Chapter 5 ~ My Plans Initiated

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Chapter 5 ~ My Plans Initiated

Jada’s POV

Within seconds after he had finished issuing his command, seven of his men left the room in a line. We waited in the cage, horrified at what was going to happen next. About three minutes later the seven men returned, but this time, each of them were carrying a wooden chair. Each man set his chair down a few feet from the other so that they were all perfectly aligned. They then proceeded to go right back to their original positions in line.

Cooper then picked seven of his men, some were the ones that had carried the chairs in, and they went straight to the chairs and sat down. Cooper looked pleased with his men and how fast this had been done. "Alright now get the girls," Cooper commanded to his men. I watched as seven of his men that were standing up made their way over to our cage. The big guy who I had had a stare down with earlier pulled a key out of his pant pocket and slid it into the lock on the cage, wiggling it around until it clicked open. He stepped aside while another guy pulled the lock from the cage and opened it wide.

I watched each man grab one of the girls from off the ground. Amelia was the first to be grabbed but I didn't know who it was that had grabbed her. Chloe was next and then the rest; it happened so fast that they stood no chance of getting out. It was just me now, stuck in the middle of the cage, and the man who is supposed to get me was none other than the one who had pulled me off of the other two men earlier. He was staring at me with the same look of curiosity from before, waiting to see what I would do. We walked in circles, keeping a distance between each other like what people do when they wrestle. He would cut me off each time I tried running through the open cage. By now he had me in the corner with nowhere to go, so I slowly walked towards him with my shoulders slumped and ready to give up. He raised an eyebrow as if he was surprised I just gave up like that. He should be surprised because when I was a step away from him I swung my right hand into his face and kneed him in the gut. He stumbled back a few steps and that’s when I bolted out of the cage about to be free.

Before I could get three steps out I was grabbed by the waist and was unable to move. I tried wriggling out of his grasp but it was no use; I was trapped. He brought me over to where Cooper was standing; who looked quite amused at the little scene that had just occurred.  Cooper stepped forwards so that our faces were inches apart. As he did this I swung my head forward hoping it would connect with his. He jumped backwards just in time to dodge my attack. I was flinging my body all over the place trying to break free, but unfortunately, I was stuck. I eventually got tired and calmed down, allowing the big man to hold me still. Cooper stepped forwards again now that I had calmed down and grabbed my chin in his hands. I tried moving my face away but he was too strong; all these guys were so damn strong!

“I like ‘em feisty,” Cooper purred into my ear. His breath hovered over my neck, sending shivers down my spine. I moved my head out of his grasp and then tried to wiggle out of the guy behind me’s; it was no use, I wasn’t going to get anywhere anytime soon. We were stood by the last chair in the row. I looked down and saw the guy sitting down in the chair smirking up at me. His smirk pissed me off so much that I spat at him causing him to squeal like a girl. He quickly shot up from the chair and had my hair in his hands pulling my face to his.

“Sit down,” growled the guy holding me directing his command to the guy in front of me. He did as he was told and sat down, sending me glares like a two year old would. I chuckled to myself when I saw my spit still in his hair. I was about to make a snide remark but was interrupted when Cooper started to speak.

“Now that the girls are out you can listen to your instructions.” He paused for a second and directed his stare at me. “The first challenge will be for the girls! The challenge is to see which one of them can give the best lap dance to one of my boys. The winner will get a surprise that will be announced at the end and I am afraid to say the loser will not get dinner tonight or breakfast tomorrow. To judge the winner will be my boys in the cage over there!” 

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