Chapter 6 ~ New Information

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Chapter 6 ~New Information

Jada’s POV

The hallway felt like it would never end. Once we had exited the large room we started down a hallway where everything fell silent, except for the sound of Carl's footsteps echoing through the hall. The hallway was like a maze, every turn we made, the hallway kept going. The floor was all cement, and the walls had turned a light grey at the start of the hallway. There were no windows, only metal doors, six feet apart from each other on both sides of the walls that lead to rooms.

About five minutes later we reached a large metal door with a medium sized letter C engraved on it. Carl removed his right arm from under my legs and balanced my body on his knee. With his right arm free, he slipped a key from his pocket and inserted it into the lock on the door. He jiggled it around and it clicked open, revealing a room. He put his arm back under my legs and walked us into the room.

There was a large bed in the corner of the room with a desk beside it.  In the middle of the room was a table with a cloth draped over it. Opposite from the bed sat a mini fridge, oven, microwave, and cabinets. The walls of the rooms were grey like the hallway and the floor was cement as well. This room looked so depressing for whoever had to live here.

Carl brought me over to the table in the middle of the room and swiped the cloth from it. He gently set me down so my back was pressed down. He swiftly moved around this room like he had been here more than once. At that moment I knew that this is where he lived. I knew he had been in this business for a long time. "You've been here a long time huh?" I questioned, even though I didn't need him to give me an answer for me to know it was the truth

He came back over to me with a blanket and two towels. The blanket was placed under my legs and then he moved me up so I sat on the edge of the table and my legs hung off. I watched him walk over to the cabinets and take out a first aid kit, a glass, and paper towel. He filled the glass full of water from the sink and brought all the stuff back over to me. He pressed the wet cloth onto my leg where I had been shot. I winced from the water’s coolness and the stinging reaction it had with my leg. Carl must have seen my pain and eased up on the pressure. The bleeding had stopped now but there was tons of dried blood all over my leg.

He grabbed a towel, dipped it into the water, and started scrubbing my leg. The way he cleaned my leg was so interesting. I thought he would purposely try to hurt me but he took great care and patience. A minute later all the blood was gone and my skin was its original color again. He then started to put a liquid gel over the bullet hole. Once that was done he grabbed a role of gauze from the first aid kit and began wrapping it around my wound.

I was so confused to why he was being so kind to me that I had to ask. "Why are you being so nice to me?"

He looked up slightly to meet my eyes. Surprisingly he let out a low chuckle and stopped what he was doing. "Well I guess its cause I am rooting for you."

At that moment I was speechless; lost for words. How dare he say he was rooting for me when he helped kidnap us all!

“HA! Rooting for me, yeah right! You can’t be rooting for me if you kidnapped me!!” I exclaimed.

“You think I asked to be involved in this. Well you are more stupid than I thought,” he snapped back, sounding very irritated.

"Don't you dare call me stupid!" I hissed back at him. I started to slide off the table so I could leave this room. I didn't care if he was helping me, I wasn't about to listen to someone who called me stupid. I had my good leg already down on the ground and was about to jump off when Carl pushed me backwards onto the table.

"Sit back down I didn't mean what I said," Carl growled at me. I sat back on the table too scared and exhausted to fight with him. "You’re so damn stubborn," he muttered under his breath thinking I didn't hear him.

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