In The Stars

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Ship: Minho x Reader

Genre: Angst

Mafia AU

Warnings: Gunshot, and Death

Request: No

Please forgive me as this is my first time doing a One shot book

This is a song fic, based off the song "In The Stars" by Benson Boone

Description: You and Stray kids are on a Mission, while Chan and Minho have the task of finding what they are looking for, but Minho gets caught...

I'm screaming at a God, I don't know if I believe in

Cause I don't know what else I can do?

~15 minutes earlier~

"Chan, I found it!" Minho yells from the other side of the room

"Good Job, now let's get out of here" Chan says as he gets to the door, but Minho stops him

"Wait, before we leave I need to tell you something, I've been having this bad feeling all day, I know something is going to happen to me, so I want to tell you now, before it's too late... " Minho says as he looks Chan in the Eye

"Please... Keep him safe.... Don't let him go back to how he was before"

I'm still holding on to everything that's dead and gone


"Minho!" You yell out as Jisung is pulling you away from the Scene that's unfolding in front of you

Minho and Chan were being Chased by the Enemy Mafia Clan, and gunshots were going off left and right, but it was nothing compared to that fact that they had Minho

"Now, Now... Any last words...?"

"Yes, can I please say something to Y/N?" Minho asks with Tears in his Eyes

"Hurry Up"

"Y/N.." Minho says as he lets his tears fall, "I'm sorry that I won't be here to protect you, but just remember that I will always watch over you, I love you... "

"Times Up"

I don't wanna say goodbye cause this one means forever

And Just as That was said, we all knew it

As the final Bang went off, and his body collapsed lifelessly onto the ground

-2 weeks later-

Now you're in the stars and 6ft never felt so far

"It's been two weeks without you here" you say as you look down at Minho's Grave, "It's really Lonely without you."

You place the Bouquet of flowers down by his grave, as you gently kiss the wet gravestone

Here I am alone between The Heavens, and The Embers


You knew that voice, and as you turned around you saw Chan standing there with an Umbrella, it was raining pretty bad, but you didn't care

"Hey Chan.." You reply as you look back down at your feet

Oh, it hurts so hard, for A Million different reasons

"I know you're upset, but Minho wouldn't be happy if he saw you like this, he would want you to stay happy" Chan says as he pulls you into his embrace

"How would you know..?" You say as you look up at him teary eyed

"He asked me to protect you, he knew something bad was going to happen, so he asked me to keep you happy, and protect you, and I will do that." Chan said as he let's you go from the hug you guys were in

You took the best of my heart, and left the rest in pieces

"Thank you Chan... " you reply as you guys start to walk home....

(Hello, I hope you guys enjoyed this story, and please tell me if I should do a part 2 for this?)

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