed.

“What do you mean?”

“Let me dress you?’ he questioned again, looking at me hopefully.


“We will get ready faster,” he tried.

“Okay,” I answered, a small smile on my lips.

A wide grin grew on his face as he came closer to me, so he stood in front. Carefully taking the hem of my shirt, he lifted it off of my head so I was naked from the waist up. I went to cover myself up --since I was insecure about myself--but Shane stopped me and kissed my lips softly.

Grabbing my bra off of the bed, he carefully wrapped it around me and leaned in to hook it in the back. My breath caught in my throat at how close we were. All I could stare at was his lips, that were so close to mine.

When he was finished with my bra he gently laid my back down on the bed and brought my legs up onto the bed. He quickly removed my underwear and slipped on a new pair, making sure his eyes stayed locked with mine the whole time. I couldn’t help but smile from the loving gleam shining in his eyes. Helping me get dressed was a small gesture but yet it meant the world to me.

Tearing his eyes away from mine, he carefully picked up my black ruffled skirt and brought it over to the bed, using both hands he slipped it on and slid it up my body till it reached my hips. Grabbing my black tights he slipped them onto my legs and helped me sit up once I was half dressed.

He reached over and grabbed my grey, dressy sweater from off the table and pulled it over my outstretched arms, covering my upper body.

“Thank you,” I whispered.

“I’m not done yet,” he smiled, grabbing something from his pocket. Climbing onto my bed he came behind me and pulled my hair to the side. I was curious to what he was doing, until I saw the silver heart shaped necklace come in view.

He wrapped it around my neck and hooked it together, letting it fall against my skin. I bite my lip smiling downwards at the shining necklace on my skin. I couldn’t believe he had gotten me such a precious gift for no reason.

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