Chapter 15 ~ Saving Her

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Chapter 15 ~ Saving Her

Shane’s POV

It was as if time had stopped everywhere, but slowed down just for us. My whole body went numb and my brain shut off. It felt like my heart was ripped out of my chest as I watched her body slowly collapse to the ground. The guns she was holding sprawled out on the ground going in different directions.

My mind muffled the ear piercing screams, coming from all around me. My eyes stayed glued to her body as it lied limp on the ground.

I was snapped out of my daze, as the screams continued.

“Jada!” I screamed, running to her.

I fell on my knees beside her body, grabbing her and cradling her body to mine. After holding in my tears since we got here I couldn’t stop it when they began to rush down my cheeks.

“Jada are okay?” I asked, staring down at her pale face. Her eyes were wide open along with her mouth too. She tried to answer me but instead began to roughly cough up blood. “Do-…” I stopped talking, shut my eyes tight, and covered her body with mine once I heard the unforgettable sound of a gun going off.

It went off three times before the room fell silent again.

After a few seconds my eyes opened slowly and I turned my head to look behind me. The most shocked and terrified look was etched on Landon's face as he pointed one of Jada's guns at the dead body of the guy who shot her. He lowered the gun carefully before throwing it on the ground as far as he could from us and then collapsed onto the ground.

I looked back to Jada when I heard her breathing beginning to become raspy and limited. I had to think fast if we were going to get out of here and save her.

“This might hurt, but you’re going to have to hang in,” I told Jada. She faintly nodded, having trouble just to keep her eyes open.

I carefully rolled her body onto her side, so I could look at her wound. It was a small hole, yet there was so much --and more to come-- blood surrounding us. I pressed my hand on the hole tightly, causing a small whimper to slip from Jada’s parted lips. My heart clenched in my chest knowing that she was in so much pain.

Even with my hands pressed onto her wound, the blood was still leaking out. “Someone get me that guy’s shirt,” I instructed.  Bryce was the first to stop staring and run over to the guy’s dead body.

“How am I supposed to take it off?” he asked, wide eyed and uncertainty clear in his voice.

“Just rip it apart or something! Hurry though, we have no time to waist,” I yelled, getting slightly irritated. He didn’t snap back at me, instead quickly ripped the guy’s shirt apart so he had the front of it in his hands. Easily tossing it to me, I reached out and grabbed it pressing it against Jada’s wound.

“Okay, I know you want to help but we have to get out of here before all of his men come out to find us,” Bryce suggested, stepping closer to me.

“Your right,” I mumbled, my eyes moving around the room and my mind racing with ideas. “Can anyone drive?” I asked towards the others. They all shook their heads making my plan begin to demolish.

“I have my learners,” Audrey spoke lightly.

“You’re the oldest of us, you should be able to drive.”

“I’ve been busy with other things,” she snapped back at me.

“Well right now you’re going to have to drive us home,” I demanded, my voice coming out harsher than I had intended.

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