Chapter 18 ~ The Horrible News

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Chapter 18 ~ The Horrible News

Shane’s POV

Tucking my hand under my head, I shifted in bed trying to get comfortable. My body had become so stiff from lying on the hospital bed for the past two weeks and not getting any sleep. The only thing I did all day was stare at her broken body and think of what I would do when she wakes up.

Every day that her eyes stayed closed my hope that they would open decreased. The doctor had said that she would awake a couple days after her surgery, but she never did.

I gave up on doing anything other than lay by her bedside and watch her. I was supposed to go back to school two weeks ago, but as long as she laid in this bed I wasn’t going to leave. The only time I ever left was to go to the bathroom and get food.

It would be hard but I would never leave her side. I would do anything for her.

I moved my body so it rested up against the wall, while I still sat on my makeshift bed. I had asked the doctor if I could have a hospital bed but they needed them, so instead I made one out of blankets and pillows.

I slipped my hand into hers hoping for a reaction from her, but as always nothing happened. I looked over her body, the once tanned, smooth skin turned to pale, cold and lifeless. Her strong, toned body so weak and brittle; her skin clinging to her bones, like there is nothing in between. It broke my heart to see her in this state.

My eyes drifted to the door as it opened and revealed Jada’s parents. A kind smile was on her face, but it never seemed to reach her eyes. I knew she was dying inside. We all were.

She handed me a glass of coffee as she kept the other one in her hand. I gratefully smiled at her, grabbing it out of her hand. They both took a seat in the chairs across from me, putting their hands on top of Jada’s other hand.

“So is there anything new with Jada?” Mrs. Corine asked.

“No, the doctor says the same thing every time. She just needs time and He sure she’ll wake up.” I answered, choking back my tears.

“Don’t worry sweetheart,” she cooed. “She’ll wake up; like the doctor said, she just needs time.”

“I know.”

All of our eyes shot to the door as it creaked opened, and the doctor walked in. “Good evening everyone, how are we?” he questioned kindly, like nothing was wrong.

“We’re fine,” Mrs. Corine answered.

“That’s good to hear,” the doctor smiled, shutting the door behind him. He walked up to the bed checking over Jada’s body before walking over to the large monitor. “It seems that there is no change with her today; I will be back to check on her around midnight. Just remember the best thing we can do is wait and pray for her recovery.”

I looked down and rolled my eyes making sure he didn’t see me. I hated when he told us the same thing over and over again. He was basically telling us he had no clue how to wake her up.

“Thank you doctor,” Mr. Corine called, before the doctor left the room.

“So have you thought about going back to school,” Mrs. Corine enquired, smiling sadly at me.

“You know I won’t start without Jada there.”

“I know, but we don’t want your grades to suffer and you have to re-do your last grade of high school,” she responded, trying to calm me down.

“It’s my fault that Jada’s in this state.”

“It is no way your fault, it’s no one’s fault except for that horrible man.”

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