The Yandere Stalker

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Ship- I.N x Reader

Genre- Horror and Angst

Request- No

Idol AU

Description- I.N is walking through the streets of South Korea when he suddenly bumps into you, and as he slowly gets to know you he realizes that you know a lot more about him than he knows about himself, But what happens when he finds out that you're a Yandere?
I.N was used to the bustling streets of South Korea. Being a part of the popular K-pop group Stray Kids, he was constantly recognized and greeted by fans. It was a normal occurrence for him to be stopped for pictures and autographs. But there was one particular fan that always caught his attention.

Y/N, a half Korean, half Australian stalker, had been following I.N's every move for months. They had soft blonde hair and a pale complexion, making them stand out in the crowds of people. And every time I.N saw them, they would smile at him with their soft brown eyes.

At first, I.N didn't think much of it. He was used to fans showing their love and support in different ways. But as time went on, he started to notice that Y/N always seemed to be wherever he was, whether it was at the studio, his favorite coffee shop, or even outside his apartment.

One day, as I.N was walking down the busy street, he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around to see Y/N standing there, smiling at him. But this time, something felt off. Y/N's smile seemed more intense, almost unnerving. I.N couldn't help but feel a sense of unease.

As days went by, I.N couldn't shake off the feeling that Y/N knew more about him than he knew about himself. They would always ask him about small details of his life, like his favorite color or food. It was almost as if they were studying him.

Finally, I.N decided to confront Y/N about their behavior. But when he did, Y/N's smile disappeared and their face contorted into a menacing expression. They confessed to being a yandere and their love for I.N being an obsession. I.N's heart dropped as he realized the extent of Y/N's feelings for him.

But what was more terrifying was that Y/N had been hiding in plain sight, watching his every move and collecting information on him. I.N couldn't believe that he had been so unaware of the danger that had been following him.

From that day on, I.N was always on edge, knowing that Y/N was still out there, watching him. He couldn't help but regret the day he bumped into his stalker on the busy streets of South Korea. It was a lesson learned too late, as he realized that fame also came with its own risks and dangers. The streets that once seemed familiar and comforting now held a darker, more sinister meaning for him.

I hope you enjoy this story, and please comment or vote if you do like my stories, I love y'all!

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