Hold On

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This is Part 3 to the "In The Stars" Chapter

Ship: Chan x Reader

Genre:Fluff, Angst

Request: No

Mafia AU

Warnings: Attempted Rape (There is a warning before the part)

I hope you enjoy, This Chapter is Based off the song "Hold On" by Chord Overstreet

It's been A year since Minho Passed, and you went to visit Minho, but someone comes up behind you, and traps you, and when you think nobody will be able to help someone steps in and saves you

Loving and fighting, accusing, denying
I can't imagine a world with you gone

“Chan, I’m going to go see Minho, I’ll be back soon” You head to the living room where Chan is sitting on the Couch with Changbin

“Ok, Just stay safe, and be back before 9 PM” Chan says as he holds his arms out for a hug
“I will, I love you” You give him a hug and kiss as you head out and to Minho’s Grave

The joy and the chaos, the demons we're made of I'd be so lost if you left me alone

-After Arriving at Minho’s Grave-

“Hey Bud, It’s been a Full Year…. I still can’t get over the fact that you're gone… but I made a promise to myself that I’ll protect the others, no matter what, cause that’s what you would have done…” You sit on the ground as you talk to Minho, but before you can say anything else someone grabs you

“Hey, Who the hell are you, and get off of me!” You struggle a bit as they throw you down onto the ground and pin you down

You locked yourself in the bathroom
Lying on the floor when I break through

(Warning: Attempted Rape beyond this part, if your uncomfortable with this please skip)

“What the hell are you doing?” You start to get a bit anxious over the fact that they have you pinned to the ground

“You talk too much…” They said as they pull off their mask and forces you into a kiss and starts to take your shirt off

“Please stop…” You manage to get out between shaky breaths, your anxiety has flared up and is causing you to have a panic attack

“Will You Just Shut Up!” They smack you as they take off your pants but before they could do anything else someone rushes over and knocks the person off of you embracing you in their arms while rubbing circles on your back

(That is the end of the Attempted Rape, I won’t go any further with it because it brings back too many unwanted memories)

I pull you in to feel your heartbeat
Can you hear me screaming? Please don't leave me

“Who the hell are you” The Person stands up off the ground but before he can move any closer ??? stands up

“I just happened to be passing by when I saw you trying to Rape Them, so I chose to step in and stop you from hurting him, Now if you want to not get the cops involved I suggest you leave now before I change my mind…” The person quickly leaves as ??? turns back to you, “Now are you alright?”

“I-I’m Okay…” You manage to get out before you start to stand up slowly. You Allowed ??? to help you stand up, getting your shirt back on

Hold on, I still want you

-After getting your clothes back on and calming down (Also the person who saved you is going to be from another K-Pop Group)-

“Do you need somebody to walk with you, just so that you're safe?” ??? Asks as he picks up his stuff

“I-I should be alright..” You Respond as you turn around, “Oh… My name is Y/N”
“Nice to meet you Y/N, My Name is Namjoon”

“It's Nice to meet you Namjoon” You say as you check the time seeing that it is 9:10 PM, “I have to go, It was very nice to meet you, and thank you for helping me”

“No Problem, Get home safe” Namjoon says as you start heading home

Come back, I still need you
Let me take your hand, I'll make it right

-After you arrive to the house-

“I’m Back Chan” You Say as you head to the living room, Chan looks up from the floor with teary eyes, and immediately stands up, running over and hugging you tightly causing you to get worried, “Are you Okay?”

“I’m alright, I was just really worried about you since you were late but are you ok?” Chan asks as he looks at you, You know that if you tell him what happened he would get even more worried and you didn't want him to be so worried about you to the point that he hurts himself, so you lied

“Chan, I’m Alright” You smile hoping he doesn’t notice that your lying, and he kisses your Forehead lovingly

“Alright, Well, are you hungry?” As if on cue your stomach growls, “Ok, that is a yes, what would you like to eat?”

“Can you make Y/F/F please” (Your Favorite Food) You ask as he lets you go from the hug

“Sure, you can go sit down by Changbin if you’d like” You nod and head over to the couch sitting down by Changbin while Chan heads to the kitchen and starts making Y/F/F

I swear to love you all my life
Hold on, I still need you...


This is Part 3 of "In the Stars", I hope you enjoy, and I will make "My Little Sunshine~" it's own book along with this one, Saranghae Everyone!!

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